Don't rely on professionals too much.
Similar calculations were made in 65 and in 71. We now, know the results of those calculations.
Again, cowardice of epic proportions.
And why someone needs "orders" to shoot a bogey some 100 km inside own airspace over national capital is a serious weakness in the command structure. Orders to shoot should've been given when the planes were scrambled; Moreover, the pilots should be free to take the required action on their own initiative.
These stories which hide serious weaknesses and tales of cowardice only further highlight the fact that pilots are not allowed to take initiative based on continuously changing environment around them and have to rely on ground control which delays everything. Again, only weaknesses are being highlighted to those who are not mere fanboys.
Bottomline is, the enemy came in more than a 100 kilometers inside our airspace and got away without a scratch. They've got the bragging rights. Sitting behind the tails and sidewinders sensing its heat and all that is nothing but SOB stories. Someone didn't have the guts to pull the trigger. Time to admit and try not to repeat the same mistakes.
@Sine Nomine @MastanKhan