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Pakistan Defence Budget 5 Billion vs 50 Billion USD

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Pakistan is blessed with vast land, natural gas reserves, petroleum, extensive coal, iron ore, copper, salt, limestone and gold besides other natural resources, many of them hitherto undiscovered. In fact, according to one survey, Pakistan has the second largest salt mine, second largest coal reservoirs, fifth largest gold mines, seventh largest copper mines, the country is the 11th largest wheat producer, 12th largest rice producer and seventh country of the world with nuclear power.

Unearthing Pakistan
Pakistan is blessed with vast land, natural gas reserves, petroleum, extensive coal, iron ore, copper, salt, limestone and gold besides other natural resources, many of them hitherto undiscovered. In fact, according to one survey, Pakistan has the second largest salt mine, second largest coal reservoirs, fifth largest gold mines, seventh largest copper mines, the country is the 11th largest wheat producer, 12th largest rice producer and seventh country of the world with nuclear power.

Unearthing Pakistan

Just to add more to surprise a few.

Pakistan is the world's largest producer of Dates. We don't export it to the world is a separate issue. But the point is it is a huge potential to make food products or even just sugar out of it...
Initially, I thought this thread is about comparing Pakistan defence budget Vs Indian defence budget.

Assuming 5% of GDP as defence budget, Pakistan has to have a economy of at-least $1T to get $50 B as its defence budget

That is the GOAL, my friend. A Defence Budget of 25 to 50 USD is predicated on an GDP of a Trillion USD.
That is the GOAL, my friend. A Defence Budget of 25 to 50 USD is predicated on an GDP of a Trillion USD.
Remind me when it crosses $500 bn.
On second thought, don't.
By that time the, value of $500bn would have been halved of what it is today. [Depriciation:tongue:]
Where did the $50-billion figure come from? Indian outlay in the 2012-2013 budget year is approx. $40-billion only. Additionally, IMO to compare Pakistan Defence Expenditure with Indian allocation of nearly $40-billion is pointless. For the information of all of my fellow countrymen:

Total outlay in the 2011/2012 Pakistan Federal budget was Rs 2767 billion or $32.6-billion (Rs 85 = 1 $). Indian revised estimate of expenditure in the 2011-2012 budget year year is Rs1318720 crore or Rs 13,187.2 –billion which equals approx. $258-billion (Rs 51.1=1$).

Pakistan revenue receipts Rs 1,529-billion or about $18-billion. Indian revenue receipts estimated at Rs 766989 crore or $150-billion.

The ratio in dollar terms is closer to 1:10. How can any rational Pakistani even consider matching Indian defense expenditure?

As a nation we lack the fortitude to accept that certain thing we cannot change. If we must compete with India, why not in agriculture, education and health?

In India well irrigated lands produce up to 3 tons per acre with average at about 1.4 tons per acre compared average of about 0.96 tons per acre in Pakistan.

At least three Indian intitutions; Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur & University of Calcutta rank among the top 500 educational institutions of world. Shouldn't we strive to have at least one Pakistani university among this list?

Indian allocation health is RS 30,702 crores or $6-billion. Since Health is now a provincial matter, it is difficult know exact amount but it is estimated at about $0.6-bilion.

If I had any extra dollar, I would spend it on improving the education, any additional dollar would go for the health and sanitation.

Strong economy and modern technology is what wins wars. Therefore that is where any additional money should be spent. Not on Defence.
Pakistan The Richest country in natural resources

Tuesday, 18 November 2008 02:45

Thar coal reserves have 175 billion tonnes of coal, which is equivalent to 618 billion barrels of crude oil recently informed by VC of The university of the Punjab. Following is the list of top 5 oil reserve countries of the world:

Country Reserves (bbl) Production/day (mbl) Reserve life (yr)

Saudi Arabia 260 8.8 81
Canada 179 2.7 182
Iran 136 3.9 96
Iraq 115 3.7 85
Kuwait 99 2.5 108

175 billion tons of Thar according to Professor Dr Mujahid Kamran equal 618 billion barrels of crude oil.

This is more than twice if we compare it with oil reserves of KSA and equal to total oil reseves of top 4 countries.

