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PAF on the Offensive - 1971 War

And you were there to witness this, no it was Indian media which just happened to be hiding behind every rock, boulder and glacier.....cameras rolling to capture every body handed over to the Pakistani soldiers, damn these Indian soldiers must be invincible since we didn't witness a single Indian body being handed over by the Pakistani side.:(
As said earlier, a nation victim of their own media....living in oblivion.
Your PM got pushed around by the American President and your troops got bombed by Indian Field guns and Airforce, while your so-called brave army and champion of a hat-trick of defeats could not do a damn thing. your airforce, blind your navy oblivious. And you still try to pat your own back..

From '71 to '02 to '99, what next ?
The most remarkable yet mostly forgotten performance of our airmen was from the Tail Chopper Sq. No. 16 Sabers . This was only squadron deployed in East Pakistan and although exceedingly outnumbered and also having no support from locals still managed to kill scores of Indian planes .........one eye witness even remembered a Sabre shooting down Mach 2 MiG -21 over Dhaka . I wish Tail Choppers feat should be high lighted in media for Pakistani people to remember our brave fighting men !
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