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Pakistan army should takeover to eliminate terrorism: Altaf Hussain

how many secular are there in islamic republic of Pakistan, it would be like swimming against the tide, it would be a lot easier by acting all confused and retard and islamic fundamentalist like imran khan

PPP also happens to be secular. Bilawal Bhutto also happens to be liberal and secular in his views.
Secular does NOT equate with good. These "secular" and "liberal" parties had a chance to change the direction Pakistan in the previous years, yet they failed to bring any reform. In fact, they are what led to the growing influence of fundamentalist.

in which country MQM is banned?


1) pakka kila massacre in hyderabad(read the account)
2) 31st october sohrab goth massacre(read the account)
3) qazba ali garh massacre(please read that account as well)

It's a shame that such violence was used against the Mojahirs. But why do you think the government decided to act against the MQM? Regardless of these incidents, it's a well known fact that the MQM has been responsible for the violence which has taken place in Karachi, and bleating about the Pucca Qila Massacre of the Qazba Ali Garh Massacre won't change that.
now this is your problem that when MQM speaks against the ISI and establishment it is considered a traitor how so ever MQM is right about ISI creating talibans and proxies which have become the menace today

but when MQM stands for army when they need our nations support so that they don't feel alone when they fight for their country to eliminate this menace putting their lives at risk, MQM is seen, kissing army boots :rolleyes:
I would rather not discuss this with ill informed people who think their party leaders are gods & can never do any wrong .

They only reason this menace Altaf is worried about Taliban is because they are targeting his bhatta & other Business , since he is looking at his shrinking money & the fact that very soon his neck will be in the hands of SY , he is not looking for a way out .. and which is Kissing the bots of Army .

He is a Dog & he will die that way , he has killed too may people to be forgiven now .
They only reason this menace Altaf is worried about Taliban is because they are targeting his bhatta & other Business , since he is looking at his shrinking money & the fact that very soon his neck will be in the hands of SY , he is not looking for a way out .. and which is Kissing the bots of Army .

He is a Dog & he will die that way , he has killed too may people to be forgiven now .

1) altaf spoke about taliban long before there was taliban invasion in Karachi so your assumption that Altaf has now become scared of talibans and thus issuing statements is a flawed ill informed thinking rest are all your rants

2) ohh come on now, you don't find words to get logical you resot in name calling like dogs etc
2) ohh come on now, you don't find words to get logical you resot in name calling like dogs etc

Wait a second...

it would be a lot easier by acting all confused and retard and islamic fundamentalist like imran khan

You're calling him out for name-calling when you did the same thing a while ago? Where's the logic in that?
PPP also happens to be secular. Bilawal Bhutto also happens to be liberal and secular in his views.
Secular does NOT equate with good. These "secular" and "liberal" parties had a chance to change the direction Pakistan in the previous years, yet they failed to bring any reform. In fact, they are what led to the growing influence of fundamentalist.

PPP gets votes on the bases of feudal system, and not secularism

MQM is not banned in canada you are highly misinformed

It's a shame that such violence was used against the Mojahirs. But why do you think the government decided to act against the MQM? Regardless of these incidents, it's a well known fact that the MQM has been responsible for the violence which has taken place in Karachi, and bleating about the Pucca Qila Massacre of the Qazba Ali Garh Massacre won't change that.

and massacres are not violence, what are they? divination by god to eliminate evil people lol

Wait a second...

You're calling him out for name-calling when you did the same thing a while ago? Where's the logic in that?

ogg come on, where did i called him names? calling some one a dog even in your own language is considered foul, where did i minutely used any foul language?
1) altaf spoke about taliban long before there was taliban invasion in Karachi so your assumption that Altaf has now become scared of talibans and thus issuing statements is a flawed ill informed thinking rest are all your rants

2) ohh come on now, you don't find words to get logical you resot in name calling like dogs etc
Show me the last time Altaf said Army should take over to Fight Taliban

Logical ? .. that is a factual statement .. He is a murdered . which will be proved shortly ..
Show me the last time Altaf said Army should take over to Fight Taliban

Logical ? .. that is a factual statement .. He is a murdered . which will be proved shortly ..

he said that if the govt doesn't eliminate terrorism and doesn't come on the same page with army then army should take over, state is more important than democracy, please listen to entire statement before bickering?, when there is no state, how would somebody will implement democracy

ok, please prove it, everybody is innocent until proven guilty, in altaf's case you are considering him guilty until proven innocent
PPP gets votes on the bases of feudal system, and not secularism

I'm not talking about how they get their votes, I'm talking about their stance. You think ordinary Karachi-wallahs and Mujahirs support the MQM because of their secular stance? Mujahirs support the MQM because they represent their rights. Not because they'll separate the state from religion.

