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Pakistan Army is ready to fight big Army like India.

isn't youtube banned in pak .

ontopic - pakistan lost the capability to fight a conventional war with india long back , hence they have outsourced the job to mujahideen . Kargil was an example of that .
Not just america sir but all those countries in Nato ..................Pakistan army is the best army on the face of earth if any one can defeat these rented Raw Terrorists that would be pak army
I know its good to be proud of one self but some times a little reality is also essential.
By the way how old are you?
I know its good to be proud of one self but some times a little reality is also essential.
By the way how old are you?
I know you are really pissed at me and the first sign you showed was asking my age .. this is what a troll like you would do when you have no answer ??
And yet they keep killing Pakistanis at regular intervals!! There's hardly been any change in the situation since Zarb commenced. That means not many militants have been sent to Hell as you gleefully contend!!

The fact that Pakistan had to officially declare an operation zarb e azb is proof that the militants are taking ground. The Pakistanis never had any control over autonomous tribal provinces, now they are as good as gone. As long as the people sympathise with the rebels this civil war will not end.

Pakistani army is cutting down the branches while the roots grow strong and deep. In ten years from now Pakistan will still be fighting zarb e azb and fighting for their lives.
I know you are really pissed at me and the first sign you showed was asking my age .. this is what a troll like you would do when you have no answer ??
Comprehension is another problem with you is int it? :)
7k post and not one is a troll post and i am proud of that . i ask your age as i see your post lack maturity .
Unable to watch this videos BTW when this You tube ban is going to end?
Americans are not fighting in their country. They are fighting afghans in afghanistan which is some 5,000 - 6,000 kilometers away from America. And America has not mobilised their full power. Read World War2 and you will know how Americans fight wars.

The Pakistanis are fighting to save their country, their villages and cities. Heavy artillery, aircraft, infantry, tanks everything has been mobilised and still the Pakistanis suffer HUGE losses and losing ground.

Indian army is not fighting against Maoists, the armed police are. Funny you mention about Maoists because the states affected by Maoists have better power supply and industrial output than Pakistan.
American did not mobilise their full power? Tell me what will make the americans mobilize their full power? At their peak they had 180,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, 1/4th of their entire army. They had their best assets there, drones, B-52s, F-15s, Apaches. And yet you say they didn't? Tell me what will make American mobilize full power? They are already on their knees saying they are ready for talks with taliban and don't think taliban are terrorists.
As for WW2, they can never mobilize on that scale again. The global politics has changed and they haven't enforced conscription, neither do they have the money to mobilize on that scale. If anything they are becoming smaller.
Our Pakistani friends here seem to forget , we do not want to go to war , for us our economy is the priority .
And all those who advocate war on this forum thinking ts some sort of a romantic fantasy , let me just inform them that war is the last thing on any solders mind. because once started there is no way to stop midway . there will be casuilties, on both sides.
Agreed. But you will see more war drum beating from Pakistan because it is logical for us. If India does not care or prepare much for war, it doesn't make as much difference to them if they get caught off guard. But Pakistan cannot afford that luxury. We need to keep reminding the Indians that our swords are sharp as a precaution against misadventure. Mind you, Pakistanis don't want war anymore than Indians. It's just a survival instinct.
The Pakistanis cannot fight an organised army, never mind "big army like India". The reason Pakistan invested so heavily in "non-state actors" like Taliban, LeT, JuD etc. is because the army needed scapegoats to bind India in one place while they plan strategic moves. Unfortunately Pakistan did never calculate about a certain OBL and the effects of 9/11. The Taliban felt betrayed by Pakistan siding with US and now you have a civil war in Pakistan which is unlikely to end because the rebels have emotional and ideological support from conservative Pakistani society.

The Pakistani army has been a flop show in their zarb e azb, yes the Pakistanis are pounding furiously at rebel cities with bombardment and air power. But the Pakistanis forgot what they had been shouting to USA all along, indiscriminate bombing only adds numbers to rebel cause. To kill 10 militants Pakistan bombards an entire village killing 10 militants and 100 civilians with them. 10 years has passed but the end of Pakistani civil war is still not in sight. One commander dies, another one comes up to take his place. More and more ground has been lost by Pakistan in the war and the casualties simply keep mounting.

A "professional" army that cannot defeat taliban in their own backyard cannot make such lofty claims.

