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Pak swelling nuclear arsenal to counter India'

United States has 5000+ nuclear warheads. They have the best delivery systems in the world (except ICBMs, Russians are superior in this case). They also have a first strike policy. Since by your logic, it is time to use them too (actually since 1960s), I wonder why they didn't use them during the Cuban Missile crisis and a number of other times. I wonder why Vasili Arkhipov didn't allow the Soviets to start WW3. :hang2:

The amount of childish posts in this thread describe how well Indians (mostly newer ones) know about nuclear weapons and their use. Don't post just because you found a thread where you can troll and bash Pakistan. :disagree: :tdown:
Sir, I guess while ur stay at D.pk, u never came across the term - "SARCASM". Well now I think you have updated your vocabulary read back my comments.
Yup world consists of many nations, but we know who favors whom. And you do know you are spending money for submarines, aircrafts, ships, etc. even when you have enough nuke delivery system. If you can threaten us with your nukes, why make these other weapons and purchase them.

India now don't want war with you, even when we have to mobilize our force on people's pressure. Why would we do anything that can hamper our economic growth. Try to understand reason behind deployment of troops but not attacking.

India don't care about your nuclear bombs as economic bomb is doing what we could have done to you. Just see the effect of India in Afghanistan and how your govt. is opposing it.

Buddy try to look at the bigger picture. The entire world w.r.t. to you are now making ties with India, for example KSA, UAE etc.

The answer to your question lies in the fact that all the other nuclear powers of the world still spend a lot to modernize their military and enhance their conventional capability even though they know nobody will dare attack them fearing the nuclear threat , Why? so they do not have to go to the last resort ... Look at the example of Israel ... What does it have to fear yet it still spends a lot on its military ... The same remains the case with Pakistan ... And it is not like we have rushed to purchase new weapons for our military forced by your latest modernization ... We are only buying what we planned years before ... What new purchases have you recently seen ? :azn: ... Islamabad isn't bothered by your modernization , it plays its cards well and only buys what is cost effective and necessary ... No rush !

Oh , it always wanted to teach Pakistan a lesson hence the mobilization and pressurizing the State of Pakistan to agree to its terms ... Didn't happen ... New Dehli realized that no longer it can cross the border without suffering unacceptable damage ... You have mobilized your troops 3 times in history and backed off each time ... Nobody mobilizes troops on people's pressure without an intention to start war :lol: and then backs off unless of course they are faced with significant threat ... You can make excuses all day long though ...

Well , the current situation of the economy of Pakistan is temporary , it will recover soon as law and order in the country improves ... Do you need a reminder how was your's performing in 90's ?

Actually , now you are exaggerating the effect and magnitude of Indian presence in Afghanistan ... Yes , it has made Islamabad think but it is not a significant problem for us yet ... Not really ... We have decades of experience dealing in that country and influence which you realize not ... Your involvement there for less than a decade can do nothing to reduce our influence ... Afghanistan is unstable and sadly Indians dealing with the Govt of the presidential palace in not a threat to us ... Wait till 2014 and see how things turn out ... You will find it really hard to support your friends in Kabul once NATO abandons that country ... Ask yourself , if we are not important , then why does US of A always has to come to Pakistan to plan something in Afghanistan ? :azn: Pakistan doesn't shows up in Chicago and Bonn and the summit fails ... Figure out Why ?

Provide that source.

Also only reason IA would have to cross the IB or LOC if gains could not be made in Kargil.

In the end Kargil came to India. So, no reason to cross IB or LOC.

I am not really interested in discussing Kargil further and involving myself in derailing the thread ... But do answer this logical question " Which army doesn't want to minimize its losses and take the war to the enemy ? :azn: "
^ Buddy, carry on believing your theories. Just don't blame India for arm's race as 90% of you people do, don't blame our consulates in Afghanistan providing support to BLA, don't blame our support to TTP. You don't want to see things from other angle and admit the reality, this is what we want. The more ignorance in you guys is always beneficial for India. Again, carry on....:enjoy:
Where's the recent rush in purchasing weapons by PA ? :azn: ... Answer me this ... What people think need not be a concern to us ... Mate , TTP and BLA are being taken care of as we speak ... It is more the WoT that has troubled Pakistan , not your presence ... Of course , it can be stated the other way around too ... :azn: But still Carry on :lol:
Where is the recent rush in purchasing weapons by PA ? :azn: ... Answer me this ... Mate , TTP and BLA are being taken care of as we speak ... It is more the WoT that has troubled Pakistan , not your presence ... Of course , it can be stated the other way around too ... :azn: But still Carry on :lol:
:rofl:...Do you even read posts made here about your weapon purchases, India's role in BLA and TTP, your own people blame us, we are not taking any responsibility. Your leaders say this, your intellectuals say this, you must be only one who don't see anything.
^ Buddy, carry on believing your theories. Just don't blame India for arm's race as 90% of you people do, don't blame our consulates in Afghanistan providing support to BLA, don't blame our support to TTP. You don't want to see things from other angle and admit the reality, this is what we want. The more ignorance in you guys is always beneficial for India. Again, carry on....:enjoy:

We will carry on as we see the reality.

I think it is time you guys also wake up to the reality and open your eyes to over 140 secessionist groups present in your country. This is the highest number for any one country in the world.

If you ignore your own ground reality then it is you who suffer.

The more ignorance in you guys is always beneficial for Pakistan. Again, carry on please in your blissful ignorance :)
:rofl:...Do you even read posts made here about your weapon purchases, India's role in BLA and TTP, your own people blame us, we are not taking any responsibility. Your leaders say this, your intellectuals say this, you must be only one who don't see anything.

