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Pak engineer makes car that runs on water

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The harm? The hoax is simply SO STUPID that any scientist worth his brain cells cannot agree to evaluate it on the basis of that hysterically funny news story. Where is the scientific backing for the claims? How about taking a simple small motorcycle and removing its fuel tank to prove that this kit can work without any hidden plumbing?

Such a formal attempt will dignify the hoax to such as extent so as to potentially make the whole nation a laughingstock. Get it?

LMAO - You're preaching to the wrong crowd! :whistle:
Good night guys.. If someone discovers a solution to world's energy problems while I'm asleep, send me an email! :lazy:
Whatever floats your boat. I could not care less, if you think I'm some Indian spy. We had these ultra-nationalistic urges some 70 years ago, Germans don't carry that burden anymore.:no:

Calling someone an Indian (or a Jew for that matter), because you can't back up your claims with facts and arguments, sounds to me that this Indian-label is actually a honorable title that is being used on this forum here by some misguided Pakistani members that have a false sense of nationalistic pride.

I guess I'm thus honored to be called an Indian although having blue eyes and dark blond hair. :D

But it still remains, you definitely can't hide the fact that this car on water is nothing more than a scam. Your inability to provide proof and facts is almost self-explanatory..... In stead you hide behind irrational rants.

What's the next step?

Conspiracy theories?

Further down the read you will probably claim that this 'engineers' invention had been sabotaged by some big powerful Zionist/Western imperalists and Arab oil tycoons. :lol:

then how is a german able to read the urdu videos of amir liaquat hussain videos you posted, i still am unable to comprehend until unless you are familiar with hindi like rest of internet hindus do
Jokes aside, the real reason I am upset is the fact that this hoax makes everyone who believes in it a proven fool, and I do not want to see that for a majority of my beloved Pakistan.

(And that is the truth, like it or not. I am willing to accept any ban for saying it.)

No worries my friend. I don't doubt your patriotism. When our people believe this non sense it makes us all Pakistani's look foolish. Thanks to you and few others this thread shows the world we might have some nutters [every country including US have some] but we Pakistani's can laugh them off.

I would give the award to the "when bullsh*t is not enough whalesh*t".
Vcheng , you didn't need to make 10 posts to prove it a hoax. You could do better.
then how is a german able to read the urdu videos of amir liaquat hussain videos you posted, i still am unable to comprehend until unless you are familiar with hindi like rest of internet hindus do

Refrain yourself in posting delusional nonsense and derailing the topic. It's getting annoying.

I suggest you finish your school and place yourself in a good university, preferably not in Pakistan or India.

Come back in a few years and then talk about the subject at hand.

But by then most likely this con artist just as many others in the past (Americans, Europeans, Indians, Sri Lankans etc) will be already totally exposed.

Just giving you the heads up, just in case you might plunge into a major depression or a psychosis, seeing you desperate attempts here and now :lol:
I suggest you finish your school and place yourself in a good university, preferably not in Pakistan or India.

^^ Oh look guys, we have a German Übermensch here. He seems to think only Germany has universities and engineers :D
I presume that's why China, India, Brazil and many other nations are slowly taking over the world economy leaving behind countries where "Übermenschen" live :D
^^ Oh look guys, we have a German Übermensch here. He seems to think only Germany has universities and engineers :D
I presume that's why China, India, Brazil and many other nations are slowly taking over the world economy leaving behind countries where "Übermenschen" live :D

I do not believe in racial superiority. Any argument is as good as its merits, no matter where it's coming from.

I also don't believe that the BRCIS countries will take over the world economy any time soon. For the nearby future and decades to come the West will remain the powerhouse of world economy. But this is another discussion which is irrelevant to this thread.

Since you took the time to pop up in this topic and defend a confused person who maintains that this 'car on water' is true, care to share and elaborate your thoughts on this ground-breaking invention? :undecided:
i have seen the program of tht guy yesterday media made him a hero & makes him overconfident, in programe when the great Dr. Atta ur Rehman asked some ques from him he was misbehaving with him & asking him do u know how hydrogen is made.... i mean he should try to conveynce ppls instead of being overconfident i mean any idiot would talk to a big personality like this...
awesome if true!!! congratz ... if he was american he would of been silenced already... after all, there goes the money making rip off of petrol.
Pakistan never stops to amuse me. A nuclear power who has 30+ scientist working on Large Hydron Collider project at CERN labs. Yet the masses(including those having enough education and facilities to post on this site) are so naive that they believe something as absurd as this and no doubts about the authenticity of the news comes to their mind.

Its incredible to have such a naive nation in this era of knowledge and communication. Cute as a baby :)
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