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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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first of all this was never an intelligence failure, as OBL wasnt there....its just a drama, the cat will be out of bag soon.
suppose it was an intelligence failure, so what, it happens all over the world, e.g. US itself admitted that attack on iraq for WMD was intelligence failure, mumbai attackers used the same seashore where exercises were ongoing....
in this particular case, whom you call intelligence failure, US is the only country claiming that OBL has been killed, if he has been killed then where is the body? if he has been killed then why not burried? it is nothing but to defame pakistan and this taken new turn after R. davis.
Simply look at the timings, CIA faces retaliation in Pak, then wikileaks comes out instantly declaring ISI in terrorist list organization. when this strategy goes in vain, they came with the OBL's drama.

Now, coming to kayani's strategy, you are aware that image of Pak Army was deteriorated by these politicians during mush era, so kayani is playing safe and his last statement few days back is very important that "they are aware of everything".

1. So basically, it was not an intelligence failure but even if it was then what's the big deal because there are intelligence failures in the whole world.

2. The OBL incident is a drama because US did not burry (r?) the body.

3. CIA is getting back to ISI for the Raymond Davis affair.

4. Kiyani has a strategy because he said a few days back that "they are aware of everything"

And that is why he helped stage this drama in which OBL wasn't (was?) killed by direct US action on a venue near PMA for flight times + transit time + leisure time + drama acting time and still pakistani army had no idea and they scrambled jets only when this drama staged by (?) was over. And by keeping quiet he is strategising on the strategy.

And that is is his strategy of exposing Zardari.

Okay, I get your logic. I just need to grab a bunch of aspirin pronto and I will be back talking with you soon.
Burden of proof? What burden?

They are not being tried in the court of law, nor do they have any interest in showing anyone any pics or proofs.
Who are you and I to solicit any proofs? If there is anyone that they are liable to show the proof to, then it is the ISI and the PA. Both of them have quietly accepted the statements of the US as true.

About Al Qaeda targeting Pakistan - It is best to play it down as much as one can, in the interest of Pakistan. By publicizing it more and more you will only invite more attacks by the Al Qaeda. Haven't you heard, the Taliban has already declared Pakistan the number one enemy, even before the US?

I agree with you on bold words, afterall US is international Policeman.
Jack Nicholson's response to pakistan (from a comment in WSJ by Kurt McFarlane)

Pakistan......, terrorists live in mansions surrounded by walls, and those walls have to be scaled by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You weep for your sovereignty and you curse the SEALs. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what we know: that the death of your sovereignty, while tragic, probably saved lives. And our existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth, because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want the SEALs scaling that wall! You need them on that wall! We have neither the time nor the inclination to explain ourselves to a country that rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that we provide, and then questions the manner in which we provide it! We’d rather you just said "Thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, we suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post or ,better yet, get an intelligence agency that isn’t working against us. Either way, we don't give a da_mn what you think you are entitled to!
our top brass needs to answer some questions.:
1) did we know that OBL was living here...if yes then why were we harbouring him?

2) if we were not knowing of his prescence...isnt it a big intel failure....mush said that pakistan does not have the electronic intelligence capablities like the US....but you surely can find out a identity of a person living 1km from PMA!!!

3)how the hell did the US forces get into pakistan??....granted that most of our defences are on the eastern border but still the surveilance is still present of somesort on the western front....or the helicopters were flying very low??....adn the defence adviser to obama said that had the pakistani forces known of the US presence they could have scrambled their jets.

and on a side note....hina rabbani khar a minister has said that the US didnt even take UK into confidence...why are you blaming us??...my answer to this fat cow is that because OBL was not in UK but he was in pakistan!!!...

adn a analyst said that the indians may even carry on a operation like this now....stupid man....pakistan cannot shoot down a US craft adn go to war with them but it sure as hell can go to war adn shoot their damn planes .....adn we have way more measures on the eastern front...anything un identified from east is known as hostile first!!
Is it ?
Then the ISI official's raid date of 2003 on the compound was 2 years too early isnt it ?:cheesy:

Like I said, he was speaking from memory, so its pointless to dwell on his statement. It doesn't really matter since the raid yielded nothing.

The only people obsessed are Indians who can't stop gloating.
Don't worry pakistani members.........The great Zaid Hamid will soon appear on television to expose the american lies of this operation

just like he did for Mumbai massacre and 9/11

cause Zaid Hamid speaks the truth!!! :cheesy:
i am very happy that pakistan didnt carry out this op...had the SSG done it...then the taliban would have unleashed their full force on us....and obama was advised to bomb the compound with a 2000 pound mark 52 JDAM bomb from a B2 bomber...but he denied i saying that the collateral damage would have been alot...thank you obama.
1. So basically, it was not an intelligence failure but even if it was then what's the big deal because there are intelligence failures in the whole world.

