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Pakistan and Overbreeding...

it's the down-trodden who tend to have the MOST kids, and they know that they dont have the resources to invest enough in them (e.g. education)

Not true in my experience. In my office we have two highly educated Pakistanis and they have 7 in all and soon to be 8. More kids than the 7 married Indians in the office put together.

In India its practically impossible to find educated people having 4 kids nowadays...
Hi Mr. Fateh71, there are exceptions everywhere. Research has generally showed that more education is correlated to smaller families, however that is not the case with everyone. Pakistanis do tend to have larger families though, and the consequences are starting to show now.

Pakistan is plagued by lack of water, no sanitation, poor education facilities, no law and order, food inflation, hunger, lack of employment opportunities, etc. These issues are only going to get worse in the upcoming years, and honestly I am glad, unfortunately this is the only way that this country will learn. Take care.
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I dont understand this family planning and condoms people get so fixated on for birth control. Ever heard of self control? whada heck man, just pull it out before ejaculation.

During the flood 2010 so many families were shown on tv, poor villagers each family bearing over 8 kids. What may I ask is their income for their kids' future? unbelievable, man. Just freggin' learn some self-control during sex. And yes it's worked fine for me.

your avatar cracks me up...i posted it once in "Stupid & Funny" thread...reminds me of some of the trolls lingering in this forum

Fateh -- 7-8 kids is beyond ridiculous. There are exceptions, as pointed out. At least we know that those kids will be afforded proper care and investment for their future

it's very rare for the middle or upper class segment to have more than 3 kids (4 max).....it's the people in rural areas, usually less well off, who have 5-6-7 children.......simply because they view the kids as future 'insurance' that they will be taken care of

in the past, people gave birth to many kids because health facilities were worse and infant mortality often took place.....poors used to assume that 1 or 2 of their kids would die in their prime
I dont understand this family planning and condoms people get so fixated on for birth control. Ever heard of self control? whada heck man, just pull it out before ejaculation.


it doesnt always work, man....i still think its better to just use contraceptives.

People just shouldnt lie to themselves. Make love with your loved ones to your heart's content, just don't take risk if your intention is NOT to produce more babies

During the flood 2010 so many families were shown on tv, poor villagers each family bearing over 8 kids. What may I ask is their income for their kids' future? unbelievable, man. Just freggin' learn some self-control during sex.

truly sad images....having children is a responsibility and the couples should be better educated to make better decisions --for their sake and for the sake of the country

And yes it's worked fine for me.

good.....instead of investing in condom, invest in some paper towels


let's leave it at that!!!

it doesnt always work, man....i still think its better to just use contraceptives.

People just shouldnt lie to themselves. Make love with your loved ones to your heart's content, just don't take risk if your intention is NOT to produce more babies

truly sad images....having children is a responsibility and the couples should be better educated to make better decisions --for their sake and for the sake of the country

good.....instead of investing in condom, invest in some paper towels


let's leave it at that!!!

never liked the feel of a condom and never got pregnant without ever wanting to. Enjoyed the purity of love making without any sort of contraceptive with just a little self-control. Like I said, pull it out before ejaculation. Anyone can do it, I don't posses any special skills.
Dear All, this is a discussion about overpopulation and not one about personal experiences. Let's keep this discussion PG-13 as there are younger members on this forum.

Mods, I kindly please request you delete some of the previous comments. Take care.
How much does polygamy contribute to this problem? Its obvious it does so how prevalent is it in Pakistan considering polygamy is practiced among many Muslims?
How much does polygamy contribute to this problem? Its obvious it does so how prevalent is it in Pakistan considering polygamy is practiced among many Muslims?

Even if polygamy is there is muslims, are you jealous?
I think there is some sort of reverse correlation between mother's education level and number of children. Empowering women is the best way to control population.
I dont understand this family planning and condoms people get so fixated on for birth control. Ever heard of self control? whada heck man, just pull it out before ejaculation.

During the flood 2010 so many families were shown on tv, poor villagers each family bearing over 8 kids. What may I ask is their income for their kids' future? unbelievable, man. Just freggin' learn some self-control during sex. And yes it's worked fine for me.

Oh man this is good. Try saying this on PTV " Pull it out before " and than watch what happens. The same guy who has 8 kids will burn down the TV station:lol:

Problem is poor guy works all day in the fields chaudhry Shaib calls him he goes in the house looks at the TV sees SHILA KI JAWANI SONG goes back to the field thinking of Shila comes home looks at the wife and says WTF and them does some work in the house but that shila is running up and down in his head finally he says what the hell come here women and bang. I hope my Big bang theory was convincing.
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my feelings on polygamy are far from jealousy but what I feel is irrelevant. However, I sense my question may have caused you some discomfort.

On a serious note
A farmer having 6 to 8 kids was a good thing 70 to 80 years back he had man power to work so he could grow more and another plus point was people didn't mess with them saying he or she has 4 son or 8 sons. It was a necessity at that time but things have changed now so it will take time and education to heal this process.
Problem is poor guy works all day in the fields chaudhry Shaib calls him he goes in the house looks at the TV sees SHILA KI JAWANI SONG goes back to the field thinking of Shila comes home looks at the wife and says WTF and them does some work in the house but that shila is running up and down in his head finally he says what the hell come here women and bang. I hope my Big bang theory was convincing.


khair hai!!

as long as he doesn't accidentally call his wife 'Shila' while engaged in the act

otherwise response wont just be 'wtf' --it will be 2 tappars and no roti for dinner

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