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PAF ready to face challenges: Air Chief

kid, what show you are talking about? :lol: ...the topic is about PAF and their readiness against IAF...IAF being their primary threat, it is natural that PAF gets ready for any challenge all the time...so not a big deal, its their duty and responsibility towards every citizen of Pakistan!

well, ask some 1 to change yur napkins frist thn let them wash your face & importantly your eyes!
its PAF ready to face challenges: Air Chief
india isnt mentioned!
so read the topic before posting anything, which is messing your head!:rofl:
well, ask some 1 to change yur napkins frist thn let them wash your face & importantly your eyes!
its PAF ready to face challenges: Air Chief
india isnt mentioned!
so read the topic before posting anything, which is messing your head!:rofl:

Comprehension Fail! :woot:
yaar reenday .. hona kuch b nahe kal teray bachoon kay bachay aur meray bachoon kay bachay defence.pk pe bhaeet kar yehi discussions kar rahay hoongay oo g India having F18, F16, A10, Bombers, 200 Apaches, pata nahe kya kya and we (PAF) looking for... F16s :D :rofl: aur America denay ko tyaar nahe hey .... hahahhaha yaan America kahta hey Haqqani ka pootaa saday hawalay karoo fir tanu chee-G Bee-Bee doonga :D
there were times when no one has the idea how its look like , i mean JF THUNDER, its this PDF which brought the real inside of thunder, & its not too old tht we got HQ9 as a breaking news, i think PDF really did a great job by collecting different informations & reforming our strategical needs & thinking & i think it can do more thn that.
i love PDF, dont be getting desperate, its not all the weapons only in USA,s hand, even though i am not a great fan of gen kiyani but belive me he is doing serious work right now, also he is shifting p akistans strategic dependence from US to others like russia & more towards on china!
which time is going to prove!
well , i think we need to back this thinking on the fourm right now!

Comprehension Fail! :woot:

you mean trolling failed:lol:
Sorry, it wasn't the PAF. According to Pakistan's Clausewitz, Zaid Hamid, the Indian Army ran with their tails in their ***** after seeing ghosts charging them on horseback with shining swords!! Check this out on YouTube!!

Please don't give too much credibility to the PAF. It's actually the ghosts on horsebacks who screwed the crap out of the Indians! :P

C'mon , your india is full of sh!t .... do u want me to pull the bs of your media? Hamid is one loony character...your media with millions of audience fool little brainwashed bhartis like yourself...

"Das kadam Pakistan Khatam" :lol:

Or how about that "Can we do Israel-type action in Pakistan?" :rofl:

This is your mainstream bharti media brainwashing 1 billion god-forsaken brainwashed bhartis...

Remember , Hamid is just one character...:azn:

So you accept that Indian force are at outskirts of the lahore at the end of war.

After mumbai attacks , when bharti nation was crying for 'surgical strikes' , IAF just came into Pakistani border (Lahore sector) and then ran back with their tails in their little kaali as*es when PAF F-16s , Miraages , F-7PGs etc locked down the 'saffron bandits' ;)

Hope you are enlightened now...
Air Chief is right.

PAF is ready to face any challenge from the East...but challenges at the western border are more political than military. Shooting down a drone is a piece of cake task for a force like PAF....but what about political implications of this act? Thats the point.
Uh! I usually mention in my opening post for people like you: "Please don't respond to my post unless you've exact knowledge of what you're talking about" My mistake! I forgot to mention that, so I'll answer your post, which I normally don't do.

Your first question: What did this AF do in last 10 years?

Starting from 2002, PAF successfully, inspite of being in a bad shape back then, mobilized all its assets against India in the famous post Indian Parliament attacks stand-off between the two countries. Combat sorties for several months. Shot down a Israeli made drone over Lahore. Deterred the Enemy through its aggressive tactics.

Second Question: Where was PAF in Kargil conflict?

It was never called in.

Swat and South Waziristan were completely evacuated before the launch of Military Op, unless you believe the TTP is your 'Nation', you wouldn't say that. Do I smell a terrorist sympathizer here? Hunmm?

Third Question: Where was PAF when American Choppers intruded Pakistani airspace on 2nd May 2011?

Well, this shows the level of your immaturity. No country in the world could have defended against a American intrusion like that. Those modified BlackHawks were Stealth, they flew low to avoid the radar waves and this was purely a stealth based Op, which minds like you will never understand.

Fourth Question: Where was PAF during attacks on PA check post at Salala.

Again, immaturity speaks. First of all, if this gets through your thick skull, the borders at the Western front were in the peace-time situation as far as the Air Force Ops were concerned. And, the NATO aircrafts didn't cross much into the Pakistani airspace which could have alarmed the PAF radars. It would have looked like a normal error where some aircrafts have violated a airspace of around 2-3 km range. That's normal in the hot zone. Now, the question is, why didn't PAF react when it received the call of an attack on Pakistani post. It did react, but a bit late, not 'cause of Air Force's mistake, but because of the hypocrisy of NATO officers at the Joint Op station in Kabul. And because there was a delay in communication from the attacked post. This is all military things, that, as you said, a layman will never understand. So I would ask you, Mr. layman, please don't ask questions you don't have exact knowledge of.

And the last point you raised, Zabaniya answered that well.

Oh!plz Stop pushing BS to your fellow country man ...

