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Pakistan Defence Budget 5 Billion vs 50 Billion USD

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Don't need get all violent mate, the thing is politics in Pakistan has been hostage to feudal lords who are highly unaccountable. Agreed Pakistan needs better administrators and for that the patriotic youth of Pakistan should lead the way.
As John F Kennedy once said don't ask what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.

@The SC:
Dear sir you are mistaken if you think a country can be great if it is rich natural resource.
The greatest asset to a country is its human resource Gold or Oil will end some day but if you have good human resource you can move the mountains.
Look at Japan, they hardly have anything when it comes to natural resource but they where 2nd largest economy just a decade ago.

I understand violance is not good at all. But unfortunately Humans are the most violant creatures of the nature. The past and current political leadrship and powers to be in Pakistan have no fear. Unfortunately what ever little progress we made so far, was in the era of military rule from Ayuab to Musshraf. And that is not good at all. Army is for the defence of country, not to be in President House. And to have a good honest political leadership I don't see any other way but to clean the current and past political mess via harsh deceisions.
Don't need get all violent mate, the thing is politics in Pakistan has been hostage to feudal lords who are highly unaccountable. Agreed Pakistan needs better administrators and for that the patriotic youth of Pakistan should lead the way.
As John F Kennedy once said don't ask what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.

@The SC:
Dear sir you are mistaken if you think a country can be great if it is rich natural resource.
The greatest asset to a country is its human resource Gold or Oil will end some day but if you have good human resource you can move the mountains.
Look at Japan, they hardly have anything when it comes to natural resource but they where 2nd largest economy just a decade ago.

Sir you are mistaken yourself, please do not project it at me.
Most advanced and powerfull countries of the world are natural resources rich, it is a fact no one can deny.They have found a way to combine their richness with education and industry for military aims.
Japan was nothing without conquering other nations for the same natural resources we are talking about, and the American Marshal-like plan for them after WW2. Without denying that they are intelligent people to a certain extent, today , you can count Japan as almost gone, most of its population is elderly and they have huge demographic problems to fill in the gaps, this might have been a part of that Marshal-like plan to embrace the Western culture and loose theirs almost completely. They were beefed up to the maximum and now they are loosing weight very rapidly.
Army could go from 2 Mechanized Strike Corps to 6 Mechanized Strike Corps
Easier said than done! Raising one new mech strike corps will cost $20 billion. Four additional would cost you $80 billion. That's almost 30% of you entire GDP!! That's a lot of dosh!

Even if your GDP touches a trillion dollars, this project would be a non starter!
From Improved Economy, Genius....

Speaking of HELL, that is where we plan on sending you Indians to. Your day of reckoning is coming, Genius....
I would take hell over heaven willingly if Pakistan do not come there... but then, what would be the definition of hell then?
Pakistan The Richest country in natural resources

Tuesday, 18 November 2008 02:45

Thar coal reserves have 175 billion tonnes of coal, which is equivalent to 618 billion barrels of crude oil recently informed by VC of The university of the Punjab. Following is the list of top 5 oil reserve countries of the world:

Country Reserves (bbl) Production/day (mbl) Reserve life (yr)

Saudi Arabia 260 8.8 81
Canada 179 2.7 182
Iran 136 3.9 96
Iraq 115 3.7 85
Kuwait 99 2.5 108

175 billion tons of Thar according to Professor Dr Mujahid Kamran equal 618 billion barrels of crude oil.

This is more than twice if we compare it with oil reserves of KSA and equal to total oil reseves of top 4 countries.

If like KSA, we utilize about 10 million of it per day, it would suffice for more than 200 years. Not to forget other resources that Pakistan have when compared with KSA. For example, we have largest gold/copper ore deposits at Saindak (Baluchistan) dying to be expoited.

Under the barren mountains of Balochistan and hot sands of Sindh, there is unlimited amount of oil and gas reserves not touched yet. And still further, we have furtile lands of Punjab, ready to feed a population twice as big as we are now, the best irrigation system (waiting for more water reservoirs to enrich it), and the best qulaity cotton and rice. Last but not the least, we have brave Pushtoons, the vigor of courage that is essential for a nation. We have population, young brains and exploding urban middle class to enrich the intellectual and culture needs of the nation.

What else we want? It is pedalogical to know that Saudi Arabia only sells about 9 million Barrels of Oil per day. It has the best infrastructure in the world, with a cradle to grave welfare system for its citizens, superb freeways, fantastic hospitals and an infrastructure that is the envy of the world. Pakistan’s credit crunch in temporary. Once the country gets over the hump in the next few years, it can begin improving its infrastructure which is the best in South Asia even now. We hope it to be true soon.