Do you value the opinion of certain people more than facts and ground realities ? :azn: If yes , then yeah I do not see nothing ... My country has purchased billions worth of weapons since your latest modernization ... Happy now ? :lol:
Do you value the opinion of certain people more than facts and ground realities ? :azn: If yes , then yeah I do not see nothing ... My country has purchased billions worth of weapons since your latest modernization ... Happy now ? :lol:
Oh boy, you are one of those....Sorry buddy, you are right.....I am wrong about ground realities.

We will carry on as we see the reality.

I think it is time you guys also wake up to the reality and open your eyes to over 140 secessionist groups present in your country. This is the highest number for any one country in the world.

If you ignore your own ground reality then it is you who suffer.

The more ignorance in you guys is always beneficial for Pakistan. Again, carry on please in your blissful ignorance :)
Don't post the same thing you posted in other thread. Fine, we are ignorant. We have not 140, but 1400 insurgencies. O God, someone help us. :drag:
I think once again it's time to close this dumb thread as trolls can not rest their hate and can not help trashing Pakistan in anything and everything . Plus there is no need for this types of threads only makes tensions between memebers here MODS plzz close this thread before trolls and haters have a heart attack.
I think once again it's time to close this dumb thread as trolls can not rest their hate and can not help trashing Pakistan in anything and everything . Plus there is no need for this types of threads only makes tensions between memebers here MODS plzz close this thread before trolls and haters have a heart attack.
Why....people are clearing our doubts....we are learning nukes are the only way of peace. :hitwall:
Oh boy, you are one of those....Sorry buddy, you are right.....I am wrong about ground realities.

Yep ! Was I the one keen on debating about what people think rather than facts ? :azn: You were interested way too much on the opinion of certain members here after you failed to answer my questions ... You still haven't answered my questions raised in my previous posts :lol:
Yep ! Was I the one keen on debating about what people think rather than facts ? :azn: You were interested way too much on the opinion of certain members here after you failed to answer my questions ... You still haven't answered my questions raised in my previous posts :lol:
Buddy I have already given up. You won. I am not going to dig in facts. How can I explain your defense budget and expenditure when all knows about it. I think it will be unwise to say JF-17, Qing class submarines, Ra'ad, 36 J-10B on soft loans, etc. will be procured with money. There is no money involved in this. They are gifts from unknown source. :coffee:
What ever Pakistan is doing Its doing Secretly.Indians Dont know what we have but we dont show, unlike india who shows off everything.

That's the most amusing thing, last time RAW recorded the secrete conversation of pak army chief with ISI chief and also with pak PM. Its also a secrete how deep we have the penetration.:woot:

RAW is the most secrete of all and we don't show off like others.;)
Buddy I have already given up. You won. I am not going to dig in facts. How can I explain your defense budget and expenditure when all knows about it. I think it will be unwise to say JF-17, Qing class submarines, Ra'ad, 36 J-10B on soft loans, etc. will be procured with money. There is no money involved in this. They are gifts from unknown source. :coffee:

I have never said that my military has stopped purchasing weapons :azn: ... Sure you can , get me facts and figures that our defense budget has indeed hiked ... I have only said that PA planned these purchases years before , even before you started your MRCA and Navy modernization so there's no way you can relate the both and think that Islamabad is interested in arm's race ... It will maintain minimum required deterrence , purchase what is cost effective and necessary and not waste billions on weapons ... Do you even know when did the first JFT got inducted ? :azn: How long was Ra'ad in development ? J 10 deal hasn't been signed yet and interest was shown by PAF back in 2007 :lol: Qing Class sub purchase is at the moment nothing but a rumor ... Even if true , we haven't had submarines replacement for long ... Relate both and we can move further ...

That's the most amusing thing, last time RAW recorded the secrete conversation of pak army chief with ISI chief and also with pak PM. Its also a secrete how deep we have the penetration.:woot:

RAW is the most secrete of all and we don't show off like others.;)

Very "secrete" attempt at trolling ... Reported ...
So you're willing to compromise millions of lives just because no other alternative could be reached? Rather taking a more peaceful, non-violent approach, you plan to just send the nukes? Is this really your way of thinking? You do realize the after effects of nuclear war? You arch enemy india won't be the only country to be effected. Once again, you're a moron.

Not me, I'm not the one making the decisions. If by a "more peaceful, non-violent approach" you mean retreat and bowing down before the aggressors demands, then it is unacceptable for any Nuclear Military. Yes, I fully realize the aftermath of a nuclear war, probably more than you do.

It is not MY way of thinking. It is the way of thinking of Military Strategists of the five most powerful nations on the Earth. It is their job to treat the death of millions as a game plan.If I am a moron, then the Americans, Russians, Chinese, British and French are also morons.

The thing is, nuclear weapons physically exist in Pakistan, and they are a harsh reality. Instead of bringing the matters to the table, it is you Indians who talk of :guns:"Surgical Strikes" and "Limited Conflict under a Nuclear Umbrella" :guns:. You guys just dont understand the concept of lowering the nuclear threshold.

Actually we adopted different strategy. making you spend more on your weapons and increasing your nuclear stockpile. As I have said earlier, world now sees you as a threat due to militancy and increasing number of nukes.

Keep increasing your nukes and drain your resources but we all know they will never be used.

Err KRAIT...you have been saying this for a long time now. Don't you think it were the Pakistani nukes who compelled India to develop its costly BMD in the first place? :meeting:
So I guess it goes both ways.

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