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PAF Scramble Time!!!

Lets end this here. Believe what you think is true and now back to the thread (which also seems to be at an end).
(You can ignore my post, buy my post as true, or provide evidence to say it is wrong)

Of course one should believe you (nobody with no credibility or evidence) and ignore Muradk. Your a funny man. :)

Now dont bother replying with your crap, because they will be deleted.

Your not that interior minister!
I thank all for their sharing of views and experiences on this thread.

Now i have 2 questions..........>

1. During year 2002, when Pakistan and India were facing a tough standoff, there was a report, in Newspapers, that an Indian Foxbat Mig-25, flying at 70,000, flew over Islamabad, and produced a sonic boom. Is it True, why we were not able to detect an Intruder, who was right above our Capitol city. Can F-16 reach to thet height.

2. During, Afghan War, (1980-1988), Afghan Airforce planes, used to intrude inside Pakistani territory. These aircarft, were understandably, flown by Russian pilots. PAF F-16, shot down 8 intruders during this time. One F-16 was also shot down. Now here is the point. It is learnt, that, that F-16 was a victom of a missile fired by another, one of our own F-16. The wrekage of the aircraft fell in Afghan territory, very close to the border. Russian were desperate to get anything from the wrekage, to break the myth of F-16. However, PAF and CIA, acting faster, retrieved the whole wrekage, befor Russians can get them. Are the above mentioned accounts true.
I thank all for their sharing of views and experiences on this thread.

Now i have 2 questions..........>

1. During year 2002, when Pakistan and India were facing a tough standoff, there was a report, in Newspapers, that an Indian Foxbat Mig-25, flying at 70,000, flew over Islamabad, and produced a sonic boom. Is it True, why we were not able to detect an Intruder, who was right above our Capitol city. Can F-16 reach to thet height.

2. During, Afghan War, (1980-1988), Afghan Airforce planes, used to intrude inside Pakistani territory. These aircarft, were understandably, flown by Russian pilots. PAF F-16, shot down 8 intruders during this time. One F-16 was also shot down. Now here is the point. It is learnt, that, that F-16 was a victom of a missile fired by another, one of our own F-16. The wrekage of the aircraft fell in Afghan territory, very close to the border. Russian were desperate to get anything from the wrekage, to break the myth of F-16. However, PAF and CIA, acting faster, retrieved the whole wrekage, befor Russians can get them. Are the above mentioned accounts true.

#1 is as per Indian sources. It may be true as PAF neither has interceptors nor SAMs capable of intercepting aircraft flying at that attitude. The flight, if it did happen, may have been a thumb in the face sort of a thing, but aside from that, the sortie itself is of little consequence.

#2. During the Afghan War, PAF F-16 shot down was with a AIM-9L (own goal). The wreckage fell over the Pakistani territory and not Afghan contrary to what you claim/have heard.
Aside from one time at the very beginning of the Afghan war, when PAF used the F-6s in the air defence role, a PAF pilot went across the border violating RoEs set up by the PAF, our aircraft never violated the Pak-Afghan border and actually missed approx. 6-8 other opportunities of taking out Afghan/Russian aircraft.

Also in the case of the "own goal" episode, the Pilot and the wreckage came down in the Pakistani tribal areas without any of the above controversy of PAF and CIA going into the Afghan territory and reclaiming the debris.
On the basis of airspace, PAF has Northern, Central and Southern Air Commands. Although we have Western Air command but it’s not functional as rest of commands but Samungli gives ADA when required. ADA duties are performed simultaneously in each of the command. For example in Central air command, Sargodha and Rafiqi share ADA, in NAC, we have Peshawar and PAF Minhas ( attock) and obviously Masroor in SAC.

The two main types of scrambles are:-

** Standard Scramble time is 6 minutes from ADA hut: It means that pilots are sitting in ADA hut with G-suit on and in a ready state. Phone rings, siren goes off, pilots pick their helmets, dash to their aircrafts, jump in, quickly strap up, taxi out , line up and take off with full after burners…..every thing from hut to take off should take 6 minutes.

** Cockpit standby time is 3 minutes. Sometimes when radar picks an aircraft that is lurking close to International border but not a threat yet, ADA pilots are ordered to sit in the cockpits with radios on and wait for the instructions. If the aircraft becomes a threat, then a scramble is ordered and can be carried out within 3 minutes as pilots were already sitting in cockpit.

During escalation in 2001, we had few cockpit standbys that lasted for hours and thank god it was winters, otherwise it actually become extremely difficult to sit in that cramped space of cockpit with helmet and G-suit on for hours. But at the same time during those cockpit standbys, your heart is pumping hard in excitement and anticipation that may be time has come to get some real action that one has been training for years.

thankyou sir for the detailed explanation!
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