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Pak swelling nuclear arsenal to counter India'

This is true. I suspect Pakistan's nuke production is linked to the amount of Western "aid" Pakistan receives; a percentage is taken off the top and applied to the nuke program. If any Westerner asks he or she is told that it's just the usual South Asian corruption.

You should at once write letters to the Western capitals exposing Pakistan's foul play or we will consider your revelation to be dumbfounded and shots in the dark. !!
This is true. I suspect Pakistan's nuke production is linked to the amount of Western "aid" Pakistan receives; a percentage is taken off the top and applied to the nuke program. If any Westerner asks he or she is told that it's just the usual South Asian corruption.

Cant live with us , cant live without us , huh ? :rofl:
This is true. I suspect Pakistan's nuke production is linked to the amount of Western "aid" Pakistan receives; a percentage is taken off the top and applied to the nuke program. If any Westerner asks he or she is told that it's just the usual South Asian corruption.
They have to look post 2014. Once NATO has gone out, Pakistan won't have the leverage of closing down the supplies. And we do know how US changes its policies. Bringing Pakistan on cross-hair after few years won't be a surprise. Their nuke program is best excuse for US. Hope they put economic development over more nuke development as a priority.

Cant live with us , cant live without us , huh ? :rofl:
Buddy look post 2014. After this, they won't need you anymore.
Buddy look post 2014. After this, they won't need you anymore.

What will they do ? Slap sanction just like after the Soviet War ? Thats the era in which the nuclear program of Pakistan was at peak , new technologies were brought in and delivery methods researched ...

Well , the world will not be unipolar anymore after a decade or two , look into that too ...

As for friends , we got plenty to be honest ... Arab countries always look towards Islamabad for the nuclear umbrella so ...
By the way on a more serious note, do the Pakistanis here actually believe that launching a nuke to a city a few 100 km across your own border will benefit you guys? We are neighbours for God's sake. You blow up our cities, the radioactive clouds will affect you as well. An explosion in Leh could cause problems in Gilgit. And our retaliation will blow up much of Pakistan as well. Do you honestly want this? Two countries with potential to be the greatest, just blowing each other up like savages? In case of a nuclear war, both of our countries are done for, and what's left of them will fall back to what we were just after independence.:hitwall:

Nobody wants this. The nukes are there to make sure another Indo-Pak war doesn't triggers.

u see thts where ur and our logic differ greatly, Nukes are not small arms or conventional weapons and that's y they are not considered as such. TO feel safe u need better delivery systems and high yielding weapons not more nukes

even having 20 nukes is enough 2 deter any country let alone Inda ,but ur persistence in equating nuclear with conventional weaponry is evidence enough tht ur leaders aren't sane enough to understand the implications and purpose.

on the flip side this also points to the fact tht Pakistan has a very feeble nuclear warhead maybe crossing the dirty bomb mark wih very low yields, hence the needs for so many.

Clearly you have no Idea of what you are talking about. If 20 nukes were enough for any country, USA wouldnt have 5300 nuclear weapons in its arsenal.

My God, some Indians even think Pakistani nukes are duds. Well, sweet dreams :wave:

PS : Newer members should dig into older threads to get an idea of things before pulling up the same arguments every few months.
To indians who think their BMD's are not faltu they should its the most error prone unreliable tech ever. Not even their dada US have mastered and its inevitable that some war heads will slip through these shields and hit its target. PAK should concentrate more on MIRV and maneuverable reentry vehicle (MARV) tech which will ensure their MAD with this artificial radical hindutva state called india. BMD's are for states like US that can waste money like brainless monkeys for their defence corporations not for a country that struggles in feeding 50% of their population. :)
To indians who think their BMD's are not faltu they should its the most error prone unreliable tech ever. Not even their dada US have mastered and its inevitable that some war heads will slip through these shields and hit its target. PAK should concentrate more on MIRV and maneuverable reentry vehicle (MARV) tech which will ensure their MAD with this artificial radical hindutva state called india. BMD's are for states like US that can waste money like brainless monkeys for their defence corporations not for a country that struggles in feeding 50% of their population. :)

Well having a BMD is always better than not having one .........