MQM is not banned in canada you are highly misinformed
Not banned?
Canada has ordered the deportation of the members of the party, due to the party carrying out terrorist acts. Google it up. I'd provide links, but unfortunately, I cannot since I do not have the qualifications.

ogg come on, where did i called him names? calling some one a dog even in your own language is considered foul, calling some one's statement retarded is not considered as foul language

You don't think retarded is foul language? Go up to your parents, or boss or your close relatives and call them retards. I'm pretty sure they'll think it's foul.

Logical ? .. that is a factual statement .. He is a murdered . which will be proved shortly

First of all, that doesn't make sense.
Second of all, resorting to name-calling and producing arguments on baseless assumptions is not logical.
he said that if the govt doesn't eliminate terrorism and doesn't come on the same page with army then army should take over, state is more important than democracy, when there is no state, how would somebody will implement democracy

ok, please prove it, everybody is innocent until proven guilty, in altaf's case you are considering him guilty until proven innocent
So what do you think is terrorism ? is is TTP ? or Taliban ?
No Terrorism is a state of fear , that Karachi is living in today , caused by MQM & its thugs along with PPP & JI .. MQM ruled Karachi for over 10 years now , and has gotten into bed with every government to get the maximum benefit & then left right before the election .

and as for Democracy , well i never supported Democracy in Pakistan , Idiots will always choose Idiots as their leader , a country with literacy rate south of 40% can never choose their leaders rationally . so yes to hell will democracy , this country is more important then one party or once person .
I'm not talking about how they get their votes, I'm talking about their stance. You think ordinary Karachi-wallahs and Mujahirs support the MQM because of their secular stance? Mujahirs support the MQM because they represent their rights. Not because they'll separate the state from religion.

yes karachi waalas who give votes to MQM give because of MQM's ideology, basically every pakistani party is secular, only parties liek jamaat islami, JUI etc are not secular, even imran is a closet secular, pakistan is a secular state,

the difference is that MQM doesn't act hypocrite, it has clearly defined what it is and doesn't fool people

Not banned?
Canada has ordered the deportation of the members of the party, due to the party carrying out terrorist acts. Google it up. I'd provide links, but unfortunately, I cannot since I do not have the qualifications.

yeah but where has canada banned MQM, please give me canadian statement which declares MQM as banned organisation, deporting someone because his asylum appeal was rejected doesn't come any close of banning any organisation

You don't think retarded is foul language? Go up to your parents, or boss or your close relatives and call them retards. I'm pretty sure they'll think it's foul.

is calling some one's action retarded considered foul? and same as calling some one a dog?

So what do you think is terrorism ? is is TTP ? or Taliban ?
No Terrorism is a state of fear , that Karachi is living in today , caused by MQM & its thugs along with PPP & JI .. MQM ruled Karachi for over 10 years now , and has gotten into bed with every government to get the maximum benefit & then left right before the election .

what happens in karachi is not terrorism, its criminal activity never the less, terrorism is killing innocent people and repeatedly, the issue of karachi is political, innocent people don't come under attack

you can't say that mexico cartel killings are terrorism, and very obviously they can't have the same strategies

what TTP does is terrorism, they have killed innocent people by blowing up public buildings, has MQM ever blown up public places?

TTP challenges the state, did MQM or PPP ever challenged the state? did PPP and MQM ever acknowledged that if they have bad elements is because of political sheltering?

