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PAF on the Offensive - 1971 War

Like the "defence enthusiast" who said Pakistan chose not to defend bangladesh .
Not to mention, the lead pumped Indira Gandhi who claimed, ''Indian forces have entered East Pakistan in.......self defence''. !!!
Not to mention, the lead pumped Indira Gandhi who claimed, ''Indian forces have entered East Pakistan in.......self defence''. !!!
Well let's just say Indian forces entered East Pakistan to give Pakistan a dosage of their own medicine, taking a leaf out of Pakistani military doctrine of 1965. Only difference is, India was successful, while Pakistan was not. Happy now ?
Well let's just say Indian forces entered East Pakistan to give Pakistan a dosage of their own medicine, taking a leaf out of Pakistani military doctrine of 1965. Only difference is, India was successful, while Pakistan was not. Happy now ?
Having a combat strength of 10:1 ratio in their favour and with full support of Muktis, even a sub Saharan army would succeed, something Indians later experienced in Sri Lanka, but when faced with regular strength, we all witnessed the 2002 pussyfooting.
Having a combat strength of 10:1 ratio in their favour and with full support of Muktis, even a sub Saharan army would succeed, something Indians later experienced in Sri Lanka, but when faced with regular strength, we all witnessed the 2002 pussyfooting.

Sorry, no handicap points for you.

And trying to pat your back conjuring stories out of thin air ? There was no active confrontation in 2002, although the standoff was enough to bleed Pakistan economically while India was enjoying a double digit economic growth.
Sorry, no handicap points for you.

And trying to pat your back conjuring stories out of thin air ? There was no active confrontation in 2002, although the standoff was enough to bleed Pakistan economically while India was enjoying a double digit economic growth.
No brownies for you either no matter how hard you try to convince yourself, Pakistan only deployed some 200.000 compared to some 700.000 by India, it took the lives of close to 1000 Indian soldiers before India turned back UNILATERALLY..... all through this period Pakistani casualties hardly reached double figures. But being victim of your own media, you will remain in oblivion.
No brownies for you either no matter how hard you try to convince yourself, Pakistan only deployed some 200.000 compared to some 700.000 by India, it took the lives of close to 1000 Indian soldiers before India turned back UNILATERALLY..... all through this period Pakistani casualties hardly reached double figures. But being victim of your own media, you will remain in oblivion.

Figments of your imaginations..but I believe both of us agree on the real part.
Figments of your imaginations..but I believe both of us agree on the real part.
As i said, you have no choice apart from what your media tells you, i prefer to settle for a more conservative source.

2001–02 India–Pakistan standoff

The standoff inflicted heavy, non-combat, casualties. 789 Indian soldiers were killed, all as a result of mine laying operations.[2] Further, the total Indian losses were 1,874, which included killed or wounded[3]

Cost of standoff[edit]
The Indian cost for the buildup was
216 billion (US$3.4 billion) while Pakistan's was $1.4 billion.[26]
As i said, you have no choice apart from what your media tells you, i prefer to settle for a more conservative source.

2001–02 India–Pakistan standoff

The standoff inflicted heavy, non-combat, casualties. 789 Indian soldiers were killed, all as a result of mine laying operations.[2] Further, the total Indian losses were 1,874, which included killed or wounded[3]

Cost of standoff[edit]
The Indian cost for the buildup was
216 billion (US$3.4 billion) while Pakistan's was $1.4 billion.[26]

Editing the article with dubious information ehh ? The article that says Musharraf estimated the Pakistani costs to be $1.4 billion, also says to India, the cost was Rs. 65 billion.
Editing the article with dubious information ehh ? The article that says Musharraf estimated the Pakistani costs to be $1.4 billion, also says to India, the cost was Rs. 65 billion.
Why don't you enlighten us with the last word in reality, in the meantime, here's a text from an article written by some one close to your heart.

There are several conflicting explanations given for why India finally pulled back. Some observers have argued that the threat actually worked, for India did not see high level of terrorism again until 2008. Others argue that India having failed to scare Pakistan, gave up rather than go to a possibly nuclear war. In late 2002, BJP Government was politically weak, due to several internal factors. Operation Parakram was costing the government Rs. 3 crore a day, which it had to finance by raising taxes by 4%. Combined with the American threat of economic punishment, the standoff had grown unpopular among the business community. There are still major gaps in our knowledge of what transpired in those heady days of June and why India turned away from a war it was committed to start. The new details will only emerge years from now, when the documents from this period are declassified.

The 2001-2002 India-Pakistan Standoff (Operation Parakram): A Dangerous Experiment
July 17, 2013 by Sandeep Bhardwaj
Why don't you enlighten us with the last word in reality, in the meantime, here's a text from an article written by some one close to your heart.

The 2001-2002 India-Pakistan Standoff (Operation Parakram): A Dangerous Experiment
July 17, 2013 by Sandeep Bhardwaj

Take a look at the title of the thread, ask yourself how exactly did you time travel from '71 to '02 within a matter of few posts and try to comprehend the reality behind it...
Take a look at the title of the thread, ask yourself how exactly did you time travel from '71 to '02 within a matter of few posts and try to comprehend the reality behind it...

What's your motto......any port in a storm !!!......first ask yourself, why did you slip up.
What's your motto......any port in a storm !!!......first ask yourself, why did you slip up.

It certainly seems to be your motto..getting all desperate to talk about 2002.

What the heck, our army, our exercise, our money, upto us how we go about it. Better to expose the loopholes in such exercises than learning it the hard way by means of loosing important heights or half the country.
It certainly seems to be your motto..getting all desperate to talk about 2002.

What the heck, our army, our exercise, our money, upto us how we go about it. Better to expose the loopholes in such exercises than learning it the hard way by means of loosing important heights or half the country.
I see now we are moving to elsewhere.... hope you don't miss out on some of the Kargil heights now. !!!
I see now we are moving to elsewhere.... hope you don't miss out on some of the Kargil heights now. !!!

Wasn't it enough already ? A few batch senior NDA guys were there. They were using flamethrowers near the end.
Wasn't it enough already ? A few batch senior NDA guys were there. They were using flamethrowers near the end.
And you were there to witness this, no it was Indian media which just happened to be hiding behind every rock, boulder and glacier.....cameras rolling to capture every body handed over to the Pakistani soldiers, damn these Indian soldiers must be invincible since we didn't witness a single Indian body being handed over by the Pakistani side.:(
As said earlier, a nation victim of their own media....living in oblivion.

Indian newspapers and their public believe--or say they believe--that the conflict in Dras-Kargil last year was a military victory for India. In fact, it was a war 'won' by briefings and a slavishly supportive media. The Indian public wanted to be assured of 'victory,' and every effort was made to provide that assurance. Kargil was disastrous for Pakistan in worldwide political terms, and was an important public relations coup for the Indian government, both internally (in the run-up to the election), and internationally. But militarily it was a shambles for India whose brave but ill-prepared soldiers suffered gravely and would have sustained even heavier casualties had the conflict continued. The prime minister of Pakistan was ordered by the president of the United States to withdraw his troops from a successful military operation and this was done in time to save the Vajpayee government from the wave of criticism that would have swamped it had the confrontation not been stopped
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