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PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks


indians again on mental-masturbation mode...

while reality is that indian armed forces are rusted piece of junk...their 'superior to al khalid' tanks keep on falling in the well...until few years ago, their tanks did not even have night fighting capability...

The irony is that Pakistan is f*cking indian interests in Afghanistan, Srilanka, indian ocean, Central Asia etc..while indians with big bad military can't do anything but see ;)

A nation with a billion people(!) has been completely squished in the useless, big landmass of central sub-continent..Pakistan holds all the strategic roots, key passes, access to Central Asia, access to warm waters etc etc...indians can only "influence" Nepal or Bhuttan (even Bangladesh is in trouble lmao!)...

but hey, indians are good at PDF and their super tank "analysis"....:D


Exactly genius.

Its a useless piece of cr@p..another failed project just like tejas

I appreciate your views.

However, my Foe has forgotten reality and Trotted Away in Paranoia dipped in Illusion.

It is appropriate to speak with a Level Head who can Argue on Facts rather than Baseless- Rubbish. Anywase, Hearty Congratulations once again for Your Victory in 1965/71/99, Liberating Kashmir + Afghanistan and War on Terror.
What is the current status of alkhalid 2?

Al Khalid-1 already matches/outperforms anything india has to put in the battle-field. When india gets something better than Al Khalid-1 then Al Khalid-2 will kick in...

For now, Al Khalid-1 is doing just fine
Al Khalid-1 already matches/outperforms anything india has to put in the battle-field. When india gets something better than Al Khalid-1 then Al Khalid-2 will kick in...

For now, Al Khalid-1 is doing just fine

you are wrong AUz.
you are wrong AUz.

No I'm not.

indian tanks might have some advantage in one field (Like Arjun's little superior armor) but Al Khalid-1 would have advantages in other fields (like more rounds carried, superior fire power etc)....

Over-all, Al Khalid-1 matches/outperforms anything india has to offer...
No I'm not.

indian tanks might have some advantage in one field (Like Arjun's little superior armor) but Al Khalid-1 would have advantages in other fields (like more rounds carried, superior fire power etc)....

Over-all, Al Khalid-1 matches/outperforms anything india has to offer...

It would b nice if you give me some specs and prove your argument. (hope it won;t drive this thread in another direction)
No I'm not.

indian tanks might have some advantage in one field (Like Arjun's little superior armor) but Al Khalid-1 would have advantages in other fields (like more rounds carried, superior fire power etc)....

Over-all, Al Khalid-1 matches/outperforms anything india has to offer...

Wrong. Your statement is based on comparing figures from the internet, which are not even correct. Real war is a completely different situation though and the AK has never seen combat yet.

Its not only about numbers and figures(you really think BTW that all this data on the internet is exactly showing the capabilities and technical features etc..?), its also about logistics, ruggedness and much much more...
Wrong. Your statement is based on comparing figures from the internet, which are not even correct. Real war is a completely different situation though and the AK has never seen combat yet.

Its not only about numbers and figures(you really think BTW that all this data on the internet is exactly showing the capabilities and technical features etc..?), its also about logistics, ruggedness and much much more...

Al Khalid has seen intense war in probably THE toughest trains--Swat Valley against very well dug in Talibans with RPGs and other anti-tank weapons..

Same argument can be made for indian tanks..they haven't seen war ...
on such tiny bumps even i wont feel them on bicycle

i would rather show you what real bumps around the world are.
look how much bigger the bumps are and than watchout the suspension system of al khalid

A real good video. This really answers enemy trolls.
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It would b nice if you give me some specs and prove your argument. (hope it won;t drive this thread in another direction)

Somebody already made that comparison...Let me copy-paste some information here...

So here goes...

The advantage of one tank over the other is highlighted as "blue" ...

Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 48 tons
Arjun-1 : 58.5 tons.

