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PAF ready to face challenges: Air Chief


200 new fighters in 3 years ie

Additional 40 F16
60 NEW fc20
60 new J11

Those additionsd would cost $10 billion

PAF wont spend that in the next decade even spread over 30 years of payment plans

Problem is perception, your perception is bassed on what crunt economic status bieng showen to you?
I hve told this many times , that this sort of perception is never worked in pakistan!
It is never showen how did we got fundings for thunders?
Or even about our AL-khalid tank, or the different types of missiles?
With your given perception we, even can't afford to hve 100 F16z in our fleet, but are doing it with a style as for getting it from china , it 5 times cheaper what have projected in ur post & our trust on china & their truston us is hving smmilar threat level, I can bet u on that future buying of aircrafts for PAF willbe 90% from china!
Which want to deney any supermcy by IAF on PAF.
36 J10bz are a done deal, which will be in hands within asked time frame , same goes for thunders blk 2.
Let's be realistic if PAF can get those 2 done with 36 j10z & 50 more blk 2 thunders in comming 2 years it will create a huge boost to PAF with 83 in total of finnest fittest & advanced war machines in the air, while IAF standing with same old talks of getting RAFFeals by 2020 with all the economic sun shine in its hands?
But the good news is Mr,V K singh the outspoken former Indian militry chief has joinned Mr hazzare to end the militry & civil crouption , which india getting under quickly?
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