MQM has also expelled 10,000 members, can't say the same about PPP though

does TTP ever say that we have some criminal element involved in crimes who will be expelled

and has MQM ever used gun against the state?

i thing you really need very basic understanding about crimes and terrorism, you are mixing each other up

not to mention state operation for ten years against MQM, can it be called terrorism, esp when naseer akhter admits in live TV that they were wrong?
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yes karachi waalas who give votes to MQM give because of MQM's ideology,
MQM was formed on the basis of representing Mujahirs. A secular state isn't what the campaign for. It is the protection of the rights and status of Mujahirs in Pakistan. No party will be able to campaign on a secular state and gain votes in a country like Pakistan.

yeah but where has canada banned MQM, please give me canadian statement which declares MQM as banned organisation, deporting someone because his asylum appeal was rejected doesn't come any close of banning any organisation

Is googling really that damn hard?

The head of the Quebec branch of a Pakistani political party is facing deportation after the Federal Court of Canada ruled he belonged to an organization that committed terrorism.

The judge upheld the deportation of Mohammed Kashif Omer, a resident of Montreal, on the grounds he is a member of the Mothaidda Quami Movement, or MQM.

It is the second time this year Canadian courts have ruled the MQM party meets the legal definition of a terrorist organization.

Mr. Omer is one of dozens of Pakistanis whom Canadian immigration authorities are trying to deport because of their involvement in the MQM.

Despite being blamed for the kidnapping, torture and murder of its political rivals in Pakistan, the MQM has opened a Canadian branch called MQM-Canada.

Members of the group have worked on Conservative election campaigns, met Prime Minister Stephen Harper and recently hosted a conference in Calgary.

Conservative MP Art Hanger spoke at the June 8-10 MQM Canada convention, which was attended by several Pakistanis who are being deported for their alleged involvement in terrorism. Mr. Hanger said he did not support the group. Conservative MLA Shiraz Shariff also attended. He said yesterday he was unaware Canadian courts had deemed the MQM a terrorist organization. "Why are we as a nation then allowing them to have a congregation here?" he said.

Among the speakers at the convention was Mr. Omer, who presented a report on the "achievements and future strategy" of the Montreal office of MQM, according to the group's Web Site.

Mr. Omer has no immigration status in Canada. A Canada Border Services Agency spokesman, Erik Paradis, said the court ruling means that the deportation order against Mr. Omer is now in effect.

The MQM is a Pakistani political party that is part of President Pervez Musharraf's ruling coalition. The Canadian MQM branch has never been accused of illegal activities but in Pakistan the party has been blamed for widespread violence, most recently in May when gunfights between the MQM and anti-government demonstrators left more than 40 dead.

MQM officials deny any role in attacks and say they are victims of misinformation spread by Pakistani authorities. Canada's Security Intelligence Review Committee has been looking into complaints from MQM members that immigration authorities have unfairly branded them as terrorists.

Mr. Omer came to Canada in 1998 and was granted refugee status but in 2005 immigration officials said he could not remain in Canada "because he knowingly and for a long period of time belonged to an organization that has engaged in terrorism."

In Pakistan, Mr. Omer had been a member of the MQM and its student wing from 1987 to 1998. He denied any involvement with the MQM in Canada but eventually acknowledged he was in charge of the MQM's Quebec office.

The Immigration and Refugee Board said "Mr. Omer's reasons for trying to hide that, in Canada, he is responsible for the Montreal section of the MQM-Canada lead me to believe that he knew that his party was committing many violent acts."

He appealed the decision to the Federal Court, arguing that the MQM is not a terrorist organization and that the violence was committed by rogue elements in the party, but the court was not convinced.
Is googling really that damn hard?

The head of the Quebec branch of a Pakistani political party is facing deportation after the Federal Court of Canada ruled he belonged to an organization that committed terrorism.

The judge upheld the deportation of Mohammed Kashif Omer, a resident of Montreal, on the grounds he is a member of the Mothaidda Quami Movement, or MQM.

It is the second time this year Canadian courts have ruled the MQM party meets the legal definition of a terrorist organization.

Mr. Omer is one of dozens of Pakistanis whom Canadian immigration authorities are trying to deport because of their involvement in the MQM.

Despite being blamed for the kidnapping, torture and murder of its political rivals in Pakistan, the MQM has opened a Canadian branch called MQM-Canada.

Members of the group have worked on Conservative election campaigns, met Prime Minister Stephen Harper and recently hosted a conference in Calgary.