Pakistan The Richest country in natural resources > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Insaf Blog
USA has 250 billion tons of "proven"coal reserves plus oil. How come it is not richer than pakistan?
What if Pakistan has 25 billion budget ?

The jurnails will be driving Bugattis or Rolls Royce and not the BMWs or Audis they drive now....:coffee:

COAS may be driving BMW or audi but maj, gen or lt gen drive same old Toyotas.
Excellent points, we didn't realize it.

Military Strength is tied to Economic Prowess. Pakistan has the potential to become 4th or 5th Military power real quick once it sorts out its Economy. It is mind boggling what Pakistan Armed Forces have accomplished with a Defence Budget of 5 Billion USD.

With a budget of $5,000,000,000 Pakistan has become a Nuclear Power and has a standing Army of 600,000 soldiers. Just Imagine what our Armed Forces could do if we gave them a budget of 25 to 50 Billion USD. :tup:
posted by Pakistanisage

what will happen if Pakistan has 25-50 Billion USD?

If I tag Araz then he will give a negative rating to you :D

That is the GOAL, my friend. A Defence Budget of 25 to 50 USD is predicated on an GDP of a Trillion USD.
Currently Pakistan's GDP is around 280b$ if I am not wrong and if Pakistan grows by say 9 percent annually then it will take around 16 years to reach 1 trillion mark.....

Pakistan is currently growing at around 4 percent....

Even if for a second ,let's assume ..Pakistan is growing at 9 percent and it's economy touched 1 trillion by 2030....and you start buying 5th gen fighters..... then you will receive a batch of 150 fighters by 2040 at best and by 2040 ,6th gen will be rolling......

You said 10 billion for 150 5th gen fighters.....You didn't include the maintenance costs and fly away costs which is normally 4times that of a 3rd gen fighter.....
So there are a lot of flaws in your assumptions....
We have to admit one thing for Pakistan forces...Inspite of limited budget and so much of negative publicity ...They are one of the formidable forces in the world ....
At last a sane indian who speaks the truth and you have earned my respect. Not coz you praised our army but coz one needs a big heart to acknowledge and commend its enemy where its due.
Excellent points, we didn't realize it.

Military Strength is tied to Economic Prowess. Pakistan has the potential to become 4th or 5th Military power real quick once it sorts out its Economy. It is mind boggling what Pakistan Armed Forces have accomplished with a Defence Budget of 5 Billion USD.

With a budget of $5,000,000,000 Pakistan has become a Nuclear Power and has a standing Army of 600,000 soldiers. Just Imagine what our Armed Forces could do if we gave them a budget of 25 to 50 Billion USD. :tup:
posted by Pakistanisage

what will happen if Pakistan has 25-50 Billion USD?

The budget is $7 Billions. But I think it should be at least $12 Billions.
If I tag Araz then he will give a negative rating to you :D

Currently Pakistan's GDP is around 280b$ if I am not wrong and if Pakistan grows by say 9 percent annually then it will take around 16 years to reach 1 trillion mark.....

Pakistan is currently growing at around 4 percent....

Even if for a second ,let's assume ..Pakistan is growing at 9 percent and it's economy touched 1 trillion by 2030....and you start buying 5th gen fighters..... then you will receive a batch of 150 fighters by 2040 at best and by 2040 ,6th gen will be rolling......

You said 10 billion for 150 5th gen fighters.....You didn't include the maintenance costs and fly away costs which is normally 4times that of a 3rd gen fighter.....
So there are a lot of flaws in your assumptions....

Genius you realize this is not how it works? Pakistan should get to $1 trillion before 2025 in worst case scenario, in best case scenario around 2022.

As of now Pakistan defence budget is 2.5% of GDP ($8.1 billion for 2015-16), so defence budget will reach $25 billion between 2022-2025 depending on growth.
Genius you realize this is not how it works? Pakistan should get to $1 trillion before 2025 in worst case scenario, in best case scenario around 2022.

As of now Pakistan defence budget is 2.5% of GDP ($8.1 billion for 2015-16), so defence budget will reach $25 billion between 2022-2025 depending on growth.
The question is How Pakistan will reach 1 trillion mark by 2022/25??
Pakistan can reach it by 2025 only if Pakistan grows by 15 percent every year ....

8B USD isn't 2.5 percent of your GDP
Your GDP isn't 320b $ now....it's 280b $.......
Growing with an estimated 4 percent(by IMF) or 5 percent(by Pakistan Govt) will take your economy to 295 b $ in 2015
Going by your figures, your defence budget would be around 2.85 percent of your GDP for the next fiscal.....
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