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Pakistan Army Question Thread

hey i recently saw the pakistani soldiers on geo operating in swat, and to me they didnt look properly equipped. They didnt seem to have a standard kevlar armour or helmet.

can anyone elaborate on this further?

Pakistan Army doesn't need to be properly equipped.
Allah's mercy is all the armor we need.
Is the Army General rank in Pakistan army equal to the rank of minister of state or deputy minister or comparable with the above?
Is the Army General rank in Pakistan army equal to the rank of minister of state or deputy minister or comparable with the above?

Nops, a PA army general is not equal to anyone of the above, rather junior to them, he is equal to a grade 21/22 officer of the civil service.
why has this been moved into this section???

Can someone plz identify this vehicle. Is it Chinese if so what are the prospects of Pakistan attaining it??

Can someone plz identify this vehicle. Is it Chinese if so what are the prospects of Pakistan attaining it??

can you tell me where you got the picture from? If the picture included the rest of the vehicles too then I might have had an idea about its role. The one next to it is the same without the gun and then there is definitely a mobile command post for radar/ SAM etc.

regarding chances I they are very bleak, just because china has it doesn’t mean we need it too when we don’t even know what it is for.. why might have something already for the same job or role.

it is a very confusing. The gun on top is clearly for anti aircraft role and looks close to a 23MM ZPU-1. the vehicle is definitely not an assault looks more like a mobile command centre with this gun for self defence. But the big pointed cone fixed in the front doesn’t go with the whole thing. Specially the two oddities are bigger than normal AA cannon (usually it is 12.7MM cannon for infantry & air defence) and that cone I just mentioned.
There are no Ariel or radars attached on the roof and there is nothing else to suggest if it’s a mine clearing vehicle.
Without the 23mm I would have called it a utility vehicle but I am sorry I cant find anything about it. The closest guess is that it is an APC with an added utility to clear barbed wires or any other obstacles.. (in case this cone spins and clears things.). its definitely not mine clearing because the cone is too modest to do that sort of a job.

I thought I will throw some ideas sorry wasn’t much help. Maybe our Chinese friends can help.. i
Can any body define Personality in single sentence???????????????

can you explain your quesiton a bit further in more than one sentence?
what does it have to do in this thread?
do you want to know what the soldier's mindet is?
or what the Generals are made of?

or is it just philosophical debate you are after?
no sir its hosted on an image site I just ran through it on a casual image search !!

Although the keywords I was searching were MTLB
no sir its hosted on an image site I just ran through it on a casual image search !!

Although the keywords I was searching were MTLB

in that case what I said in the end seems to be right.. it is simply a Chinese APC. I cant think of it as having primary role of air defence but it can be serving as a mobile command centre for air defence guns in the field. (an additional AA gun on top supports that assumption) the cone in the front is still peculiar. maybe it is meant to help in navigating through ditches and mug+ water. Its lower profile than the standard APCs means that it can conceal its self better in a dug in position to serve as a temporary control station/ command post for the artillery.

After doing the search with (MTLB) multi-purpose armoured personnel carrier, I came across almost similar looking tracked vehicles. The big mystery is the cone in the front for me.. Like a usual piece you see in citric fruit machines that spins to extract juice from the oranges. Hehe.

Now I am curious and will really appreciate some help from any body specially our Chinese friends
@Irfan Baloch

Sir got it!!
The plate infront of this MTLR is the base plate of 120mm Mortar; I think instaed of towed configuration the Mortar is embedded within the MTLR. This will further provide protection of the vehicle plus the compactness & transportation ease of Mortar


The tube must be placed at rear & the base plate[detachable] infront of vehicle
Which anti-aircraft gun is it ?? It was displayed at IDEAS 2012 and is possibly manufactured locally in Pakistan ..

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