If like KSA, we utilize about 10 million of it per day, it would suffice for more than 200 years. Not to forget other resources that Pakistan have when compared with KSA. For example, we have largest gold/copper ore deposits at Saindak (Baluchistan) dying to be expoited.

Under the barren mountains of Balochistan and hot sands of Sindh, there is unlimited amount of oil and gas reserves not touched yet. And still further, we have furtile lands of Punjab, ready to feed a population twice as big as we are now, the best irrigation system (waiting for more water reservoirs to enrich it), and the best qulaity cotton and rice. Last but not the least, we have brave Pushtoons, the vigor of courage that is essential for a nation. We have population, young brains and exploding urban middle class to enrich the intellectual and culture needs of the nation.

What else we want? It is pedalogical to know that Saudi Arabia only sells about 9 million Barrels of Oil per day. It has the best infrastructure in the world, with a cradle to grave welfare system for its citizens, superb freeways, fantastic hospitals and an infrastructure that is the envy of the world. Pakistan’s credit crunch in temporary. Once the country gets over the hump in the next few years, it can begin improving its infrastructure which is the best in South Asia even now. We hope it to be true soon.

Pakistan The Richest country in natural resources > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Insaf Blog

Nation continues to be most misinformed re-Thar coal. Dr Kamran says that coal is “Equivalent” to 618 billion barrels of oil and we start feeling happy that it is three times that of Saudi Arabia. We forget that stress is on “Equivalent”. Saudi oil is being produced daily since the 1960’s. Thar coal deposits were discovered in 1991 and after 20 years we haven’t managed to benefit from it.

Ground realty is that GOP does not have $90-million to finance the 100 MW pilot plant to be fueled by the gas produce by Dr Mubarakmand’s UCG project. They have asked Sind gov’t to find financing from somewhere else. Pray tell me from where we are going to find funds to convert all the Thar lignite coal into oil and how long will it take? Is it logical to compare Thar coal with Saudi oil reserves?

Sandak copper deposits were located in 1970. After trial run in 1995 production stopped. In 2002 it was awarded again but then Baluchi protested and everything stopped. The mines can produce 15,000 tons of blister copper and 1.5 tons of gold annually but I am not aware of the current situation.

World’s 5th largest gold deposits at Rico diq remain unexploited because we cannot decide who will do what and when.

We have 18 hours load shedding in many towns in Punjab. One of my cousins has some power looms in Faisalabad; he is near bankruptcy for the lack of power along with many others. Despite all this KP, Sind and Baluchistan threaten to break up the federation if Punjab insists on Kalabagh dam. This is ground reality today. At this rate we will all be dead before we see full benefits from all the supposed riches we have underground.

On one hand we don’t want to pay taxes, certainly not on agricultural income.TI also has all the Makhdooms and landlords in the party now, Do you think that these people will vote to tax themselves. How do we plan to acquire the kind money that we can spend $50-billion on defence?

May be people think that Imran or Phanne Khan has a magic wand to make our wishes come true?

I am a Pakistani and would like to see a prosperous Pakistan within my life time. However I am a realist. Our top priority must be to alleviate poverty thru job creation, provide free education up to matric, provide safe drinking water and free public health. It is only after all of this that we think of increasing our Defense Expenditure.
and our Major even ride

BMW, Mercedes.... good luck with your generals because our military is just enjoying and "Khaying" daba kar is mulk ko!
can you back that up!
or would you remove it before i thrash you for this stupid and unrealistic comment.
Nation continues to be most misinformed re-Thar coal. Dr Kamran says that coal is “Equivalent” to 618 billion barrels of oil and we start feeling happy that it is three times that of Saudi Arabia. We forget that stress is on “Equivalent”. Saudi oil is being produced daily since the 1960’s. Thar coal deposits were discovered in 1991 and after 20 years we haven’t managed to benefit from it.

Ground realty is that GOP does not have $90-million to finance the 100 MW pilot plant to be fueled by the gas produce by Dr Mubarakmand’s UCG project. They have asked Sind gov’t to find financing from somewhere else. Pray tell me from where we are going to find funds to convert all the Thar lignite coal into oil and how long will it take? Is it logical to compare Thar coal with Saudi oil reserves?

Sandak copper deposits were located in 1970. After trial run in 1995 production stopped. In 2002 it was awarded again but then Baluchi protested and everything stopped. The mines can produce 15,000 tons of blister copper and 1.5 tons of gold annually but I am not aware of the current situation.

