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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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"Continuous warfare" (War on Terror) is the key to social control.

It keeps the public frightened & dependent.

It keeps "the wheels of industry turning without increasing the real wealth of the world. Goods must be produced, but they must not be distributed."

Better to destroy them in a ritual slaughter (Wars).

For a truly prosperous society, educated and secure, CANNOT be ruled by the few. Poverty, ignorance & fear are the three pillars of authoritarian control. Without war, they ALL disappear.

Seems like the helicopter lost was a high tech stealth type chopper----now there is concern that the technology would go through china to pakistan.

First OBL strike gives us the tomahawk cruise missile---the last strike gives us a stealth helicopter or a part of it----shoudn't we be grateful to someone.

American news media is talking a lot about the technology of this chopper.

Failure of one stealth Helicopter may cost them billion of dollars on research to find the root cause and improvements . Hopefully Pak-China will do reverse engineering to develop copy soon.

If it really happened that the americans flew in----can you recall for how long I have been saying that the americans can fly in and go as it would please them----in their own time at their discretion---at their pleasure----and they have the capability and capacity to take out whatever they want to whenever they wanted------and all you MODERATORS---AND THINK TANKERS---SENIOR MEMBERS jumped on me and started telling me as if you knew more than me----and made me an outcast here.

i want to tell you today my sons and daughters----and i am not being arrogant----you people have no clue to the electronics capabilities of the americans----if you knew what I know----you would be shi---ting in your pants----but the problem is that when you talk to someone---until and unless you are on the same plane----you cannot comprehend the other person----.

There are people on this board who wanted to challenge the usaf----to show them we are not the iraqis----these little toys that we have---the u s won't even have to blink an eye----wake up my little ones----and understand your position in the bigger game plan-----act accordingly and you will prosper.

What if I told you that the us air force may have the capability to re-direct an amraam 120 launched from a paf aircraft back towards the pak aircraft by the us awacs and electronics warfare aircraft---or what if they can do it with the sd 10 as well-----yes change the lock of the missile in mid flight.

The transition of the current process of the u s jammers is such that you don't even know that you are being jammed----there are no fuzzies on the screen---there is no noise coming from the telecomm equipment----the fake info being fed into the system is silky smooth-----.

I bet you---if you had believed all this 9 years ago---and if the pak millitary had believed it 9 years ago---they would have taken out the AQ and taliban in the first 6 months.

Now---my dear beloved countrymen---it is time to pray---pray hard-----and you SENIOR THINK TANKERS AND SENIOR MODS----ENJOY THE FAILURE OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU BRAGGED ABOUT ON THIS BOARD------.

Why do we love the country of our birth so much---that even after all the insults that we get from our countrymen we still want to come back and try to say and make our young men understand---to please, see the day light----.

Why do I keep coming back to this site---after all the insults and snubs---fo you my young people,so that you have somebody to tell you---stop listening to lies about your prowess.

Why does a father keep telling his children to learn and understand the world as it really is---even after the children snub him and insult him---because a father doesnot want his children to fail and get hurt---. I am not anyone of you's father----but a lots of you could use the guidance and knowledge---.

Sir, my respect for you have gone up manifold after reading this post. I have always liked your posts on this forum. But this is something special and posts like these makes it worthwhile to visit this forum again and again.

Pakistan today needs people like you to rise from the debris of mistrust, mis-information, manipulation, religious fanatism etc. to guide your nation towards its rightful goal. Hell, even India needs people like you with such clarity of thoughts and passion...

Hats off to you sir... :tup:
Why dont you first ask your retarded IB officials who are saying stupid things sans any proof.

and as far as we are concerned i personally dont care what your Indian media is cooking up, the reality is something else and may be in future it starts unfolding

Retards must be those whose best guarded asset was taken away from under their noses. Or the army who claims title to that particular institute of training across the nullah from the lair of the guest of honor. IB anyway checks out in these cases so then you would be barking up the wrong tree. Regarding what Indian or Martian media is cooking up, they have the opportunity, so why should not they push the focus on things that have been clear as crystal to them all these days. It is just that now Pakistan has to listen and take notice because the pants were down and the sight was ugly. Who gives a shyt if anyone else cares for that or not.

By the way, why are the sources silent on this one. Afterall they were all pushing to declare their role in the loss of soverginity on morning of 2nd May to save face. The sources have been quite absent since then.
So convientiently ignores the 17 un armed people who wernt shot.
So Osama wasnt wearing combat fatiguestherefore he is an inncoent what crap.

