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Osama Bin Laden was killed in cold blood by American forces?

I do.

They should have tortured him for a bit.

If we had caught the guy, we would torture him for 3-4 weeks straight without touching his face. We'd then just dress him up, parade him on national TV and then torture him some more, this time on the face as well. Once everybody had their turn we'd just hang him and release the video so his children could see how their wahabi terrorist of a father died.

We did this with Rigi (ex leader of Jundollah) and also his brother.

You must become an animal when you're going after these wahabi terrorists. That's the only thing they understand. After we executed Rigi, his brother and sent 10K soldiers to baluchistan a few years back, none of these wahabi terrorists have even farted sideways. A good wahabi extremist is a dead one.

I like you already!
Here's hoping for other wahabi''s to meet the same fate.
A reply without the use of gif's . TheJewverine i am disappointed :D

"BinLaden was killed in cold blood"


I hope he sufferred


The more I read posts by Iranian members of this forum, the more that nagging question buzzes in my head..which is ..."so how and when exactly did the USA and Iran become enemies????? "
The more I read posts by Iranian members of this forum, the more that nagging question buzzes in my head..which is ..."so how and when exactly did the USA and Iran become enemies????? "

We never did become enemies and never will be.

Basically we lost the country to a fringe group that was known as "Fadayine Eslam." These guys were basically created and inspired by the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.

Widespread illiteracy, revolutionary fervour, need for a leader etc... all made Khomaini and his gang into overnight leaders for a mass uprising against the shah. When these lot got to power, they used the Iran-Iraq war to solidify their hold over the country and they had a lot of support amongst the lower classes of the Iranian society at that time.

Today they control the oil industry and with that the entire Iranian economy. They have their own seperate army, navy and airforce and have managed to make the regular branches of navy/army/airforce answer to them as well by pretty much recycling every general/officer etc... and putting their own people there. They have the famous basij at their disposal. And by being able to control the oil industry, they can bypass the people entirely as they don't need the tax income from the people like every other country on the planet. This means that every form of civil disobediance and strike is useless as they simply don't need the Iranian people. It's actually they who employ Iranians and it's the avg Iranian that must depend on them to get by (the govt is the number 1 employer in Iran and by a large margin).

Going back to your comment, USA is the most respected Western country among Iranians. Of course the regime and their goons hold the anti american rallies and force all govt workers and school aged people to come to the rallies, but that's all a big show. Me and my mom have both been in those rallies lol. My mom worked for a bank and on the days for the rallies they would just close the bank for a few hours and tell everyone to join the rallies. For the school children it was like a forced field trip and of course we would gladly go (anything to get out of the class room of course).

The only people in the region that held mass candlelight vigils for the 9/11 victims were Iranians. Everybody else in the region was cheering and passing out sweets, literally.

Iran after 9/11



Arab countries after 9/11

This is from a clip that shows Palestinians cheering and handing out sweets the day after the event

I don't understand why we don't attack the root of this cancer. Why has saudi arabia not been invaded? We could just seize their oil.
Mr Osama should have been paraded on international tv
Or be rammed by a damn aircraft carrier
I do.

They should have tortured him for a bit.

If we had caught the guy, we would torture him for 3-4 weeks straight without touching his face. We'd then just dress him up, parade him on national TV and then torture him some more, this time on the face as well. Once everybody had their turn we'd just hang him and release the video so his children could see how their wahabi terrorist of a father died.

We did this with Rigi (ex leader of Jundollah) and also his brother.

You must become an animal when you're going after these wahabi terrorists. That's the only thing they understand. After we executed Rigi, his brother and sent 10K soldiers to baluchistan a few years back, none of these wahabi terrorists have even farted sideways. A good wahabi extremist is a dead one.

Damn man, i will make sure that I keep myself away from you. You have azzkicker mindset.
Damn man, i will make sure that I keep myself away from you. You have azzkicker mindset.

Make sure you stay far away from Iran's Eastern borders then. The border guards on the Eastern borders shoot first and ask questions later. Even worse is when they catch a group of wahabi smugglers. Sometimes they literally take them to some buttfucknowhere land near where they captured them and put a bullet between their eyes without even reporting them.
Nobody will miss them and nobody will be hurt by their fucked up evil deeds.

This is why Iran is a wahabi/salafi free zone. There should be zero tolerance.

These people are the enemies of humanity and all Eastern and Western nations are uited against the cancer of wahabism/salafism.

Iraq, Pakistan, AFG, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Palestine etc... are all great examples of why you put a 10 cent bullet between the brows of every wahabi terrorist that tries to enter your land. The mentioned countries have all been destroyed partly or entirely b/c of the disease of wahabi/salafi/takfiri Islam and khaleeji exported extremism.
Well , as I said at the time and still believe , how the raid took place wad wrong , inefficient snd far from professional .

The worst could have happened to Al-Qaeda was to capture osama put him on trial and then parade him in front of all the world . The way USA did it just made a martyr of hum for his retarded followers
OBL cold blooded murdered, deserved death.

before a trial? really?
What kind of justice is that?

It goes against the very liberties the US prides it's self upon.
OBL cold blooded murdered, deserved death.

before a trial? really?
What kind of justice is that?

It goes against the very liberties the US prides it's self upon.
The fair and correct kind. Osama bin Laden was an illegal combatant and therefore do not have Geneva Conventions protections. He was also stateless because Saudi Arabia stripped him of citizenship a long time ago. That mean he have legal protections in any country at all.
Good riddance. There was no reason to give that animal a trial, or show him any compassion at all
Good riddance. There was no reason to give that animal a trial, or show him any compassion at all

It's not about compassion.

The fair and correct kind. Osama bin Laden was an illegal combatant and therefore do not have Geneva Conventions protections. He was also stateless because Saudi Arabia stripped him of citizenship a long time ago. That mean he have legal protections in any country at all.

You're not wrong there.
And what the US did was completely legal in that respect.

However, what they (whoever authorized a kill on sight order and no trial) don't realise is that this isn't that kind of war in which you win by killing your man, no this a war of ideology, ours vs theirs.

IMO by killing Osama, you haven't properly bought him to justice, in fact you've given him the easy way out.
And in the eyes of his supporters you've made him some sort of false martyr.

There's more to this opinion of mine, OBL could have easily been captured alive, granted that has it's own issues.
The order to kill him was less to do with what was the right thing or the best thing to do, more to do with appease the appetite for revenge after the brutal murder of 3,000 Americans and a decade of playing cat and mouse.

It felt less like justice being served, more like a revenge killing.
Even so, you let him off too easy.

All terrorist should meet a fate like him so precious time of courts and resources of state are not wasted!

The aim of this WoT should be to kill the ideology and not just it's followers.
And the best way I see with Bin Laden is to stick to your own ideology and defeat him that way.
You're not wrong there.
And what the US did was completely legal in that respect.

However, what they (whoever authorized a kill on sight order and no trial) don't realise is that this isn't that kind of war in which you win by killing your man, no this a war of ideology, ours vs theirs.

IMO by killing Osama, you haven't properly bought him to justice, in fact you've given him the easy way out.
And in the eyes of his supporters you've made him some sort of false martyr.
We realize this more than you think. Ultimately, this is no different than any conflict, past and present. Any conflict is at first an ideological one which escalate, or deteriorate depends on perspective, to physical confrontation. In that, dispatching physical combatants from the physical battlefield is a parallel necessity to meeting intellectual combatants on the intellectual battlefield.

The clash of civilization is already underway. We have no problems remaining on the intellectual battlefield. Too bad some could not.

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