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Pakistan Army Chief: "Fully Prepared" To Meet Any Challenge

Very valid point. You have yourself hit the nail on the head - in the evidence provided to Pakistan there are voice recordings of the conversation between the handlers in Pakistan and the terrorists in Mumbai. It is the Pakistani government that is shying away from voice and sound analysis to verify authenticity. These recordings where primarily provided by the Americans to us and we passed them on to you. Be rest assured that all the details of the calls are with the Government of Pakistan. The ball is firmly in your court.

As for validation of Kasabs confession i have already point out that even the FBI interrogated him and recorded his confession (incidentally a confession to the FBI is permissible evidence in the United States) . What more do you want!!!???

On Kasab's confession - an FBI confession is permissible in US court because the FBI is a US LEA. I fail to see how that has an impact on the Pakistani system or on a Pakistani judge (I could be wrong, but AFAIK, Pakistani laws must be satisfied here).

Are you sure that actual recordings were part of the dossier?
These are the contents of the dossier per the Hindu, and I could not find any mention of actual recordings from my cursory search through them.

The Hindu : Mumbai Terror attacks - Dossier of evidence

In fact the definition of a 'dossier' (A collection of papers giving detailed information about a particular person or subject.) precludes that sort of evidence being provided.
Au Contraire!! I am not assuming anything!! If your Government is so confident, process and prosecute Kasab in your own court of law in an open and judicious manner in in the eye of the international media!! But you are not going to do that anytime soon now are you? :cheers: and if you to the least know anything....Benazir's/ UN matter is more of a political nature than anything else! Oh by the way.....did you catch the culprits yet who killed your Rajiv and Mahatama Gandhi (both of them!!) :what:

And please, your judicial system is one of the worst processed in the world! zero forensic science, 100% police state!! No Indian CSI for you now!

1.Yes Kasab will be prosecuted in an open and judicious manner. This is India my friend not Pakistan, where the judiciary is insubordinate to the reigning dictator.

2.Yes the killers of Mahatam Gandhi have been caught and hanged long back and its the same with the killers of Rajiv Gandhi. The terrorist who carried out the crime have been caught and hanged, just the master planner (Prabhakaran) is yet to be punished and that is because of the fact that he is hiding somewhere in the jungles in Sri Lanka.

3. Yes our judicial system is not the best in the world, yes there are certain shortcomings but dispensing justice has not been one of them. Again you ignorance of the judiciary and modest advancements made by the Indian police system is alarming.

I would request you to start reading a little, so that the rest of us can be spared the trouble of educating you.
On Kasab's confession - an FBI confession is permissible in US court because the FBI is a US LEA. I fail to see how that has an impact on the Pakistani system or on a Pakistani judge (I could be wrong, but AFAIK, Pakistani laws must be satisfied here).

Yes this is legal hurdle for the judicial process in Pakistan but Kasabs confession to the FBI clearly proves that Kasab confession was not forced out of him under police custody. Can we agree on this point??

Are you sure that actual recordings were part of the dossier?
These are the contents of the dossier per the Hindu, and I could not find any mention of actual recordings from my cursory search through them.

The Hindu : Mumbai Terror attacks - Dossier of evidence

The actual recordings have been handed to Pakistan later on. It would be rather ridiculous on our part to print the transcripts on paper and not actually come up with the recordings. This very evidence has been provided to a lot of other countries too and not a single country or international agency has disputed the authenticity of the evidence furnished by India.

In fact the definition of a 'dossier' (A collection of papers giving detailed information about a particular person or subject.) precludes that sort of evidence being provided.

"a file containing detailed records on a particular person or subject" - This is another definition that i could find. The point is, that it is the matter in the dossier that is important.
Now my point is... IF this is all so much proven and everything then why is still India standing alone in International Community?
Why not the whole world is supporting India in its quest. Why?
Yes this is legal hurdle for the judicial process in Pakistan but Kasabs confession to the FBI clearly proves that Kasab confession was not forced out of him under police custody. Can we agree on this point??
If there is an FBI statement indicating what exactly they are validating, I would consider the FBI conclusions credible. However, it still does not satisfy the need for Pakistani investigators to have access and fulfill the requirements of Pakistani law when trying the suspects in court.

The actual recordings have been handed to Pakistan later on. It would be rather ridiculous on our part to print the transcripts on paper and not actually come up with the recordings. This very evidence has been provided to a lot of other countries too and not a single country or international agency has disputed the authenticity of the evidence furnished by India.

"a file containing detailed records on a particular person or subject" - This is another definition that i could find. The point is, that it is the matter in the dossier that is important.
Could you provide credible links for that?

As I said earlier, nothing in the dossier itself, as presented by the Hindu Online, indicates any physical evidence was sent to Pakistan. You can go through the Hindu links yourself and see if there was anything beyond images and text on paper, in case I missed something.
1.Yes Kasab will be prosecuted in an open and judicious manner. This is India my friend not Pakistan, where the judiciary is insubordinate to the reigning dictator.

2.Yes the killers of Mahatam Gandhi have been caught and hanged long back and its the same with the killers of Rajiv Gandhi. The terrorist who carried out the crime have been caught and hanged, just the master planner (Prabhakaran) is yet to be punished and that is because of the fact that he is hiding somewhere in the jungles in Sri Lanka.

3. Yes our judicial system is not the best in the world, yes there are certain shortcomings but dispensing justice has not been one of them. Again you ignorance of the judiciary and modest advancements made by the Indian police system is alarming.

I would request you to start reading a little, so that the rest of us can be spared the trouble of educating you.

Call me when this Kasab's guy open and fair trial begins in your country! Until then I will reserve my comments! :wave:

and since you are a newbie on this forum, it is you who needs to read around to learn and assimilate the information given herein!!
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