No need to get your undies in a twist now that the truth is getting exposed, show me where in my post I have talked about osama's innocense or his guilt ?

The 17 that weren’t shot was because when they lost the second heli they could not take away all the dead bodies , if the second helli hadn’t crashed , they would have shot everyone and remove every dead body from the scene.

I have only pointed out the very obvious fact that none of these people seem armed and if they weren’t armed they could not have put up any form of armed resistance , which is the lie that the US first peddled then back tracked by saying that 'Osama was unarmed'

So if we take what the US said about Osama being unarmed and we take into account the scene around these three dead bodies then it become very clear that NO ONE was armed! so what I wrote is accurate assessment that a bunch of unarmed people were shot up the Navy SEAL
Failure of one stealth Helicopter may cost them billion of dollars on research to find the root cause and improvements . Hopefully Pak-China will do reverse engineering to develop copy soon.

US is taking the wreckage back. China: Why you are always ready to serve others? Pakistan never built helicopter except the gyro-copter.
Failure of one stealth Helicopter may cost them billion of dollars on research to find the root cause and improvements . Hopefully Pak-China will do reverse engineering to develop copy soon.

Probably thats the only victory you can claim out of this whole sequence of events.... :tdown:
My friend.. either you have some twisted logic.. or you have not left your mind open to accept difference of opinion..

One thing you said is right.. Americans have lost thousands of lives.. for others?.. if you mean others inside your country.. then yes you are right.. if you are mentioning someone outside your country.. then i'm sorry to say.. you are living in land of denial.. If you are so hell bound in blaming someone then why not start from questioning pre-9/11?? i hope you have enough honesty to follow the events post-soviet war.. before blaming others do tend to look at yourself first..

As far as Pakistan is concerned.. YES.. you are right.. we, the nation of Pakistan has been played down by our leaders, we have been sold, we have been betrayed.. we have been distributed.. we have been always under pressure.. but i'm not ashamed of it.. we have achieved things in 60 years which more than 150 countries haven't achieved in centuries.. you talk about 40 years of people looting us?.. accepted.. but hay.. Pakistan came into being 64 years ago.. and in a country's life.. its just like only a "day".. Your country (which you so much boast about) took centuries to come where it is now.. and if you pick your history books of USA.. you'll see it is pretty "colorful"..

Now where did the 3000 year logic go?
The hornet is dead, near the nest

Dr Mohammad Taqi

The Pakistani brass was caught red-handed and was not given an option to say no to the operation. But the Pakistani deep state still does not get it, for its ideological sympathies are elsewhere

Doveryai, no proveryai! This Russian proverb, meaning ‘trust, but verify’, popularised by Vladimir Lenin and later by Ronald Reagan, has not rung truer than in the events surrounding the assassination of Osama bin Laden (OBL) earlier this week. And we may see it applied much more intensely in the months to come.

Phone calls from friends in Abbottabad about an ongoing military action there, were enough to suggest that something big was happening in what the locals had always believed to be an ISI-run facility, but the e-mail news alert from The Wall Street Journal announcing OBL’s death was still a major surprise. Against the norms of punditry, this time one hoped that we were wrong and this was not happening in Pakistan. But it was, and yes, we now stand vindicated: all of us who had been saying and writing for years that the US’s most wanted man was not under the protection of any major Pashtun tribe but was guarded by the clan that has anointed itself as the guardians of Pakistan’s ‘ideological’ and geographical frontiers. It is this same clan that had actually codified in its curriculum that “you are the selected lords; you are the cream of the nation”. Where else could this syllabus have been taught but at the Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul — less than a mile from OBL’s last lair?

There is no polite way of saying it but these masters of Pakistan’s fortunes got egg on their face and that too with the whole world watching. A Peshawarite calling in on a television show said it most aptly: “Koilay ki dallali mein haath to kalay hotay hein per moonh bhi kala hota hai” (Those, whose business is foul, not only get their hands dirty but a blackened face too). But they still have the nerve to say with a straight face that a million-dollar fortress under their nose had been “off their radar”!

Not only that but they also have the gall to mobilise the right-wing media to create the smokescreen of sovereignty yet again while simultaneously playing up their ‘role’ in support of the US action in Abbottabad. The world, however, is not buying that in a cantonment city, the army — which keeps track of every inch of land around its facilities — did not know what was going on in the high-walled compound next to its primary training academy. The paid spin masters will have to do better than this. No matter what President Asif Zardari or his ghostwriter is made to say in op-ed articles in US papers, it is the top brass that is under scrutiny. Using the civilian political leadership as the human shield is not going to work, as the calculus has changed dramatically.

