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Pakistan army should takeover to eliminate terrorism: Altaf Hussain

Me like shooting Talibithces, but this time around spent most time in settled areas! :p:

Btw..shehensha..where is Butt these days..he refuses to reply to my posts..hurt him!

On topic. What do you think, a military takeover seems unnecessary given that the PA now has a free hand anyway to deal with the TTP?
A "politician" calling for the military to overstep civilian supremacy?!!
Military take over is pointless and counterproductive.... PA has the sympathy vote in their favor, and the whole nation is rallying behind them. What else do they need? PA, in fact played it all very professionally. After IK's "Nayya Pakistan" boat sank, and Nawaz's false promises of fixing the energy crisis, people now see PA as the last hope. Trust you me, they don't need to take over anything. They are the de facto choice of people, vote or no vote!

@Armstrong, biaaaaaaaach.... yeh mein' kia sunn raha hoon? o_O You not replying to Dilli!!!! Not good for your butts health...... :mad:

Btw..shehensha..where is Butt these days..he refuses to reply to my posts..hurt him!

On topic. What do you think, a military takeover seems unnecessary given that the PA now has a free hand anyway to deal with the TTP?
Military take over is pointless and counterproductive.... PA has the sympathy vote in their favor, and the whole nation is rallying behind them. What else do they need? PA, in fact played it all very professionally. After IK's "Nayya Pakistan" boat sank, and Nawaz's false promises of fixing the energy crisis, people now see PA as the last hope. Trust you me, they don't need to take over anything. They are the de facto choice of people, vote or no vote!

@Armstrong, biaaaaaaaach.... yeh mein' kia sunn raha hoon? o_O You not replying to Dilli!!!! Not good for your butts health...... :mad:

Exactly, by letting Tind, IK and co. take the public charge the PA can concentrate on the actual operational sphere rather than having to dodge brickbats...AND IF something goes horribly wrong then the public dumps it on Tind's shiny dome!:taz:
MQM is the only party which is seriou about Pakistan, rest are in deep slumber, only MQM can gather 100,000 people on 1 day notice to show solidarity with our armed forces

only MQM is pushing govt to take bold steps with out wasting any more time

any time wasted is fatal for the existence of Pakistan and for its security :pakistan: only MQM realises it and is acting to push govt for in brilliant way

abi aap ne kitni peg lagaye hue he jaani :lol:
mqm has been doing some good speeches lately.
perhaps they finally gave up organized crime?
MQM represents Pakistan, MQM doesn't do politics of self interests

MQM is the only party capable of leading our country

it is proved seeing MQM's stance on one side and all other parties stance

it has also exposed the political interests behind the national issues and how political parties play their own games risking the future of our country and the nation

MQM is brave, and stands to its decisions and never backs down :pakistan:

mom has been doing some good speeches lately.
perhaps they finally gave up organized crime?

i don't believe in perceptions, most of these perceptions are spread by MQM phobic people who know nothing about MQM and Karachi

the most patriotic party serves its people not loots it :pakistan:
MQM is the only party which is seriou about Pakistan, rest are in deep slumber, only MQM can gather 100,000 people on 1 day notice to show solidarity with our armed forces
And with democracy eliminated, the contenders for legitimacy reduce to the only ones who can wield arms: the P.A., the TTP, and the MQM. How very convenient for Altaf Hussain!
And with democracy eliminated, the contenders for legitimacy reduce to the only ones who can wield arms: the P.A., the TTP, and the MQM. How very convenient for Altaf Hussain!

your post, as some Pakistanis will think if a zionist is being anti MQM, anti Pak army is the most it means they are the best thing for Pakistan

your post just reflects how superficial your views are, you are behaving as ill informed, a malnorished dude you knows nothing about Pakistan despite being in this forum for many years, and a guy who is more inclined to his Pakistan phobic views, you rely on what you want to see things in your own perspective, this is how you have operated all this long.

you have absolutely developed zero credibility on discussing pak matters despite remaining in PDF for many years

im sorry to say if i would give you any marks it would be 5 out of 100 at best

your stay didn't help you gain any knowledge, because you are so biased and unwilling to accept the realities and facts and unwilling to learn the things, you are being selective in your zionist mind set which rejects every fact, every reality which has anything to do with Pakistan, so you are just a pakistan phobic guy

but im unable to comprehend why you are trying to be in conflict with MQM views, you jews are the most anti islamic people, how should hate islamic insurgencies

i don't understand why you are not with pak army and MQM on issues like these?

wasn't it israel army who uses force against innocent palestinians?

i have exposed you, how your logic is so much twisted

may be its because you simply hate pak army who is the strength of islamic republic of pakistan and always a bad news for the israelis? :lol: :enjoy:
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MQM represents Pakistan, MQM doesn't do politics of self interests

MQM is the only party capable of leading our country

it is proved seeing MQM's stance on one side and all other parties stance

it has also exposed the political interests behind the national issues and how political parties play their own games risking the future of our country and the nation

MQM is brave, and stands to its decisions and never backs down :pakistan:

i don't believe in perceptions, most of these perceptions are spread by MQM phobic people who know nothing about MQM and Karachi

the most patriotic party serves its people not loots it :pakistan:
well what ever it is i hope they have pakistans interests always in mind.
you are behaving as ill informed -
So educate me. It's not like you contested the specifics of my analysis; you resorted to name-calling, that's all. Here's a chance to show that you can be constructive.
well what ever it is i hope they have pakistans interests always in mind.

i hope that other parties have pakistani interests in their mind before their political interests, they should learn something from MQM, the most patriotic party of :pakistan:
A "politician" calling for the military to overstep civilian supremacy?!!
Not the first time.. When Musharraf did the coup to overthrow previous PML government of Nawaz Sharif in 1999, almost the entire opposition, including PPP & MQM, supported him.
So educate me. It's not like you contested the specifics of my analysis; you resorted to name-calling, that's all. Here's a chance to show that you can be constructive.

it would take 6 years because you are still where you started your journey in PDF, where do i start, where to begin? its a huge task of many years and time investment

Not the first time.. When Musharraf did the coup to overthrow previous PML government of Nawaz Sharif in 1999, almost the entire opposition, including PPP & MQM, supported him.

you are brainwashed to believe that, it was imran khan and mullahs who supported musharraf, even when he had restored no democracy, MQM was the party who, having huge mandate of Karachi, still boycotted 2002 local government elections when all mullahs, imran khan and PPP participated and jamaat islami who wins no parliamentary seat from Karachi won from the city
it would take 6 years -
Start small. Start by telling me exactly why and how my analysis of A.H. is in error. And if you can't, own up, otherwise why shouldn't readers here dismiss your words like so much vapor?
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