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Afzal Guru hailed a hero amid "Pakistan Zindabad" slogans & Calls for Azadi at Delhi's JNU

I don't think this was appropriate..... I won't appreciate it......

i am sure @Levina was there leader.

@nair was u also present there?
Who is Afzal Guru? I get the general gist that he was a terrorist but all this attention is only likely to make him a martyr and a polestar for some anti-establishment peeps. In US we have some rednecks too who still root for Timothy McVeigh but at large the Govt ignores them and they fade away into irrelevance.

Your Govt is only adding fuel to the fire by suppressing these dissidents and thus adding legitimacy to their cause.


The idea of anti establishment narrative has been touted as a "charm" of communist fortress of Jawahar Lal University. With official re-allignment of communist political ideology with the weakened hapless fast dissolving congress's left leaning ideology, JNU's communist student organisations have changed there anti establishment ideas into a totally anti-national narrative to counter ABVP's (BJP's student wing) hyper-nationalist rhetoric.

So the new idea is promulgation of closet jihadist/ Communist secessionist/ combination under the garb of universal issues like capital punishment. So to these groups - the idea of hailing a Terrorist as a martyr is kosher under the garb of Opposing capital Punishment.

To draw a comparison to student protest in USA, Imagine a Anti-War protest in UCLA > with student hailing OBL as a hero... and trying to pass that off as anti-war protest.

Hope that sets the context right.
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Afzal Guru was a terrorist who was hanged after due judicial process for his involvement in attack on Indian Parliament that killed many people.

A mature society and democracy gives scope for dissenting voices. We just need to take guards against such fringe elements being misused by anti nationals and terrorists.

I wouod humbly disagree, Sister.

In a democracy with rights comes duties as well and these people are clearly violating the duties given to them so how come they are entitled for any rights ??

These people are like harmful microbes. We know we can not eliminate them completely but atleast we can remove their favourable enviŕonment where they wont be able to breed and multiply.

There is no maturity in allowing these filthy microbes to grow. They will end up harming our system.
Dear Sir i acknowledge your supreme command over politics and Indian issues, i just commented with my very shallow knowledge. As per my opinion India is on fast track to become radical Hindu dominant country with huge population belongs to minority religion, you people have to bear this type of reaction or stop it by force. In case of force result will be quite devastating for the union of India.

You wish, but it stems from lack of understanding of value of constitution for all Indians. No matter how much our neighbors wish, the secular pluralist fabric of Indian constitution will remain the same. as evident although a party much regarded as right wing nationalist has a hyper majority in the parliament. Your entire nation was built on this fear of radical hindu domination subjugating minorities, but the wish remains a wish, as If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
I don't think this was appropriate..... I won't appreciate it......

Valentine wale din shadi shuda mard yaha pe ???

Bhabhi ji ne ghar se nikal diya na ??? :lol:
You wish, but it stems from lack of understanding of value of constitution for all Indians. No matter how much our neighbors wish, the secular pluralist fabric of Indian constitution will remain the same. as evident although a party much regarded as right wing nationalist has a hyper majority in the parliament. Your entire nation was built on this fear of radical hindu domination subjugating minorities, but the wish remains a wish, as If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

No Sir it is not mine or my nations wish but the circumstances clearly pointing out the outcome of radical Hinduvta policies and attitudes where people from minority religion forbade to eat what they like even lynched, killed in suspicion of doing that. Armed gangs patrolling streets to protect the holy animal and have free hand to provide justice on the spot to the culprits, where P.M is accused of actively involved in a massacre of minority group. I highly doubt the secular constitution and its implementation. Where people are dreaming to become super power and have dream to dominate the world i can say the wish remains a wish, as If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

A mature society and democracy gives scope for dissenting voices. We just need to take guards against such fringe elements being misused by anti nationals and terrorists.

Sure, so if we want to be that mature and allow anti national rhetoric that tax payers need to subsidize, then why just stop there with Kashmiri Jihadist sympathizers , lets allow, Hamas, hezbollah, AQ, Isis, LTTE, lets welcome all of them in JNU and let the freedom of speech and dissent thrive.

