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Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

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It has been confirmed in the UK defence journal today issue 1 volume 1 page 9

See my post on Sinodefence JF-17 thread for some reason I can't copy and paste from my photo bucket URL on here
It has been confirmed in the UK defence journal today issue 1 volume 1 page 9

See my post on Sinodefence JF-17 thread for some reason I can't copy and paste from my photo bucket URL on here
So this is definitely NOT another case of "one man's trash is another man's treasure"?

That is correct bro , these aren't trash from anywhere but could serve as good as gold in the right hands that be PAF ;)
As in everyone's belief, these ex-RJAF 13 F16 (OCU) aka F16 ADF at cheaper cost is a Great news for PAF. But right now they are not MLU as per ur suggestion, they have been done with structural engine upgrades etc to extend life to 8000 hrs. Full MLU upgrade is due.

Since Israel's reservations, Jordan received the downgraded version of these F16s.

The ex-RJAF which PAF is getting cannot fire AIM-9X Sidewinder Missile, or other more advanced missiles which a blk 40 or 52 standard can do. These F16s have previous version sniper pods, old camera system, and limited AMRAAM capability like the AIM-120C. The avionics and software system on the peace falcon II ex-RJAF is not updated. The EW (Electronic Warfare) system is not upgraded.

Only when an upgrade and order of 13 new MLU kits is done, they will be called MLU jets.

Will the PAF be putting these through the same upgrade that is going on in Turkey to Block 50/52 standard?
will the upgrade on these F16s will be done by Turkey or USA?
I am really hoping for couple of more surprises like that. Wanna see 100 of these birds in our arsenal in the upcoming years.
2nd squadron (RJAF)
Royal Jordanian Air Force units overview

2 sqn (RJAF)


Version: F-16A/B block 15 ADF
Role: Air Defense
Tailband: N/A
Motto: N/A
Badge: A falcon's head.

Sideways profile for 2 sqn in 2007.

F-16 History

The first F-16 to arrive in Jordan was destined for the squadron and landed at Muwaffaq Al-Salti AB in December of 1997. Under the Peace Falcon I program, Jordan would receive 16 F-16s – being 12 A-models and 4 B-models – in the ADF version. These F-16s had been stored at AMARC since 1994-1995 and were sent to the Ogden logistical facility to get them to flying condition again.

Since the Jordanian Air Force lacked an aircraft with a dedicated air defence profile and with the possibility to engage beyond visual range, these F-16s were solely used in this role. These aircraft boosted the air defence potential of the Jordanian Air Force dramatically. Although a modern BVR weapon as the AIM-120 wasn’t included in the deal. These were only added to the fleet in 2004. In between, the Jordan’s had to rely on the less sophisticated AIM-7 missile to conduct their BVR missions.

The Jordanian Air Force has conducted a major re-equipment program over the past years. More F-16s were added to the fleet with these being modernised to the MLU standards. Although envisioned to be upgraded as well, the F-16s of 2 squadron remain unmodified. Therefore they retain their specific air defence duties without being truly multirole capable. Time will tell whether these aircraft will receive the MLU package as the rest of the fleet.
These F-16s had been stored at AMARC since 1994-1995 and were sent to the Ogden logistical facility to get them to flying condition again.

So why were they stored at AMRAC for 2 ~ 3 years ? Were they part of Peace Gate 3/4 ?
The Addition of Squadron a modest yet effective addition to Pakistani Airforce
I was under impression we ordered 15-20 extra MLU kits for just this kind of ocassion ?
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