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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

Pakistan should have consolidated and secured it's gains better in Kargil, however there is an interesting article written in The Hindu about the failures of the Indian army which the Government and Defense Minister attempted to cover up and shed light on a different angle of the Kargil War.

The Hindu : National : Commander ordered capture of Point 5353 in Kargil war

Fact and fiction on Point 5353

rediff.com: The Rediff Interview/ General Ved Prakash Malik (retd)
The fact is in front of our posts, there were many dozens of indian soldiers rotting away, after a while maggots had infested these corpses - and the smell was unbelievably bad, dogs and other animals also started scavenging on the bodies. Looking through the personal effects such as pictures and diaries of the indians made one sad, especially pictures of family members.

We also remember the coffin scandals and the indian general admitting that they lost the war.

The opposite is true, Indian soldiers handed over some of PA bodies and the one's that were disowned by PA were given proper burial, The pics are there as proof but I have no intention of putting them up.
When the Muslims came and "raped" Ma Bharat, it gave birth to Pakistan. If you like to talk big, we can give equal response as well. If you respect your own nation you will not use this kind of language.

Yeah you(modern Pakistan) are victims of foreign(muslims) invaders actually you embarrassing yourself. Still we are hindus ok..thats not a topic here.

The topic is about Kargil you told that Pakistan slapped India and I enlightened with truth with harsh words.
Mush screwed up real bad. His plans went awry right from the start! As is the wont of most planners, they seldom concentrate on logistics in battle which is the most important principle of war. As a result, the PA ran out of ammo and food supplies on day three itself.

Due to continuous interdiction by the IAF, the supply lines were battered and it was almost impossible to get anything to their forward locations except during darkness. Which of course was extremely difficult due to the treacherous terrain and altitude.

Even the terrorists who were co-opted as porters during the war, found it extremely difficult to carry supplies for the PA.

Mush's commando brain probably hadn't been programmed to include logistics. :cheesy:

That's the dumbest part of an already stupid post. If the intention is to understand what really happened, then:

For Pakistan: Kargil was a brilliant military plan foiled by political leadership of the country under intense international pressure especially from USA. End result, battles won by soldiers while politicians lost the war.

For India: It was a major intelligence failure & military embarrassment that was swept under the carpet by superb international diplomacy. End result, battles lost by the soldiers while politicians won the war.
The answer to this rhetorical question is well explained in a paragraph from Layman's Guide to the Siachen problem

A Layman's Guide

Lol......a layman or a very very 'lame' man?? Perhaps even lamer to post it here just to boost egos. Fortunately Indian ego is well fed with propaganda and hearsay as they don't have much else.
Jeez I am out of this thread. This thread was intended so that Indians could circle jerk about Kargil, when they actually lost.

I will let them continue to their heart's content.
Roza hega ta bhi eh chaj hege tere... roze ch eidda di gallan karda hai.Ki faida roze da???

Kargil scoreborad --> 527 Indians soldiers died Vs 4000 Pakistani soldiers died.
Results for India : Diplomatic and Military Victory
Results for Pakistan : Diplomatic and Military Defeat and International mittee paleet.

If this is a "WIN" for you then no use of arguing more.There are enough Kargil threads already so that's all for this.

Have fun finding gay threads :lol:

More than 5000 Pak Soldiers died in Kargil ;)
no sir i meant that Pakistani plans result in brilliant tactical success but not in strategic gains

while on other hand, India, despite setback,quickly recovers and wins war along with making strategic gain ( like Russia and US recovered from initial blunders and setbacks in WW2)

For example, compare operation Kiev and pak plan to take Kashmir in 1947 and 1999

Kiev was brilliant tactical success but was not a strategic gain

Pak plan to get Kashmir in 1947 resulted in creation of room for Indian intervention and India getting 2/3 Kashmir

Kargil was another brilliant plan and caught India off guard, but ultimately resulted in Diplomatic and Military Victory for India as India played cards well

Quite well said. However Kashmir issue was bound to happen as the ruler was biased towards India.
That's the dumbest part of an already stupid post. If the intention is to understand what really happened, then:

For Pakistan: Kargil was a brilliant military plan foiled by political leadership of the country under intense international pressure especially from USA. End result, battles won by soldiers while politicians lost the war.

For India: It was a major intelligence failure & military embarrassment that was swept under the carpet by superb international diplomacy. End result, battles lost by the soldiers while politicians won the war.

After the war there was a commission on Kargil by India and it took Musharraf many years to accept that there was PA involvement in there and Pakistan never requested to India to bring back bodies of dead soldiers.
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