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Pakistan army wants peace, says Musharraf

Gen. Musharraf is the right choice for Pakistan & is the only one who spoke for Kashmir today when no corrupt politicians are not even bothered to talk about Kashmir issue.

He can save Pakistan because he understands Pakistans problems like no other.

nice comment brother hope u remember what Musharaf did with Dr Qadeer Khan , since how long he is out of pk :)) lol did u see any popularity of his foundation ..... its very easy to point out any issue bt :)) its v rare to work out on it .... peace to pakistan and may God stay away these kinda ppl from pk
I'm not sure how does all Pakistani Ex leaders or one out of power become peace loving and have solution for every problem. Mushy is not an exception.

At the end of day he is the man wanted by Law and living in exile.

So muse kha ke billi huz ko chali :)
It happen only in Pakistan, You do all bad for Pakistan, next day you start "K" Rant, you will be loved by Pakistani....

This is the same guy who..

a) Dragged Pakistan in WoT, Pakistani condemn WoT but love Mushy... :cheesy:
b) Same person who support Drone strike, Pakistani condemn Drone Attack but love Mushy... :cheesy:
c) Sold many Pakistani for money , including Afia , Pakistani love Afia and love Mushy... :cheesy:
d) Lost Kargil war, Pakistani grief there defeat but love Mushy... :cheesy:
e) lost Kashmir on International arena, USA slammed pakistan for their irresponsible Kargil war.

This is the Awam who love/worship there killer: Hassan Nissar...
Where is my Panter howitzer, that shoots tactical nukes I will give him peace


He is a blue bird , sitting on a branch , and thinking about being a Chicken Hawk but in reality he is just a blue bird
Pakistan Army accepted this long ago that they cannot compete with India owing to her superior resources. But that being said, Pakistan Army is not going to compromise on principals and let India dictate the terms against Pakistan. Pakistan is not going to accept the status that Nepal or Bhutan have accepted against India. Pakistan Army will continue to maintain enough strength to smash any Indian Military Adventure and maintain the capability to strike deep inside India. It will not pack up and disband as our learned colleague @vsdoc advocates :).


I'm a learned colleague? That's a new one. :)

I am afraid that the bad blood that caused the formation of Pakistan has only become more toxic over the last 65 years.

Having got what they wanted, one would have thought the Muslims of Pakistan would have been satisfied.

Not so.

The primary bone that has stuck permanently in their craw is that they bear the legacy of the failure of Islam in the Indian sub-continent ..... in swamping the ancient Indian civilization and its ancient faith, Hinduism.

That sentiment has only got worse over the decades with one military defeat after the other lending huge body blows to the edifice of martial Islam over the land and faith and believers it believed it once ruled.

What has not helped is that India cleaved Pakistan into two at a time and in a manner of its choosing.

Khalistan failed. Kashmir failed.

And Pakistan descended deeper and deeper into the pit of religious fundamentalism it sought to breed as a weapon against India ..... as it now turned its fangs inwards on itself.

In such a scenario India is sadly reconciled to the fact that regardless of the sentiments of the mango people, true peace is never going to be possible with Pakistan.

Not as long as Pakistan can wage war.

We will just have to keep pushing Pakistan deeper into the abyss it dug for itself, until it no longer can sustain the machinery and cost of war.

But not over the edge where it cannot police its dogs of war.

Its a fine balance that India has sought to maintain these past 40 years, as 1971 permanently closed any still open doors of rapprochement and return.

True peace between India and Pakistan now will only come when one is no longer able to wage war.

Cheers, Doc
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I will only agree with one part. That peace will only come when Pakistan is beaten psychologically. They must believe that they can never fight a war with us..that it will mean a change of their geography if they do so.

This is hard to achieve but is inevitable in the long run. We must make the costs too high for them. We are doing this already. From trying to equal India few decades back they are down to having minimum deterrence. A few decades down the line even minimum deterrence will be very expensive to maintain on account of India growing much faster.

At the heart of their desire to equal the match and be better than India is the historical past. They see themselves as the culmination of the Muslim rule of India. As being the ones who ruled India. Thus as superior to India and Indians.

This is the absolute root cause of India Pakistan rivalry. Their need and belief in superiority over India.
India needs to keep Pakistan boiling at just the right temperature for atleast one decade more. However Pakistan cannot be allowed to fail. That will be catastrophic for India.
All this is nice, very nice.
But when is Musharraf buying a ticket to come back to his beloved home-land?
He's just been threatening to do it for a long time.......
Musharraf's gift to Pakistan was in the name of NRO briging back all the thugs, traitors, and corrupt back to pakistan to start again. His second gift was WOT which pushed Pakistan into this never ending chaos and now he is residing comfortably in UK. So no he is not the best choice for Pakistan, instead he is the worst.
His early days were good and he gave this vision "Sub sa Phela Pakistan" but unfortunately he forgot his own version for the sake of his seat.
At the heart of their desire to equal the match and be better than India is the historical past. They see themselves as the culmination of the Muslim rule of India. As being the ones who ruled India. Thus as superior to India and Indians.

This is the absolute root cause of India Pakistan rivalry. Their need and belief in superiority over India.

I agree with most of your post except this part.

Not even the most deluded Pakistani actually believes he or his forefathers had anything to do with ruling anything, let alone India.

The fact is simple.

How to keep up the pretense, nay the very raison d'etre, of an experiment gone horribly wrong.
@Andromache - Do you agree with my summary of Post #20 ?

Any differing views from the other side ?
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I am a little surprised by the Pakistani fauj.

Had a General in India ever pulled anything like this and refuse to recognize his men later on, he would never have lived it down amongst the fauji circles till the day he died and beyond.

These things follow the families and kids as well.

The fauj has a long memory.

In Pakistan, not surprisingly, it is the fighting force as well as the ruling force. The lines get blurred.
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