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Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

JUN 16 2014

TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid. Naseer Azam—AFP

The government’s “palaces” in Islamabad and Lahore will soon be burnt to ashes, said the spokesman for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan following the launch of a military operation in North Waziristan.

Refusing to comment on the hundreds of reported casualties in the operation so far, Shahidullah Shahid said the TTP blamed Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the provincial government of Punjab for the loss of “innocent” lives. “We hold Nawaz Sharif government and Punjab establishment fully responsible for losses of life and property of tribal Muslims as a result of this operation,” he said. “The retaliatory activities by mujahideen will make you a symbol of abomination by the wish of God,” he added. “To rid us of the clutches of these tyrants, we invite all Baloch, Sindhis, Pakhtuns and Islam-loving Punjabis to unite with us.”

The TTP spokesman said the government’s decision to launch the operation had violated the Pakistani people’s wishes for peace. “The Government of Pakistan and the infidel Army have rubbed in the dust the wishes of Pakistani people for peace. They have launched the Zarb-e-Azb operation in North Waziristan on the directions of their western masters,” he alleged.

“Now mujahideen of Islam and the Pakistan government are pitted against each other all over the country,” he said, adding, “Any important government installation or institution could become the target of mujahideen.”

Shahid added: “We also want to make it clear to the rulers of Pakistan that you are killing tribal children [by launching this operation], and, by God, we will soon shake your palaces in Islamabad and Lahore and burn those to ashes. We are eyeing victory with the help of God, and you will become a joke for the world.”

The TTP spokesman also claimed that the time for talks had now passed. “Keep this in mind that you will wish to hold dialogue and seek peace. But [when you do], it will be too late.”
‘We Will Burn Islamabad and Lahore’ ‹ Newsweek Pakistan

these TTP have no shame in lying. The are hypocrites. They take God's name in vain. They are shameless.
ISPR said Monday that six soldiers have been killed and three injured due to an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) explosion between the Afghan border and Ghulam Khan Tehsil in North Wazirstan Agency

this is Hisb Ul Tehrir banner in Karachi, find any resemblence :cheesy: (PTI)


Money for operation: PTI MNA
“Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) was not aware of this. We were not informed that a wide scale operation will be launched in North Waziristan,” PTI MNA Dr Arif Alvi said, adding that this is a ‘money for operation’ exchange.

He added that his party has always maintained that an operation of this scale will result in a large influx of refugees in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where his party forms government. “The government should have told us so we could have prepared for this.”

He criticised the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) for what he said was a move to appease the US government which has linked aid to an operation of this nature.

“The PML-N government did not tell the public and the opposition why the talks failed. We do not know about the dimension of this operation.”

He also said that groups such as the Haqqani network have no war with Pakistan and are being isolated without reason. “Does the government want to burn all cards for the incoming government in Afghanistan?” He suggested that there should be a surgical and precise operation as a large scale strike would result in the death of innocents.
June 16, 6:46pm

At no cost will the country become a safe haven for terrorists, says Nawaz.


June 16, 6:43pm

Abdul Qadir Baloch will be assigned to manage the facilitation of the Internally Displaced Persons.

PM Nawaz expects the tribes to play an important part in this operation.


June 16, 6:42pm

PM requests religious leaders to play their role in eradicating extremism from the country.


June 16, 6:41pm

The PM added that blood was spilled in Karachi and Islamabad despite our peace efforts.

Media and oppostion parties should stand united with the government and the armed forces.


June 16, 6:38pm

All the decisions were taken in consultation with all stakeholders, including the armed forces, he says.


June 16, 6:36pm

To give peace a chance, we decided to start negotiations with the militants. However, our sincere efforts were not reciprocated, says Nawaz.


June 16, 6:34pm

Nawaz says the operation will not end until all terrorists are eliminated.


June 16, 6:33pm

PM Nawaz has arrived at the National Assembly.


June 16, 6:24pm

US embassy has announced its support for the army operation in North Waziristan, Express News reported.

The embassy further stated that the US will support all steps being taken to stabilise Pakistan.


June 16, 6:09pm

Army troops on the move from Malir Cantt; to be deployed in Karachi, Express News reports.


Express News screengrab of army troops on the move.


June 16, 5:59pm

The house has gone into break, but it looks like the floor is getting ready for the briefing.

Adviser to the PM on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz is present at the National Assembly as well as Minister for Defence Khawaja Asif.

Imran Khan’s speech writer has also been spotted in the gathering.


June 16, 5:35pm

The session of the National Assembly, which was to see the prime minister brief parliament (and the nation) on the operation under way in North Waziristan, began at 4:22pm.

The session is being chaired by Speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq.

So far, the session has only seen speeches on the budget – no sign of the prime minister yet.


June 16, 5:21pm

Army will deployed in all major cities of Pakistan, Express News reports.


June 16, 4:25pm

As the army launches arguably its toughest operation yet against militants in the country’s restive tribal region, The Express Tribune takes a look back at previous major operations launched to root out militancy in the past 10 years.