Speed :

Al Khalid-1 : 72 km/h
Arjun-1 : 72 km/h

Main Armament :

Al Khalid-1 : 125 mm smooth bore gun
Arjun-1 : 120 mm rifled gun

Payload Capacity :

Al Khalid-1 : 49 rounds
Arjun-1 : 39 rounds

Engine :

Al Khalid-1 : KMDB 6TD-2 6-cylinder diesel 1,200 hp (with upgrade)
Arjun-1 : MTU 838 Ka 501 diesel 1,400 hp

Power/Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 26 hp/tonne
Arjun-1 : 23.9 hp/tonne

Armour :

Al Khalid-1 : Composite armour, RHA, ERA
Arjun-1 : Steel/composite Kanchan armour. (slight advantage)

Operational Range :

Al Khalid-1 : 500 km
Arjun-1 : 450 km

Protection :

Al Khalid-1 : VARTA active protection system
Arjun-1 : ??? (Couldn't found any- Tell me which APS is installed in Arjun and I'll edit appropriately)...

ATGMs and rounds carried :

Al Khalid-1 : Kombat , 9M119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper), APFSDS, HEAT-FS and HE-FS etc.
- Can fire DU round Naiza too.
Arjun-1 : LAHAT, APFSDS (Kinetic Energy) rounds, HE, HEAT etc

Rate of Fire :

Al Khalid-1 : 8-9 rounds per minute.

Arjun-1 : 6-8 rounds per minute.


Both tanks are equipped with state-of-the-art IBMS, thermal imagers, night visions, ballistic computers etc...

Al Khalid-1 is equipped with autoloader while Arjun-1 is loaded 'manually'.

As of now, Al Khalid-1 is the most superior tank present on the soil of Sub-continent...With India's up-gradation of T-90s, and induction of Arjun-II, things will change..and Pakistan will develop Al Khalid-II...and the game will continue just like always..
Al Khalid has seen intense war in probably THE toughest trains--Swat Valley against very well dug in Talibans with RPGs and other anti-tank weapons..

Same argument can be made for indian tanks..they haven't seen war ...

Well if you see low intensity conflicts as a benchmark consider this:

T 90s fought in the Chechen war against Chechen rebels. Some of them were also hit by several RPGs and other AT weapons with the result that they made it back to their bases on their own power.

And those one vs one comparisons are ridiculous anyways. Battles happen with a C3 structure, logisitics, intelligence, combat doctrine, crew training, AT weapons, air support, production rate etc... that makes up the entire package not whether the caliber is 5mm bigger or not!
Somebody already made that comparison...Let me copy-paste some information here...

So here goes...

The advantage of one tank over the other is highlighted as "blue" ...

Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 48 tons
Arjun-1 : 58.5 tons.

Speed :

Al Khalid-1 : 72 km/h
Arjun-1 : 72 km/h

Main Armament :

Al Khalid-1 : 125 mm smooth bore gun
Arjun-1 : 120 mm rifled gun

Payload Capacity :

Al Khalid-1 : 49 rounds
Arjun-1 : 39 rounds

Engine :

Al Khalid-1 : KMDB 6TD-2 6-cylinder diesel 1,200 hp (with upgrade)
Arjun-1 : MTU 838 Ka 501 diesel 1,400 hp

Power/Weight :

Al Khalid-1 : 26 hp/tonne
Arjun-1 : 23.9 hp/tonne

Armour :

Al Khalid-1 : Composite armour, RHA, ERA
Arjun-1 : Steel/composite Kanchan armour. (slight advantage)

Operational Range :

Al Khalid-1 : 500 km
Arjun-1 : 450 km

Protection :

Al Khalid-1 : VARTA active protection system
Arjun-1 : ??? (Couldn't found any- Tell me which APS is installed in Arjun and I'll edit appropriately)...

