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Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

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Beautiful Birds ! I'm sure they'll be an asset to the Pakistani Air Force.

For stupid people to understand---here it is----a handout or paid by hard earned cash----a bullet kills the same.

How deep is your level of stupidity sir------that you cannot even comprehend that simple concept----. Weapons of death and destruction don't distinguish between the source of funding----. They just work for whomsoever gets them----the weapons have an objective conscience.

As for Indira's mistakes----how abut ours---if our pathan force had not stopped to loot the town before sri nagar --- we would have had the control of the capital---or if Ayub Khan had not switched the command to Gen Yahya in the 65 war at chhamb Jauryian sector---things might have looked different----or if Pres Yahya Khan had the ballz to strike india when main indian army was attacking east Pakistan.

Sir there is not point in explaining to the stupid or ignorant. Indians despite being much larger in size, still have to compare themselves with Pakistan to feel better. When it comes to competing with their own size, they have zilch to say. How pathetic can a nation like that be?
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