And for the rest of your post ,
To indians who think their BMD's are not faltu they should its the most error prone unreliable tech ever. Not even their dada US have mastered and its inevitable that some war heads will slip through these shields and hit its target. PAK should concentrate more on MIRV and maneuverable reentry vehicle (MARV) tech which will ensure their MAD with this artificial radical hindutva state called india. BMD's are for states like US that can waste money like brainless monkeys for their defence corporations not for a country that struggles in feeding 50% of their population. :)

Wonder why all the threads end up with people talking about how we waste money on weapons. Aren't we allowed to use a measly 2.5% of our huge GDP to protect our people? And that's even though we have hostile neighbours, a normal country in this state, would normally spend a huge portion of our budget, but we stick to low amounts. Nukes are providing enough deterrence to prevent a full-scale war, and at the same time ABMs are protecting us against nukes (yes if 100s are launched one will surely get through, but that does not mean faulty ABMs). The defence spending will ultimately prevent a massive drain on our economy which can occur through war, and so is helping the poor.

And we struggle feeding 50% of our people? Out of a population of 1.2 billion, only about 200 million are food insecurity (which does not necessarily mean they will die or starve, only that they aren't 100% sure to get 4 square meals). 50 million of these suffer from chronic hunger, and about 250,000 die every year (which is atrociously high compared to other nations, but much lesser than what it was before, only a tiny fraction of 1.2 billion, and even that is disappearing fast).
PAK should concentrate more on MIRV and maneuverable reentry vehicle (MARV) tech which will ensure their MAD with this artificial radical hindutva state called india.
You post such kinds of stuffs here just for fun or you are really such a big ignorant madrassa educated wannabe talibani jerk who enjoys thinking of destuction not caring for big loss of innocent lives and who constantly make fun of serious isuses like poverty
Pakistan is modernizing it's arsenal - that's all - we are also creating a triad - nuff said.
And to all the people who say India is inferior to Pakistan in nuke numbers, look it up.

We have the highest amount of plutonium in South Asia (even higher than China). We have used 4 tons for reactors, and have 4 more tons of reactor grade plutonium (1000 nukes worth), and 800 kg of weapon grade plutonium (400 more nukes). We haven't used most of it, because we want to focus on economic development (nukes need maintenance and will drain our GDP, and we'll be sanctioned for it as well). On the other hand Pakistan uses most of it's nuclear material in weapons. Rest assured that the day a war starts, India will retaliate, and in 2 weeks with 1500 nukes, we'll become the world's third largest nuclear power.
Again with this old news and old troll inviting threads... get a grip man seriously ... you kids love this kind of hateful Sh_t why i don't know guess you not only have to wash your dirty mouths but clean out hate from your hearts and souls. Now understand this both nations have nukes to watch out for them selves simply second just hope and pray that there never is a nuke war or a war period both nations will be gone back to the stone age. Third it is so funny and dumb at the same time to see so many of you behind the screen heros get all excited spcially our indian friends this isn't bollywood yaar nor star wars ...so about watching us from the Sat chalo good for you guys if it makes you happy or feel big a big round of applause for you all and for the Pakistani memebers stop these tensions casuing threads,posts and topics... array yaar both nations are watching each other at all times thats what takes place in a hostile region educate your selves before speaking. So interm whats the big deal ? huh nothing at all nothing new here same ole cat and mouse game / tom and jerry etc from years same story. Stop these dumb threads and kill the hate inside you people it will go with you when you pass do something positive in life seek friendship and peace and if you can't seek peace inside your selves or don't want it fine but let others be at peace both nations , (GOV's) are trying to solve their difference's so they can move on and have a better future for the children of tommrow while many of you are here now and are discrace to your nations and to human kind in general ... pray for PEACE thats it it's the only way of moving forward together.

P.S. And if you all have a lot of time/hate on your hands... well ask Mommy and Daddy to buy you some armed forces toys and video games take your anger and hate out there not in real life !!
Dated July 23, the CRS in its report said Pakistan's nuclear arsenal probably consists of approximately 90-110 nuclear warheads, although it could be larger.

incorrect. pakistan should have 400-600 warheads by now.
You should at once write letters to the Western capitals exposing Pakistan's foul play or we will consider your revelation to be dumbfounded and shots in the dark. !!
WILCO!...I was informed that they are already aware of it...FYI!
My simple logic is the following.
What can Pakistan do with 200 + nuclear war heads that it could not do with 100 ?

USSR had many more war heads than US ever had. Did it matter ?
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