ATGMs and rounds carried :

Al Khalid-1 : Kombat , 9M119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper), APFSDS, HEAT-FS and HE-FS etc.
- Can fire DU round Naiza too.
Arjun-1 : LAHAT, APFSDS (Kinetic Energy) rounds, HE, HEAT etc

Rate of Fire :

Al Khalid-1 : 8-9 rounds per minute.

Arjun-1 : 6-8 rounds per minute.


Both tanks are equipped with state-of-the-art IBMS, thermal imagers, night visions, ballistic computers etc...

Al Khalid-1 is equipped with autoloader while Arjun-1 is loaded 'manually'.

As of now, Al Khalid-1 is the most superior tank present on the soil of Sub-continent...With India's up-gradation of T-90s, and induction of Arjun-II, things will change..and Pakistan will develop Al Khalid-II...and the game will continue just like always..
Right now as we speak its the best tank in SA until Arjun Mark 2 is introduced into yr army n yr t90s get their update.

For more info visit and go through this



Al Khalid:48 Ton
T-90s Bheeshma:46.5 ton
Arjun:58.5 Ton
T-72 "Ajeya Mk1":43Ton

Arjun Mk1:70 km/hr
Al-khalid:70 km/hr
T-90s "Bheeshma":60 km/hr
T-72 "Ajeya Mk1":60km/hr

Main Armament

Al-khalid:125mm Smoothbore
T-90 "Bheeshma":125mm Smoothbore
Arjun : 120mm Rifled
T-72 "Ajeya mk1":120mm Rifled

Payload capability

Al khalid:39+10=49
T-90 Bheeshma:43
T-72 Ajeya Mk1:44


Al khalid: 1200Hp
T-90s Bheeshma:1000hp
T-72 Ajeya Mk1:780HP




Alkhalid:Composite in Frontal Arc with optional ERA
T-72 Ajeya:Composite with DRDO Era
T-90: Kontakt-5 K-5 explosive reactive armored plates+kaktus K-6’ bolted explosive reactive armour


Al khalid:430 km
Arjun:450 km
T-72:460 km

Al khalid:VARTA APS
Arjun:Ironfist/Trophy (not sure)
T-90:Swedish Saab's LEDS-150 active protection system


Alkhalid:Kombat , 9M119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper), APFSDS, HEAT-FS and HE-FS etc.
- Can fire DU round Naiza too.
Arjun: APFSDS (Kinetic Energy) rounds, HE, HEAT, High Explosive Squash Head (HESH), LAHAT missile,Semi Active Mission Homing Missile
T-90:(APFSDS), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT-FS), and high explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG) ammunition, as well as 9M119M Refleks anti-tank guided missiles.

Rate of fire

all:8round per minute

Note:T-72 "Ajeya Mk1" are being replaced by T-72 "Ajeya mk2".


Al Khalid:48 Ton
T-90s Bheeshma:46.5 ton
Arjun:58.5 Ton
T-72 "Ajeya Mk1":43Ton

Arjun Mk1:70 km/hr
Al-khalid:70 km/hr
T-90s "Bheeshma":60 km/hr
T-72 "Ajeya Mk1":60km/hr

Main Armament

Al-khalid:125mm Smoothbore
T-90 "Bheeshma":125mm Smoothbore
Arjun : 120mm Rifled
T-72 "Ajeya mk1":120mm Rifled

Payload capability

Al khalid:39+10=49
T-90 Bheeshma:43
T-72 Ajeya Mk1:44


Al khalid: 1200Hp
T-90s Bheeshma:1000hp
T-72 Ajeya Mk1:780HP




Alkhalid:Composite in Frontal Arc with optional ERA
T-72 Ajeya:Composite with DRDO Era
T-90: Kontakt-5 K-5 explosive reactive armored plates+kaktus K-6’ bolted explosive reactive armour


Al khalid:430 km
Arjun:450 km
T-72:460 km

Al khalid:VARTA APS
Arjun:Ironfist/Trophy (not sure)
T-90:Swedish Saab's LEDS-150 active protection system


Alkhalid:Kombat , 9M119 Refleks (AT-11 Sniper), APFSDS, HEAT-FS and HE-FS etc.
- Can fire DU round Naiza too.
Arjun: APFSDS (Kinetic Energy) rounds, HE, HEAT, High Explosive Squash Head (HESH), LAHAT missile,Semi Active Mission Homing Missile
T-90:(APFSDS), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT-FS), and high explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG) ammunition, as well as 9M119M Refleks anti-tank guided missiles.