World’s 5th largest gold deposits at Rico diq remain unexploited because we cannot decide who will do what and when.

We have 18 hours load shedding in many towns in Punjab. One of my cousins has some power looms in Faisalabad; he is near bankruptcy for the lack of power along with many others. Despite all this KP, Sind and Baluchistan threaten to break up the federation if Punjab insists on Kalabagh dam. This is ground reality today. At this rate we will all be dead before we see full benefits from all the supposed riches we have underground.

On one hand we don’t want to pay taxes, certainly not on agricultural income.TI also has all the Makhdooms and landlords in the party now, Do you think that these people will vote to tax themselves. How do we plan to acquire the kind money that we can spend $50-billion on defence?

May be people think that Imran or Phanne Khan has a magic wand to make our wishes come true?

I am a Pakistani and would like to see a prosperous Pakistan within my life time. However I am a realist. Our top priority must be to alleviate poverty thru job creation, provide free education up to matric, provide safe drinking water and free public health. It is only after all of this that we think of increasing our Defense Expenditure.

Dear brother,
What you are saying are facts on the terrain, and by being aware of them is already a step forward, since you can not tackle a problem before identifying it.
India has found its niche in the electronic industry because of its huge cheap labour, and it serves the western interests, their Top universities are related to this matter of things too.
This had served some Indian interests, but didn't alleviate its huge social problems.
As you can see, their enormous effort in increasing their defence budget serves the western interest more than Indian's by creating animosity in the neighbourhood, so they can sell their weapons (even no sellable ones) and feed their own dying economies.
So, one needs to be prudent and keep proportions (land mass, labour force ...) in perspective.
We realize that the most important priority for us Pakistanis is to gear up our Economy and Educate our masses. Everything else will be the by product of successes in these two areas. Once we reach a high GDP, naturally we will have more funds for our Defence needs.
We realize that the most important priority for us Pakistanis is to gear up our Economy and Educate our masses. Everything else will be the by product of successes in these two areas. Once we reach a high GDP, naturally we will have more funds for our Defence needs.


There is only one solution. We need to hang current parliament (Including President and PM) with Nawaz sharif and leadership of MQM and Choudhri brothers . Also Mulla Fazalurehman, Dr Aamir Liqat and all the sold mullas. Then we need to get rid of Feudals (zameen zadri nizam) and Waderas and Baluchi and Pukhtoon land lords. Then there should be free elections with every member of National Assembly and every minister in the cabinet under threat of hanging if they would not do their job right. Rest will be easy. Read the history. almost every developed nation went through the same scenario.
Excellent point. Our army men are smart and realize how to prioritize their spending. God bless our fauj.
Lets do a reverse math, assuming u keep a 5% defense expenditure of your total budget, then to have a defense budget of 50 bill u need a total economy every year of a 1 Trillion $. Highly unlikely scenario.
Lets do a reverse math, assuming u keep a 5% defense expenditure of your total budget, then to have a defense budget of 50 bill u need a total economy every year of a 1 Trillion $. Highly unlikely scenario.

U exploded their fantasy bubble:lol:

There is only one solution. We need to hang current parliament (Including President and PM) with Nawaz sharif and leadership of MQM and Choudhri brothers . Also Mulla Fazalurehman, Dr Aamir Liqat and all the sold mullas. Then we need to get rid of Feudals (zameen zadri nizam) and Waderas and Baluchi and Pukhtoon land lords. Then there should be free elections with every member of National Assembly and every minister in the cabinet under threat of hanging if they would not do their job right. Rest will be easy. Read the history. almost every developed nation went through the same scenario.

Don't need get all violent mate, the thing is politics in Pakistan has been hostage to feudal lords who are highly unaccountable. Agreed Pakistan needs better administrators and for that the patriotic youth of Pakistan should lead the way.
As John F Kennedy once said don't ask what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country.

@The SC:
Dear sir you are mistaken if you think a country can be great if it is rich natural resource.
The greatest asset to a country is its human resource Gold or Oil will end some day but if you have good human resource you can move the mountains.
Look at Japan, they hardly have anything when it comes to natural resource but they where 2nd largest economy just a decade ago.
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