Taliban are not an organised army which is why they cannot be defeated purely by military means. NATO couldn't defeat them either with all their technology and neither could 'professional' Indian Army hold the 'militants' in Occupied Kashmir.

As for Pakistan's investment in 'non-state actors', show me a government that wouldn't do that. Think of Mukti Bahni for example.

I do agree to some extent that military has to be careful in the amount of fire power it unleashes, specially when you are operating within the boundaries of your own country.

I for one would rather ban the use of armed forces in the country altogether and instead, heavily invest in police and intelligence to do the job. Fighting terrorists is not Army's job, thats for police.
forget age , i know the range is 5-10

what i want to know is whether
@Pomegranate is a he or a she , @Pomegranate please clarify so that i can decide on my future response to you .

@waz @Horus @WebMaster @Jango @Oscar This guy is repeatedly violating the rules of this forum will yoiu trake action now ?? or m i allowed to answer this troll on the same manner coz i have good things to say to him ... please take action
Aray nhi bhai hum ap ki opinion ki respect kartein hai lekin thor hath hola raakho na bhaiya ...
hath hola,,,,,umm,,,,wo karney ke liye mere me 'tehzeeb' ki kami hae,,,,nai ho payega.
waise bhi me thehra uncivilised hindoo,,,so its natural that I will be against ' muslims in general n Pakistanis in particular',,,hope ki dialog copyright protected nahi ha:D
American did not mobilise their full power? Tell me what will make the americans mobilize their full power? At their peak they had 180,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, 1/4th of their entire army. They had their best assets there, drones, B-52s, F-15s, Apaches. And yet you say they didn't? Tell me what will make American mobilize full power? They are already on their knees saying they are ready for talks with taliban and don't think taliban are terrorists.
As for WW2, they can never mobilize on that scale again. The global politics has changed and they haven't enforced conscription, neither do they have the money to mobilize on that scale. If anything they are becoming smaller.

Yes America did not mobilise their full power.

You are talking 180,000 soldiers, only? American military is the second largest in the world. They have the second largest army, the largest navy and the largest air force in the world. And I am not even counting their national guard and armed reserve. USA mobilised 500,000+ troops for Vietnam and over 4 million during second world war.

Only an invasion of USA or a WMD strike against American territory will make them mobilise full power. You have not seen the full power of America. Germany and Japan has.

1/4th of their entire army? ROFLOL!! US army is 1 million plus you fool. They had their best assets in very modest numbers. You should check out the size of American military before making such foolish comments.

Is Pakistan not begging the Taliban for talks? The USA can leave tomorrow and nothing will change. If Pakistan stops its war against Taliban they will end up being second Afghanistan.

The Americans have the largest military industrial complex on earth. They are not Pakistan. They can mobilise any time they want, they just don't feel the need to do so. The US President has to plead with the Congress to send extra troops and supplies, their economy is not mobilised for war, their reserves are happily sitting in America and their is no war time production. Declare an invasion of America and you will see President have absolute power, their economy diverted to war effort, American youth drafted for war and all their industries will be manufacturing tanks, planes, missiles. And it is funny reading a Pakistani saying America does not have money.