2. The OBL incident is a drama because US did not burry (r?) the body.

3. CIA is getting back to ISI for the Raymond Davis affair.

4. Kiyani has a strategy because he said a few days back that "they are aware of everything"

And that is why he helped stage this drama in which OBL wasn't (was?) killed by direct US action on a venue near PMA for flight times + transit time + leisure time + drama acting time and still pakistani army had no idea and they scrambled jets only when this drama staged by (?) was over. And by keeping quiet he is strategising on the strategy.

And that is is his strategy of exposing Zardari.

Okay, I get your logic. I just need to grab a bunch of aspirin pronto and I will be back talking with you soon.

Lolz, dont try to pick the relevant parts. sure i ll be waiting :P
Dont know is this was posted before but this is worth noting.

Did ISI sacrifice Osama in quid pro quo deal?

NEW DELHI: The success of the ‘Kill Osama’ operation was the result of a backhand deal between the US and the Pakistan army and the ISI, believes India’s security establishment.

Top intelligence sources in the government believe that ISI chief Shuja Pasha’s recent visit to the US was to strike a quid pro quo deal for giving up bin Laden in return for an end to surgical strikes by US forces, including drone attacks, on its land.

“It is impossible that Pasha and army chief (General Pervez) Kayani did not know of the strike. In fact, we won’t be surprised if the ISI itself threw off the cover on Laden and handed him over to Am e ricans. But probably, civilian government was not in the loop for operation’s success,” they stressed.
Factoring in a possible fallout from the killing, intelligence sources warn that the coming days are going to be crucial, as there can be lethal retaliatory strikes against the interest of the Western countries, especially the US. While security at the US Embassy, consulates, other centres and institutions having presence of US citizens has been stepped up, a high alert has been sounded in Jammu and Kashmir, where 80-120 militants belonging to the Lashkar-e-Toiba are supposed to be hiding.

According to former RAW chief A S Dullat, the killing of Osama would serve a psychological blow to the hardcore elements because of his larger-than-life image. But, adversely, it could also lead to a spurt in terrorist attacks by a more determined lot. “We need to understand that Al-Qaeda has become more of a thought than a merely operational organisation,” says Dullat. That bin Laden was hiding deep in Pakistan gives credence to India’s claims about Pakistan’s complicity, said Dullat. “It is good that Pakistan finally cooperated with the US.”

However, another security expert, Ajay Sahni, differs. In his view, bin Laden’s elimination was a top secret operation done by the US alone and has increased problems for Pakistan, as it is caught in a dilemma whether to concur for providing help to the US in killing the Al-Qaeda leader or feign ignorance of his presence in a garrison town like Abbottabad where he was being “kept in an ISI safehouse”. “It is doomed either way. It cannot claim not knowing Osama’s presence nor can it say that the US operated on its own deep inside its territory without its knowledge. Pakistan establishment now should brace for severe Al-Qaeda retaliation,” he warned.

The next few months will determine how bin Laden’s killing impacts the global terrorist movement. “If there is a strong follow-up action, Al-Qaeda can disintegrate. But if it doesn’t happen, then the monster will emerge even stronger,” says Sahni.

Did ISI sacrifice Osama in quid pro quo deal? | Osama bin Laden | ISI | Indian Express

Some time...... same thing is coming in my mind.

Why the compound looks like a design of a stealth UAV?? any one??/ defense forum...any one???:what:
ome people are saying that this is a fake...in reply the US state dpartment has said that it will release a photo of the throwing of osma into the sea.
Jack Nicholson's response to pakistan (from a comment in WSJ by Kurt McFarlane)

Pakistan......, terrorists live in mansions surrounded by walls, and those walls have to be scaled by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You weep for your sovereignty and you curse the SEALs. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what we know: that the death of your sovereignty, while tragic, probably saved lives. And our existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives! You don't want the truth, because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want the SEALs scaling that wall! You need them on that wall! We have neither the time nor the inclination to explain ourselves to a country that rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that we provide, and then questions the manner in which we provide it! We’d rather you just said "Thank you," and went on your way. Otherwise, we suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post or ,better yet, get an intelligence agency that isn’t working against us. Either way, we don't give a da_mn what you think you are entitled to!

From my fav movie.. awesome find ;)
i am very happy that pakistan didnt carry out this op...had the SSG done it...then the taliban would have unleashed their full force on us....and obama was advised to bomb the compound with a 2000 pound mark 52 JDAM bomb from a B2 bomber...but he denied i saying that the collateral damage would have been alot...thank you obama.

I had a better idea.. 4-5 men in a small compound. PA kills him and these 4-5 men at night and hand over to US and say they killed him in Afghanistan.. nobody knows.. US happy.. Pakistan happy.. world is happy..
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