June 16, 3:42pm

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf supports the operation in North Waziristan, Express News reports.

According to ISPR, six soldiers were killed while three others were injured in an IED explosion near Ghulam Khan town near Afghan border in North Waziristan tribal region.


June 16, 3:20pm

Army will be deployed in sensitive areas of Karachi, according to Express News.


June 16, 3:12pm

PM Nawaz Sharif is expected to address the National Assembly at 4pm on the ongoing operation in North Waziristan.


A Pakistan army vehicle heads towards North Waziristan. PHOTO: AFP


June 16, 2:50pm

Giving details about yesterday’s offensive, the ISPR press release states that 140 militants – mostly Uzbek – were killed in precise air strikes in Degan-Boya area of North Waziristan.

“Many East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) terrorists and their affiliates have also been killed in the strikes. It was a massive blow to the terrorists and one of their main communication centres has been dismantled,” the ISPR states.

Around seven fleeing terrorists were also killed on the outskirts of Mirali last night. In a separate sniper action by Special Service Group, three terrorists were killed when they were planting IEDs close to Miranshah

Three soldiers were injured last night in exchange of fire between army men and terrorists around Mirali.


June 16, 2:39pm

“We will rid the country of terrorists,” Army Chief General Raheel Sharif says, speaking about the operation in North Waziristan. He adds that the operation will continue until all terrorists are eliminated.


Pakistani soldiers heading towards North Waziristan. PHOTO: AFP


June 16, 2:31pm

Our defence correspondent Kamran Yousaf tells us that at least seven suspected militants were killed in the Shawal area in the first ground encounter between security forces and militants since the army moved into North Waziristan Agency.

A senior security official tells The Express Tribune that a shootout took place in early hours on Monday.

This is the first reported encounter between the army and militants on the ground as earlier militants were killed in air strikes.

Giving details about the operation, the official tells our defence correspondent that militants were surrounded by the army in the overnight raid with the intention to capture them alive. However, the official adds, the militants opened fired and were killed in the shootout.


June 16, 2:25pm

The Sindh Assembly passes a unanimous resolution, supporting army operation in North Waziristan.

For more details, read here.


June 16, 2:22pm

The press release further states: “Operation in North Waziristan Agency is progressing as per plan. No operation in civil populated areas has been started so far. North Waziristan Agency has been isolated by deploying troops along its border with neighbouring agencies and Fata regions to block any move of terrorists in and out of the Agency.”


A Pakistan Army convoy heads towards North Waziristan in Bannu district. PHOTO: AFP


June 16, 2:18pm

ISPR says security has been beefed up in all major cities and towns and at sensitive installations across the country by civil administration.

“Army troops have been alerted and forward placed to assist law enforcement agencies. They will remain at designated places and whenever asked by civil administration will be employed in case of emergency,” ISPR adds.


June 16, 2:15pm

In its latest press release, ISPR says jet aircraft destroyed six hideouts in Shawal, killing 27 suspected militants. “There was no civil population in the area,” the press release states.


June 16, 10:52am

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif says this operation will continue till the surrender or elimination of enemy.


June 16, 10:35am

Pakistan Air Force launches fresh air strikes in North Waziristan as part of Zarb-e-Azb operation - a long-awaited offensive to eliminate militants from their border stronghold.

A local security official says fighter jets bombed two buildings west of Miranshah – the main town of North Waziristan – early Monday killing at least 10 Uzbek militants who were sheltering in them.
Lol at TTP playing the ethnic card now. Perhaps they can sense their impending doom. As the urdu saying goes: "geedar ki jab maut aati hai toh woh shehr ki taraf bhagta hai".
absolute hypocrites and SOBs they are.. they will go down every dirty trick and shameless lie to make others look bad.

the bastards forget that their most effective and substantial element consists of LeJ and Sipah Sahabah etc commonly known as Punjabi taliban.
absolute hypocrites and SOBs they are.. they will go down every dirty trick and shameless lie to make others look bad.

the bastards forget that their most effective and substantial element consists of LeJ and Sipah Sahabah etc commonly known as Punjabi taliban.

Isn't everything fair in love and war? The TTP can only be expected to try and play every dirty trick they possibly can. It would be naive to expect otherwise, wouldn't you agree Sir?
Isn't everything fair in love and war? The TTP can only be expected to try and play every dirty trick they possibly can. It would be naive to expect otherwise, wouldn't you agree Sir?
I dont know VC

its Islam...

I really dont know how to agree.
I am reluctant to say yes
its Islam VC its Islam...
Lol at TTP playing the ethnic card now. Perhaps they can sense their impending doom. As the urdu saying goes: "geedar ki jab maut aati hai toh woh shehr ki taraf bhagta hai".

Finally they are playing ethnic card, seem like last attempt for desperate group. Considering 80% of their victims are pashtuns.
I dont know VC

its Islam...

I really dont know how to agree.
I am reluctant to say yes
its Islam VC its Islam...

That is the claim, but reality is as ugly as I have mentioned above.

The problem is that not many people have the capacity to see through this farce.
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