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PAF should've invested more on J-10s rather than JF-17s

Why wud PLAAF induct JF17 its inferior to both J10 & J11 and PLAAF will start to build JF14 BY 2020.

Wat can JF17 do that J10 can,t do already. ???
Why wud PLAAF induct JF17 its inferior to both J10 & J11 and PLAAF will start to build JF14 BY 2020.

Wat can JF17 do that J10 can,t do already. ???

A) If I remember correctly China has a contractual obligation to buy 150 aircrafts.
B) There will always be a need for a small light weight fighter when there are 4000 fighters to replace(even if not on a 1to 1 basis. This will insure that thunder gets bought
PLAAF will not have 4000 planes when its no longer a poor mans Air force.

China spenDs over $100 billion a year on military.

They will have a modern Air force of 1500 4th generation fighter by 2015.

500 J10

500 SU27/30/J11..

200 JH7

300 J8
PLAAF will not have 4000 planes when its no longer a poor mans Air force.

China spenDs over $100 billion a year on military.

They will have a modern Air force of 1500 4th generation fighter by 2015.

500 J10

500 SU27/30/J11..

200 JH7

300 J8

i wonder why they are wasting time and money on evaluating JF17:hitwall:. i also dont understand why them keep on telling lie that they wil buy some 150 JF17 and are keen to upgrade the plane for this very reason. :agree: well so many people wont like me to say that chines are telling us lie but then ofcourse we cannot say that Mavreck is saying some thing wrong as he is so well informed about the chines defence purchases :rofl:(some time it sounds like he is making the deals all by himself :lol:)

dont get angry friend ;)
i didnt mean to challenge your information about the chines purchase deals, :no: it is even better then chines themselves!! :angel:

Why is so important to Pakistanis That CHINA buys 150 JF17.

Does PAF need the PLAAF stamp of approval ?????
To prove the Indian detractors wrong again.

Nope, stamp of approval from their best F-16 pilots is enough.

PLAAF will not have 4000 planes when its no longer a poor mans Air force.

China spenDs over $100 billion a year on military.

They will have a modern Air force of 1500 4th generation fighter by 2015.

500 J10

500 SU27/30/J11..

200 JH7

300 J8
helloo! why are we missing MKKs
Why is so important to Pakistanis That CHINA buys 150 JF17.

A) China has a contractual obligation to buy these aircrafts.
B) It iwll lower the perunit cost of the plane even further.
C) It would be a mark against a plane if its manufacturing country does not buy it at all. I cant think of any other example other than F5s that got sold to another country without the manufacturing country buying them. Even they did not last very long except with Iran which has no choice in the matter at the moment.
yes but along with chinese stuff some attentions should be given to westren jets as well
Guys the original topic was PAF should have invested more on J10.
There ar equite a few ythings to consider. China has been working on J10 since the early ninties. It took a step back in 96 with one of the prototypes crashing. A lot of changes were made as a consequence. To be honest the tweeks with J10 are still going on.
PAF wanted a quickfit replacement aircraft for its ageing fleet that would be easy to acquire maintain and its expertise absorbed in its own infantile infrastructure.
If you look at the requirement of PAF with the evolution history of J10 you will understand why PAF went for the thunder instead. I am not even certain to what extent PAF could have contributed to the J10 programme. Thunder on the other hand was a low priority project for China so cost sharing seemed a good idea. But for J10 we would not have had that strong a case.
Also induction wise we will not get j10 till 2014-15, as China has an urgent requirment to replenish its ancient stock as well. It is not building J11s quickly enoughtherefore for it the J10 is the mid end plane.
However we would not have been able to do with the J10 what we have done with thunder. As such it was the right choice to go for Thunder instead.
My 2 paisas worth
Guys the original topic was PAF should have invested more on J10.
There ar equite a few ythings to consider. China has been working on J10 since the early ninties. It took a step back in 96 with one of the prototypes crashing. A lot of changes were made as a consequence. To be honest the tweeks with J10 are still going on.
PAF wanted a quickfit replacement aircraft for its ageing fleet that would be easy to acquire maintain and its expertise absorbed in its own infantile infrastructure.
If you look at the requirement of PAF with the evolution history of J10 you will understand why PAF went for the thunder instead. I am not even certain to what extent PAF could have contributed to the J10 programme. Thunder on the other hand was a low priority project for China so cost sharing seemed a good idea. But for J10 we would not have had that strong a case.
Also induction wise we will not get j10 till 2014-15, as China has an urgent requirment to replenish its ancient stock as well. It is not building J11s quickly enoughtherefore for it the J10 is the mid end plane.
However we would not have been able to do with the J10 what we have done with thunder. As such it was the right choice to go for Thunder instead.
My 2 paisas worth

two points
1) I hears Shenyang is facing far more problems in J-11 production so the roll out rate is pretty slow as compared to CAC
2) Going all for J-10 J-11 and high end stuff will increase the cost and maintainability manifold for PLAAF. They can replace their current J-7s with the J-10s or J-11s but will they be able to maintain such a large high tech fleet with current resources. Russia serves as a good example. Even though economy is booming but still think economy will also be an important factor for PLAAF along with up gradation Thunder will evolve into Block 52 ultimately PLAAF would also know this fact :coffee:
jf17 and j10b with irst and aesa radar will be better than block 52+ what is wrong with you guys if someone stats that jf17blk2 will be 90% of f16c doesn't prove that it is actually so. it was stated actually like this "jf17 block1 is 85 % of blk52+ and new jf17 upgrade will make jf17 more powerful than blk52+ and only inferior to fc20!' and very funny fc20 85% that means inferior to jf17!!
^ check post 90 in which i found my answer as well as great posts in the first 4 pages.

i posted these questions when i didnt know why we were opting for 2 chinese 4.5gen platforms rather than one [considering we were also using f16 which is also 4.5gen] at that time j10b was merely a rumour and i quoted j10a in the first post
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