Rate of fire

all:8round per minute

Note:T-72 "Ajeya Mk1" are being replaced by T-72 "Ajeya mk2".

The following is a comparison between the T-90S/ Bhishma MBT and the Pakistani Al Khalid. The T-90M, which the Indian Army will be receiving by the year's end is an improved version of the T-90 series with welded turret, V-92S2 engine and ESSA thermal viewer as opposed to the T-90S, which was a simplified export version with cast turret, R-173 radio, 1V528 computer and V-84-1 engine.


AL-Khalid = 3
T-90S = 3

Combat Weight

Al-Khalid = 48,000 kg
T-90S = 46,500 kg


Al-Khalid = 1200 horsepower
T-90S = 840 horsepower

Maximum Speed

Al-Khalid = 72 km/hr
T-90S = 65 km/hr

Maximum Range

Al-Khalid = 450 kms
T-90S = 500

Vertical Obstacle

Al-Khalid = 0.85 m
T-90S = 0.85


Al-Khalid = without preparation 1.4 metres
T-90S = without preparation 1.2 metres


Al-Khalid = 2.7 m
T-90S = 2.8 m



(main): 1 x 125 mm gun 125mm Smooth Bore, Chrome Plated, Auto fret aged
Circular Carousel Type: (Cassette Type) 22 Rounds / Minute 6-8

FCS/GCS : Type: Image Stabilized (3rd generation director type stabilization), Optics: LASER protected (coaxial): 1 x 7.62 mm MG
(anti-aircraft): 1 x 12.7 mm MG
Smoke grenade dischargers: 2 x 6, can also lay smoke screen by injecting diesel into the exhaust outlets at the rear

GUNNER SIGHT : Type Integrated, Bi-axis Stabilized Day/Night, Tl, LRF
Magnification Dual, 3x & 1 Ox
Field of View 20° & 6°

Type Panoramic,
Bi-Axis stabilized,

LRF, 2nd Generation IIT
Hunter-Killer Capability
Magnification 7.5x
Field of View 7 . 5
Range200 ~ 5000m
AUTO TRACKER: Tracking Error < 0.1 mils Interfaced with Gunner Day Sight & Tl


1 x 125mm 2A46M smoothbore gun with 43 rounds.
...............1 x 12.7mm NSVT anti-aircraft gun with 300 rounds. [1]
...............1 x 7.62mm PKT co-axial machine gun with 2000 rounds.
...............1 x 5.45mm AKS-74 rifle, carried on storage rack, with 300 rounds.[2]

[1] The 12.7mm NSVT, mounted on the commander's contra-rotating copula which can be aimed and fired under complete armour protection, uses the PZU-7 machine gun sight and the 1ETs29 (with vertical stabilization) machine gun FCS (Fire Control System).

[2] The locally-produced 5.56mm INSAS Assault Rifle will likely be used instead.

Smoke Grenade Launchers: Mounted either side of the turret is a bank of six electrically operated 81mm smoke grenade launchers which are in a new low-angle configuration compared to those fitted to earlier Russian MBTs. The quick forming aerosol screening system comprises the four laser radiation sensors (two coarse and two fine receiving heads), the Type 902A Aerosol Forming Grenade Launch System dispensing 81mm 3D17 aerosol grenades and associated controls. The aerosol screening system detects laser illumination, determines its direction and type (laser range-finder or designator), generates warning signals, both audio and visual, and lays in automatic or semi-automatic modes, quick forming aerosol screens within three seconds at a distance of 50 to 80 metres from the tank. In addition, the tank can also lay its own smoke screen by injecting diesel fuel into the exhaust outlet located on the left side of the hull.