Start With Kargil War !!PAF was called in butMost of F16 were hanger queen because of American Penalty and fear of BVR lock even across the border.
To prevent the mission from being seen as an escalatory step in the already charged atmosphere, PAF had to lure Indian fighters into its own territory, ie Azad Kashmir or the Northern Areas. That done, a number of issues had to be tackled. What if the enemy aircraft were hit in our territory but fell across, providing a pretext to India as a doubly aggrieved party? What if one of our own aircraft fell, no matter if the exchange was one-to-one (or better)? Finally, even if we were able to pull off a surprise, would it not be a one-off incident, with the IAF becoming wiser in quick time? The over-arching consideration was the BVR missile capability of IAF fighters which impinged unfavourably on the mission success probability. The conclusion was that a replication of the famous four-Vampire rout of 1st September 1965 by two Sabres might not be possible. The idea of a fighter sweep thus fizzled out as quickly as it came up for discussion.

And Again
F-16 CAPs could not have been flown all day long as spares support was limited under the prevailing US sanctions. Random CAPs were resorted to, with a noticeable drop in border violations only as long as the F-16s were on station. There were a few cases of F-16s and Mirage-2000s locking their adversaries with the on-board radars but caution usually prevailed and no close encounters took place. After one week of CAPs, the F-16 maintenance personnel indicated that war reserve spares were being eaten into and that the activity had to be ‘rationalised’, a euphemism for discontinuing it altogether. That an impending war occupied the Air Staff’s minds was evident in the decision by the DCAS (Ops) for F-16 CAPs to be discontinued, unless IAF activity became unbearably provocative or threatening.

Aeronaut: Kargil Conflict and Pakistan Air Force

Even at 2002,by aggressive tactics or whatever doesn,t make that PAF was superior or something. The only inferiors were Indian politician and their f**ckin politics as they unable to get support from oppositions like congress. :rolleyes:
By shooting a nimble drone is not something for thumping chest . If we want then we can can do the same for Atlantic kill ...tsk..tsk..
Air Chief is right.

PAF is ready to face any challenge from the East...but challenges at the western border are more political than military. Shooting down a drone is a piece of cake task for a force like PAF....but what about political implications of this act? Thats the point.

sir you are right.. challenges at western border should be handled in a diplomatic way. We can not simply shoot drones. There was no way we could have stopped US spec ops from invading into our Air space, US knew this and that's why the did that operation. I remember someone here mentioned that our Interceptors were Airborne but they were not given further orders.
However at our eastern border, things are different. They simply can not do anything even after having Sukhois, so yeah we are definitely ready to face any challenge from our eastern border. Remember 2008 escalation. They had to run back
its just matter of 3 years when we will be having J10B in PAF color.
sir you are right.. challenges at western border should be handled in a diplomatic way. We can not simply shoot drones. There was no way we could have stopped US spec ops from invading into our Air space, US knew this and that's why the did that operation. I remember someone here mentioned that our Interceptors were Airborne but they were not given further orders.
However at our eastern border, things are different. They simply can not do anything even after having Sukhois, so yeah we are definitely ready to face any challenge from our eastern border. Remember 2008 escalation. They had to run back
its just matter of 3 years when we will be having J10B in PAF color.

On Eastern Sector , PAF deploys some 63 F-16s A/B/C/D , 120+ Miraages , 45+ JF-17 Thunders , 192 F-7PG etc .... about 150+ of these assets are BVR capable...PAF deploys technologically superior BVR missiles (AIM 120Cs) than IAF ...

All these aerial weapon systems or assets are supplemented by AWACS (Western/Chinese) , extensive network-centric radar coverage , and some decent but limited anti-aircraft missiles...

All these weapons will mainly be deployed in defensive posture against Saffron Bandits. So any bid from IAF to achieve air superiority over Pakistani skies will involve intense aerial war...and even IF (an that is an infinitely BIG if) IAF somehow achieves air superiority over battle-grounds ...it will have to face ridiculously heavy losses against PAF. Before the war will even reach to this point ever , the nuclear factor will already have come into play...and war would have been over longgg time ago.

So PAF effectively neutralize any indian air advantage.

So when Air Chief says something , he means it. Little bharti fan boys can keep living in their brainwashed world though (their media brainwashed them as f*ck :lol:)
It seems the GOP might consider ratifying shooting down drones now.
Its sad that Indians are keeping their focus on "SAFRRON"..... grow up... its just a name and yes it is to represent IAF.....
Oh!plz Stop pushing BS to your fellow country man ...

Start With Kargil War !!PAF was called in butMost of F16 were hanger queen because of American Penalty and fear of BVR lock even across the border.

And Again

Aeronaut: Kargil Conflict and Pakistan Air Force

Even at 2002,by aggressive tactics or whatever doesn,t make that PAF was superior or something. The only inferiors were Indian politician and their f**ckin politics as they unable to get support from oppositions like congress. :rolleyes:
By shooting a nimble drone is not something for thumping chest . If we want then we can can do the same for Atlantic kill ...tsk..tsk..

Shooting down an Aircraft BIG as atlantic who was without any escort and might entered Indian territory during a turn (which happens often on the border by both sides).... Its nothing to be proud of...... It was many lifes killed for no reason in peace time..... Whoever takes pride on this is just sick.....
Shooting down an Aircraft BIG as atlantic who was without any escort and might entered Indian territory during a turn (which happens often on the border by both sides).... Its nothing to be proud of...... It was many lifes killed for no reason in peace time..... Whoever takes pride on this is just sick.....

These are poor inferiority-complex stricken people you are dealing with. Thats how they roll ....:smokin:

Shooting down a tiny/very small Israeli made spy-drone, that was SENT for the purpose of spying, was duty of PAF...which it did pretty professionally.

Shooting down a BIG plane (having men in it) , while it mistakenly entered your border while taking a turn , is utter guttlessness of people who are defeated at their heart by hundreds of years of Islamic Imperialism. Inferiority-complex stricken bhartis felt that they need to take some revenge for their aircrafts downed by Pakistan military at Kargil...:tdown:
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