@A.Rafay @Ahmad1996 @Akheilos @Armstrong @arushbhai @AstanoshKhan @AZADPAKISTAN2009 @balixd @batmannow @Bilal. @chauvunist @Crypto @Dr. Stranglove @Evil Flare @EyanKhan @Fahad Khan 2 @GIANTsasquatch @graphican @Green Arrow @Guleen Ahmed @HRK @Jazzbot @Junaid B @Jzaib @Khalidr @khawaja07 @Leader @Luftwaffe @mr42O @Muhammad Omar @nomi007 @Pak123 @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @Peaceful Civilian @pkuser2k12 @Pukhtoon @PWFI @raazh @Rafael @Rashid Mahmood @RescueRanger @Saifkhan12 @SHAMK9 @Spy Master @Stealth @Strike X @SUPARCO @sur @syedali73 @Tameem @Tayyab1796 @Zarvan @waleed3601 @AdeelFaheem @Rajput_Pakistani @Men in Green @IceCold @LoveIcon @razahassan1997 @Dil Pakistan @asq @junaid hamza @Pukhtoon @jamahir @Strigon @Rafi @Ulla @HughSlaman @420canada @sathya @slapshot @raza_888 @hacsan
@SBD-3 @cb4 @AsianUnion @Aether @Proudpakistaniguy @Waffen SS @FaujHistorian @Fracker @Ranches @ghoul @Jf Thunder @GreenFalcon @genmirajborgza786 @orangzaib @Pakistani Exile @KURUMAYA @Irfan Baloch @ali_raza @Syed.Ali.Haider @dexter @Patriots @muslim_pakistani @W.11 @Meengla @zaid butt @ajpirzada @Shoaib Rathore @OrionHunter @CHARGER @Major Sam @yesboss @TheNoob @Bratva @ghazaliy2k @Viny @StormShadow @suresh1773 @SOHEIL @venu309 @danish_vij @Force-India @faisal6309 @S.U.R.B. @vsdave2302 @jarves @WAJsal @pursuit of happiness @Winchester @janon @pak-marine @AgNoStiC MuSliM
@Etilla @SpArK @Srinivas @desert warrior @DRAY @pumkinduke @wolfpack @pursuit of happiness @danish_vij @rubyjackass @Star Wars @Ammyy @bloo @Marxist @karan.1970 @Not Sure @Arav_Rana @Avik274 @SamantK @Major Shaitan Singh @Omega007 @farhan_9909 @haviZsultan @Sidak @ranjeet @Yogijaat @ravi Nair @WAR-rior @halupridol @he-man @Indrani @Mike_Brando @SarthakGanguly @sreekumar @OrionHunter @lightoftruth @Water Car Engineer @indiatester @Ind4Ever @13 komaun @anant_s @itachiii @SwAggeR @Brahmos_2 @Blue_Eyes @bhangi bava @SAMEET @naveen mishra @Bagha @utraash @Chanakya's_Chant @Krate M @gslv mk3 @r1_vns @blood @noksss @kurup @PARIKRAMA @thesolar65 @Rohit Patel @wolfschanzze @levina @vostok @rahi2357 @Norwegian , , @razahassan1997 , @Leader , @DESERT FIGHTER , @Horus @Jazzbot @Norwegian @pkuser2k12 @Fahad Khan 2 @Spring Onion Onion @chauvunist @Pukhtoon @Jzaib @Pakistan Shaheen @karakoram
so Pakistan was not ready before ? :O
BTW since u r ready , now fight ..... aaaattttaaaaaaaacccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkk...........
American did not mobilise their full power? Tell me what will make the americans mobilize their full power? At their peak they had 180,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, 1/4th of their entire army. They had their best assets there, drones, B-52s, F-15s, Apaches. And yet you say they didn't? Tell me what will make American mobilize full power? They are already on their knees saying they are ready for talks with taliban and don't think taliban are terrorists.
As for WW2, they can never mobilize on that scale again. The global politics has changed and they haven't enforced conscription, neither do they have the money to mobilize on that scale. If anything they are becoming smaller.

Agreed. But you will see more war drum beating from Pakistan because it is logical for us. If India does not care or prepare much for war, it doesn't make as much difference to them if they get caught off guard. But Pakistan cannot afford that luxury. We need to keep reminding the Indians that our swords are sharp as a precaution against misadventure. Mind you, Pakistanis don't want war anymore than Indians. It's just a survival instinct.
My dear friend a war will be disastrous for both sides , and i am pretty sure that the leadership on both sides know that ,
these war drums are often beaten by people who have little or no understanding of the consequences of such a conflict.
And yet they keep killing Pakistanis at regular intervals!! There's hardly been any change in the situation since Zarb commenced. That means not many militants have been sent to Hell as you gleefully contend!!

Aw shucks! Mush again in the video, the man known to lie through his teeth! The murderer of Benazir and Bugti. The man who lied to the world that it were the 'mujahideen' who fought in Kargil and that the PA had nothing to do with it!! Holy smoke!! I guess he was unaware that five battalions of the Northern light Infantry were involved!

Of course, he has to be all honest, sincere and an open book to the eternal enemies of his country. Thats a trivial thing to ask for.
My dear friend a war will be disastrous for both sides , and i am pretty sure that the leadership on both sides know that ,
these war drums are often beaten by people who have little or no understanding of the consequences of such a conflict.
And when there are nuclear powers involved there will be no winners .
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