The 2A46M smoothbore gun is stabilised (Zhasmin 2E42-4 system) in two axes and is fitted with a thermal sleeve. The gun tube can be replaced without a need for dismantling inside the turret. The gun can fire various ammunition including APFSDS-T (Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot - Tracer), HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank), HE-FRAG (High Explosive Fragmentation) as well as shrapnel projectiles with time fuzes. In addition it can also fire a special HE-FRAG projectile that can be detonated over the target using the tank's fire-control system. Maximum rate of fire is at 7 rounds per minute. The gun can also fire the 9M119 Refleks-M (NATO: AT-11 Sniper-B) anti-tank guided missile system. The range of the missile is 75 to 5000 metres and takes 14.2 seconds to reach maximum range. The system is intended to engage tanks fitted with ERA (Explosive Reactive Armour) as well as low-flying air targets such as helicopters, at a range of up to 5 km. Hit probability is over 80%. The missile system fires either the 9M119 (3UBK14 weapon system) or the 9M119M (3UBK20 weapon system) missiles which have semi-automatic laser beam riding guidance and a hollow charge warhead. Missile weight is 23.4 kg. The gun's automatic loader will feed both ordnance and missiles.


The hull and turret are protected by both conventional armour-plating and the latest generation Kontakt-5 ERA which provides protection against APFSDS (Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot) and HEAT (High Explosive Anti-Tank) type projectiles. In addition to being fitted to the hull and turret, ERA panels are also fitted either side of the hull front to provide lateral protection to each side of the driver's compartment. The tank also has NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) protection equipment. The TShU1-7 Shtora-1 countermeasures system is not fitted.

Fire Control & Observation

The T-90S has the 1A45T IFCS (Integrated Fire Control System) which is automatic, but has a manual override for the commander. The IFCS comprises the gunner's day/night fire-control system, gunner's IR sight or thermal imaging sight, and commander's day/night sight-observation system. The fire control system comprises day sight-rangefinder with missile guidance channel, armament stabilizer and ballistic computer. The system is used by the commander for gun and machine gun fire control.


The T-90S will be powered by a 1,000 hp V-92S2 four-stroke V-12 diesel engine. This new engine, fitted with a turbo-supercharger, offers impressive specific power and specific fuel consumption characteristics. The tank can carry up to 1600 litres of fuel in the main, armour plated fuel tanks and fuel drums. The tank is provided with a snorkel for deep fording (up to 5 metres of water) with equipment which can be deployed in 20 minutes. The mechanical transmission includes primary reduction gear, two planetary final gearboxes and two planetary final drives. The running gear features torsion bar suspension with hydraulic shock absorbers at 1, 2 and 6 road wheel stations and tracks with rubber-metallic pin hinges.

Miscellaneous Information

A new track has been developed and tested for the T-90S that not only has a longer life but also has replaceable rubber pads that can be quickly removed. Standard equipment includes NBC protection, fire detection & suppression system, nose-mounted dozer blade and a deep fording kit. The tank is fitted with an air conditioning system for operations in high ambient temperatures.

link :-withheld

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...omparison-contempory-tanks.html#ixzz2OeFvXRRa

here r the specs from a russian member. i guess we will take this more authentic then yr claims abt t90.

Only arjun mark 2 will become more good then AK, AK1, but on the same time we have planned to introduce AK2, and upto 2017, the AK3.

Now it will be a new comparison b/w AK's new series n Arjun 2.

From ministry of defence production

Notice the Varta APS on the production variant of Al khalid


^^all Indian army T-90s are 1000hp and last 350 would be fitted with 1250hp engines....(almost 1650+350= 2000 tanks by 2020)

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