Barack Obama’s token acknowledgment of Pakistan’s non-specific cooperation is being construed by the Pakistani establishment and its minions to imply that the US can be taken for a ride again. It is too early for the specifics to surface but conversations with several sources in Washington and Pakistan point only to the deep mistrust that the US has had vis-à-vis Pakistan. There was no deal initiated by General Shuja Pasha to ‘trade in’ OBL for a bigger Pakistani role in Afghanistan. On the contrary, in response to the chest thumping by the Pakistani security establishment and its ultra right-wing political acolytes, they were confronted with damning evidence about the Haqqani network and possibly the Quetta Shura, while the OBL lead was not shared. The no-fly zone over Pakistan was created through phone calls, minutes after the OBL operation got underway. While the Pakistani brass is clutching at straws like blaming the ‘two Pashtun guards’ for protecting OBL’s compound, it was caught red-handed and was not given an option to say no to the operation. But the Pakistani deep state still does not get it, for its ideological sympathies are elsewhere.

Hillary Clinton’s nuanced diplomatic statements notwithstanding, the mood of the US leadership is almost reflective of the immediate post-9/11 days and was conveyed well by Senator Carl Levin in his remark: “(Pakistan has) a lot of explaining to do ... I think the army and the intelligence of Pakistan have plenty of questions that they should be answering.” In a complete paradigm shift, any leverage that the Pakistani junta was hoping to gain from the bravado that started with the Raymond Davis affair has been lost completely. What will follow is a steady demand within the US to hold Pakistan’s feet to the fire. While maintaining a semblance of a working relationship, a very tough line will be adopted in private. The question bound to come up is not just why Pakistan was hanging on to OBL but also if there was any connection of its operatives to the 9/11 tragedy.

From a tactical standpoint, the OBL operation is likely to serve as a template for future action against the jihadist leadership hiding in Pakistan, especially with General David Petraeus assuming his new role in the near future. To get closer to the strategic objective of a certain level of stability within Afghanistan and potentially a political reconciliation there, it is imperative for the US to neutralise the next two key hurdles, i.e. the Quetta Shura and the Haqqani network. Both these entities have so far been able to evade the US’s reach, thanks to the Pakistani security establishment’s patronage.

Members of the Haqqani clan have been roaming freely in the vicinity of Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Peshawar. Khalil Haqqani has conducted several meetings in the previous few months to broker the ‘peace deal’ for the Kurram Agency. It is inconceivable that he could act without the knowledge of the Pakistani security agencies. Similarly, Quetta is home to the Pakistan Army’s XII Corps, ISI regional headquarters, the Balochistan Frontier Corps, an army recruitment centre, the Pakistan Air Force base Samungli and the Pakistan Army’s prestigious Command and Staff College. One wonders if the Pakistani brass would still be able to say that they do not know the whereabouts of Mullah Omar.

A window of opportunity perhaps still exists for Pakistan to make a clean break with the past but its incoherent blame-game and constantly changing story says otherwise. The Pakistani establishment has given the world very little reason to trust it without verifying — unless, of course, another hornet is to be missed hiding near a major nest.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
No , US can now exit Afghanistan with dignity and no one in the region want them in Afghanistan for ever except India

You should be prepared to be surprised by US' next move then... just be patient and let the dust settle down.
The US cant and wont be allowed to pull off anyhting like this in the future .. rember now the offical word is that bin laden is dead
next they'll have to build up another villan over th next ten years to be able to justify such sort of drama again.
The americans will lead the charge in blowing hot and cold over this for some time to come untill they are faced with the following realities

1. what's the end game in afghanistan and the next election
2. the state of the US dollar
3. Rising fuel prices
The US cant and wont be allowed to pull off anyhting like this in the future .. rember now the offical word is that bin laden is dead
next they'll have to build up another villan over th next ten years to be able to justify such sort of drama again.

You should go back and read this post by MastanKhan (here)

As long as US sees a threat emanating from any region around the world, it will be on its toes to carry such an operation without any hesitation and second thoughts. No need to build up a new villain ... there are plenty in the neighborhood ;)
Osama is officially dead , even if he died a long time back , the official word from now it that he IS dead and that will hasten the withdrawl of US forces from afghanistan , they cannot offord to stay on indefinitly

you know that the dollar is in trouble when even the Pakistani rupee risies against it [ even if only by a few paisas ]
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