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PAK pilots on Sukhoi's

Trans-sonic...? I thought pilots hated flying and manuevering with external load in trans-sonic speeds. They usually do it in clean configurations.

>70% weapons drops.. were made in the high transonic speeds during the Gulf war..

The whole concept of energy maneuvering hedged on speed / altitude..
Depending on the category of load that you are carrying..
todays jets place restrictions on the FLCS..

So while maneuvering with a bomb load is not recommended..
chances are.. if you have to go into the merge.. you have expended a few of your weapons.. and are relatively light.
hahhahhaha i think you are not reading the situation when i had said ti fire a missile against each other just look which fighter jet get more chance to shoot other aircraft
one more thing when IAF pilots looks to USA f 16 indian friends get excited and say that now our pilots can be good and now the weaknees of F 16 but this similar thing when we do they think it do not matter but it do matter our pilots on par are better than your when comes to flying a jet what matter when you fight air war who flies better than comes weapon system

Its not just wing sweep that determines transonic performance..
Fuselage drag... is one very important consideration.. (amongst others).

I cant seem to get a hold of the graph that outlines the Su-27's performance vs the viper..
(not the one from lock on).. but its out there..
The Su outperforms the F-16 in the low speed instantaneous and sustained.. with the graph equalling out at the high transonic.. and the F-16 edging out in the supersonic(getting better with altitude).
The PAf pilots flew the MK.. series.. without the canards.(which improve handling at high AoA).. and assist in the aforementioned ranges..
Still, it gets high praise for all that it carries.. and its power.. (although some of the hawk eyed folks claim they can see it in supposed BVR ranges as well... :P

What PAF pilots really pooh pooh is TVC.. which they consider obsolete in todays WVR combat of HOBS heaters.

and NO

TVC= Thrust vectoring control, referring to engines that allow for increased maneuverability

HOBS= High off bore sight, capability in new generation missiles to lock on to targets without having to turn the plane and face a target head on.

AOA= angle of attack
Super falcon.

Our pilots are better than yours

I DONT KNOW where or how this myth started but it is thrown around a lot in here.

Are you basing this on kill ratios from 40 years ago.


i KNOW I,LL GET SLAUGHTERED for this but i,ll say it anyway

PILOT SKILL is evolving and EVER CHANGING as new technology arrives.

Force muiltiplers, BVR, tvc engines, exposure to western training ie Red flag and other...s


IS PAF ahead of IAF in this matter. NOBODY KNOWS and that includes everyone in this forum

You suuggested the PAF pilots poo pooed the TVC concept in a WVR environment and claim its obselete.

But theres only 2 TVC fighters in the world today io think

F22 RAPTOR & SU30MKI. So how can it be obselete. TVC gives pilots AOA that are not possible on other fighters.

More importantly i think the Americans would not have incorprated this if it was deemed vital.

PAK FA will also have TVC
Pakistanis are quick to claim their pilots are great because it has been claimed so by the many people who have had the opportunity to fly against them. Much like India, the PAF takes part in numerous exercises as well and we have performed admirably. One must also not overlook history, the PAF fought against a numerically superior foe over and over again and came out respectably. From what we do know, the PAF pilots are great...it really isn't hyperbole, more conformity to a widely proclaimed opinion by those who have experience in these matters.

Nobody said PAF pilots are not great.

THE QUESTION IS how are they better skilled then their IAF counterparts in 2011.

which is the claim made in this forum. NOT anywhere else !

Nobody said PAF pilots are not great.

THE QUESTION IS how are they better skilled then their IAF counterparts in 2011.

which is the claim made in this forum. NOT anywhere else !

i think generally people take PAF pilots above IAF because of their tough training , past records and experience....
i think generally people take PAF pilots above IAF because of their tough training , past records and experience....

Who are these "people"? and can you show us some differentiating factors that make PAF's training to be "tougher" or that PAF pilots have more experience?
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