Conservative MP Art Hanger spoke at the June 8-10 MQM Canada convention, which was attended by several Pakistanis who are being deported for their alleged involvement in terrorism. Mr. Hanger said he did not support the group. Conservative MLA Shiraz Shariff also attended. He said yesterday he was unaware Canadian courts had deemed the MQM a terrorist organization. "Why are we as a nation then allowing them to have a congregation here?" he said.

Among the speakers at the convention was Mr. Omer, who presented a report on the "achievements and future strategy" of the Montreal office of MQM, according to the group's Web Site.

Mr. Omer has no immigration status in Canada. A Canada Border Services Agency spokesman, Erik Paradis, said the court ruling means that the deportation order against Mr. Omer is now in effect.

The MQM is a Pakistani political party that is part of President Pervez Musharraf's ruling coalition. The Canadian MQM branch has never been accused of illegal activities but in Pakistan the party has been blamed for widespread violence, most recently in May when gunfights between the MQM and anti-government demonstrators left more than 40 dead.

MQM officials deny any role in attacks and say they are victims of misinformation spread by Pakistani authorities. Canada's Security Intelligence Review Committee has been looking into complaints from MQM members that immigration authorities have unfairly branded them as terrorists.

Mr. Omer came to Canada in 1998 and was granted refugee status but in 2005 immigration officials said he could not remain in Canada "because he knowingly and for a long period of time belonged to an organization that has engaged in terrorism."

In Pakistan, Mr. Omer had been a member of the MQM and its student wing from 1987 to 1998. He denied any involvement with the MQM in Canada but eventually acknowledged he was in charge of the MQM's Quebec office.

The Immigration and Refugee Board said "Mr. Omer's reasons for trying to hide that, in Canada, he is responsible for the Montreal section of the MQM-Canada lead me to believe that he knew that his party was committing many violent acts."

He appealed the decision to the Federal Court, arguing that the MQM is not a terrorist organization and that the violence was committed by rogue elements in the party, but the court was not convinced.

lol, not a word 'banned' here and MQM has challenged the verdict of canadian court in his recent visit to canada btw, are you deliberately trying to act ignorant or dumb?
is calling some one's action retarded considered foul? and same as calling some one a dog?

Yes, try calling someone or his actions retarded in public.

lol, not a word 'banned' here and MQM has challenged the verdict of canadian court in his recent visit to canada btw, are you deliberately trying to act ignorant or dumb?
I never used the word banned, my friend. Do not try to put words in my mouth. My point was that MQM has been declared a terrorist organisation, which it has.
MQM was formed on the basis of representing Mujahirs. A secular state isn't what the campaign for. It is the protection of the rights and status of Mujahirs in Pakistan. No party will be able to campaign on a secular state and gain votes in a country like Pakistan.

you are really wrong, MQM never compaigns on the name of mohajirs, where do you get all these facts, many times MQM has explained they are liberal progressive, secular party, even PTI, PMLN are secular but they don't admit themselves

I never used the word banned, my friend. Do not try to put words in my mouth. My point was that MQM has been declared a terrorist organisation, which it has.

Their "anti-taliban" stance is just an attempt to gain the support of "liberals" who think if anyone is "secular" or "anti-Taliban", they have the vision to rule this country.
Might I remind you Altaf Hussein's party is banned in a certain country as it has been designated a terrorist organisation? Might I remind you MQM has been causing trouble in Karachi since the '80s?
Altaf Hussein might be condemning these terrorists, but his party is no better. Do not fall to these ploys. Actions speak louder than words.

:lol: :lol:

see my friend, you are now denying what you have just written a page back
you are really wrong, MQM never compaigns on the name of mohajirs, where do you get all these facts, many times MQM has explained they are liberal progressive, secular party, even PTI, PMLN are secular but they don't admit themselves

A secular state is NOT the prime focus of the lower class and the middle class. Do you really think that the majority of Karachi, who face regular violence, growing drug use and other economic issues sole concern is to separate the state from the ulema?

you are really wrong, MQM never compaigns on the name of mohajirs, where do you get all these facts, many times MQM has explained they are liberal progressive, secular party, even PTI, PMLN are secular but they don't admit themselves

:lol: :lol:

see my friend, you are now denying what you have just written a page back

Wrong word usage. You have caught me.
But then again, I have shown that the party is seen as a terrorist organisation.
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