A right wing organisation like Shiv Sena is terrible when it comes to there myopic views but with their overdose of hyper nationalism I challenge these student organisations - If there convictions are so strong dare do this in Mumbai.. and see what happens....

No Sir it is not mine or my nations wish but the circumstances clearly pointing out the outcome of radical Hinduvta policies and attitudes where people from minority religion forbade to eat what they like even lynched, killed in suspicion of doing that. Armed gangs patrolling streets to protect the holy animal and have free hand to provide justice on the spot to the culprits, where P.M is accused of actively involved in a massacre of minority group. I highly doubt the secular constitution and its implementation. Where people are dreaming to become super power and have dream to dominate the world i can say the wish remains a wish, as If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

I expect this from you, to magnify fringe element, selective reading if events and outcomes, the travesty is my countrymen who have run out of political capital are now using your playbook.... We have a few here on the forum....
Dear Sir i acknowledge your supreme command over politics and Indian issues, i just commented with my very shallow knowledge. As per my opinion India is on fast track to become radical Hindu dominant country with huge population belongs to minority religion, you people have to bear this type of reaction or stop it by force. In case of force result will be quite devastating for the union of India.


When u know u have a shallow knowledge about Indian Politics, why bother commenting and making a fool out of yourself ? :lol:

The idea of anti establishment narrative has been touted as a "charm" of communist fortress of Jawahar Lal University. With official re-allignment of communist political ideology with the weakened hapless fast dissolving congress's left leaning ideology, JNU's communist student organisations have changed there anti establishment ideas into a totally anti-national narrative to counter ABVP's (BJP's student wing) hyper-nationalist rhetoric.

So the new idea is promulgation of closet jihadist/ Communist secessionist/ combination under the garb of universal issues like capital punishment. So to these groups - the idea of hailing a Terrorist as a martyr is kosher under the garb of Opposing capital Punishment.

To draw a comparison to student protest in USA, Imagine a Anti-War protest in UCLA > with student hailing OBL as a hero... and trying to pass that off as anti-war protest.

Hope that sets the context right.

Well to be honest - In US the freedom of speech has little to no boundaries and so Hailing Osama or Hitler would at worst invoke disgust but you won't see FBI shoving warrants up their throats.

But yeah there are red lines which shouldn't be crossed - opinions and sloganeering is harmless but if there is material evidence to prove these students are actively colluding with terrorists then they should be taken to task.

It does well to remind oneself that our civil liberties are sacrosanct and the test of their endurance is if we can guarantee these same liberties to the people whom we dislike the most and who form the part of anti establishment camp.

FYI UCLA does have elements who would hail the Jihadists as martyrs against American Greed and Imperialism. On the other hand Neo Nazis sporting Nazi insignia are a thriving community down south.
Half literate bunch. How did they get addmission in JNU

reservations ..... and since D Raja's daughter is also amongst them, political strings!
When u know u have a shallow knowledge about Indian Politics, why bother commenting and making a fool out of yourself ? :lol:
He is doing what he s supposed to do. @MaarKhoor is absolutely right at highlighting what our subsidised JNU students are doing. He is just driving there point home... That is what is expected... But right now, there is barely any difference between what he is saying and what congress and the left is implying....

Its up to us to see how low the opposition has sunk....
I expect this from you, to magnify fringe element, selective reading if events and outcomes, the travesty is my countrymen who have run out of political capital are now using your playbook.... We have a few here on the forum....
These type of fringe element some time proved quite lethal for the society and can ignite civil wars which lasted for decades and weaken the nations so much that small new countries would appear on the map of the earth.
He is doing what he s supposed to do. @MaarKhoor is absolutely right at highlighting what our subsidised JNU students are doing. He is just driving there point home... That is what is expected... But right now, there is barely any difference between what he is saying and what congress and the left is implying....

Its up to us to see how low the opposition has sunk....

Jo Chup rahay ghi zubaan-e-khanjar....
Tu lahoo pukaray gha asteen ka....

If the killer stay quite then the blood stains on cloths tell the story.
This is the same JNU which hands over graduate degrees to commissioned officers of Indian Army passing out of NDA.

Thought was Pune University!!!!!
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