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Pakistan can not sell JF-17: China

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I hear a squadron of JF-17 is already operational.Have they taken part in offensives of FATA??It will be a great moral boost as well as technology showoff for Pakistan

There r 2 squadrons of JFTs....... the Black spiders n the Panthers.
Yes it took part in offensives in FATA...

It would be wise that members refrain from point scoring comments.

Talk about the topic. This is not an official statements or any official press release.

We know what journalists are capable of doing when they don't know about anything.
Pakistan can not export because it has its own orders pending.PAF wants to induct as many of them as possible so export will be second priority from Pakistan.China may produce and export but Pakistan will get half of the profit for its investment in the project.
the news is wrong

It is repeated again and again that pakistan will get 50% of profit from the sell and pakistan has rights to sell JFT to any nation
unbelievable. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
I know about pakistan's contribution to JF-17 program which has its roots partly in Mig 33 and Super 7 programs , but still is a license manufactured Chinese aircraft of Chengdu State Aircraft Factory No.132 Aircraft Plant.

How can pakistan sell a Chinese aircraft unless it has patents for all the subsystems required for production of the aircraft.

Pakistan will require clearence from china for airframe/avionics/ flight control system/ radar/ FBW suite/Armaments/Ejection seat and license from russia for engine and propulsion system.

You cannot claim to sell the aircraft because you designed DSI and made modifications to chinese designs.. it still remains a chinese aircraft made in joint venture with pakistan as a user and licensee.

If you can acquire a license for complete offset of production of all subsytems from china and russia and buy the IP rights, maybe then you might be ina position to export after you finish your own military's demand.

Unless you have source to provide the above information, please dont be offended by humorous rhetoric, I have seen 5000 such replies on LCA :devil:
the news is wrong

It is repeated again and again that pakistan will get 50% of profit from the sell and pakistan has rights to sell JFT to any nation

Yes pakistan has right to sell the JFT, but pakistan has to get approval from the chinese also...
I know about pakistan's contribution to JF-17 program which has its roots partly in Mig 33 and Super 7 programs , but still is a license manufactured Chinese aircraft of Chengdu State Aircraft Factory No.132 Aircraft Plant.

How can pakistan sell a Chinese aircraft unless it has patents for all the subsystems required for production of the aircraft.

Pakistan will require clearence from china for airframe/avionics/ flight control system/ radar/ FBW suite/Armaments/Ejection seat and license from russia for engine and propulsion system.

You cannot claim to sell the aircraft because you designed DSI and made modifications to chinese designs.. it still remains a chinese aircraft made in joint venture with pakistan as a user and licensee.

If you can acquire a license for complete offset of production of all subsytems from china and russia and buy the IP rights, maybe then you might be ina position to export after you finish your own military's demand.

Unless you have source to provide the above information, please dont be offended by humorous rhetoric, I have seen 5000 such replies on LCA :devil:

You guys seriously derail the topic when your troll mode is on.

When has Pakistan gone alone to sell the fighter jet ?? In all air shows, the Chinese staff of the manufacturer has been around. Pakistan is not even currently making the airframe 100% on its own, leave alone the engine which is coming from China after bought from Russia. Avionics are coming from China.

Are you guys mad or in troll mode the logical thinking goes numb ??

We are depended on Chinese for our JF-17s and we will go alone to sell these jets ?? Don't tell me you guys can't think logically.

We never went alone with the sale of the jet as we can't. This is a joint venture and sale and marketing is a joint venture too. Orders if any received will be shared accordingly, as well as the sale proceeds.

So, kindly think with the minds given by God and quit the troll mode, or i will off the troll mode.

Same for other members.
Hi, moreover given the catch-up the PAF has to do in regards to having a sizezabe number of BVR capable aircraft, I would seriously hope the PAF concentrates on domestic orders first. The PAF should first concentrate on finalizing the Block II version and inducting a significant number of JF-17s, before it moves onto export orders.

As stated by senior members, and also the ex-PAF ACM, the JF-17 is a 50%-50% joint venture. Moreover, the PAF marketed the JF-17 in Farnborough, Zuhai and very shortly in the upcoming Paris Air Show. Why would they do this, if they cannot sell the plane?
i read a year back that publicity would be done by paf and actual sale discussions by cac--

maybe the blk2 has far more sophisticated design and avionics then we had anticipated
I cant believe it......Pakistan has financed like 60% of the programe and most of the ideas like the DSI,design and stuff was frm our side.......

But maybe it means tht if china sells the jet Pakistan would get the damn profit from the sales.

This is a joint venture and the proceeds of any sale would be shared amongst both the countries. So it does not matter who sells the plane as long AS IT SELLS. In any case the news looks flawed.
This is a very good decision. Selling the plane before 10 year period raises chances of the tech falling in the hands of Indians. By 10 years, we would have advanced further. By than we can afford such a thing. There will ALWAYS be buyers for the JF 17 (hint: african states, europe)
Actually, I doubt this fighter is any good. And yes, it is because it is Chinese. If it makes a difference I have pretty much the same view of the Indian LCA. I am all for promoting science and technology in countries like India and China - and hence the development of such fighters should be encouraged. But if the mainstay of my country's air defenses were Indian or Chinese aircraft, I would be pretty worried. I'd much rather have an American or European fighter.

At some stage you have to stop travelling in other peoples laps and start walking on your own. As things go the principles adopted by India and China have been different giving different results but the ventures in their own right are fine and will lead to further progress and maturity of products. You cannot go on relying on the west as it will always cater to its own interests.
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