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And bigots, call him dictator.....

And bigots, call him dictator.....


dont you think, he should had?
i mean if he didnt went to NRO,s , he could hve became a field marshall & we could hve a chinse style real democarcy in pakistan today?
but i think his NRO,s were not good planned or some one very close to him, has betrayed him in end of his times?
dont you think, he should had?
i mean if he didnt went to NRO,s , he could hve became a field marshall & we could hve a chinse style real democarcy in pakistan today?
but i think his NRO,s were not good planned or some one very close to him, has betrayed him in end of his times?

NRO actually, is proof enough that he was not a dictator and in one way it also reflect his character, big heart and forward looking approach..... NRO was neither bad in its spirit and technique, but people are free to interpret it as they wish.

NRO was time bound and after the resignation of Musharraf, it stood invalid even before its expiry period.

Again, i would recall the educated bigots.. who mislead the simple people, on NRO issue as it was some sort of divinely thing.
While, the constitutional exercise of authority, by a legitimate President is interpreted as treason... :hitwall:
NRO actually, is proof enough that he was not a dictator and in one way it also reflect his character, big heart and forward looking approach..... NRO was neither bad in its spirit and technique, but people are free to interpret it as they wish.

NRO was time bound and after the resignation of Musharraf, it stood invalid even before its expiry period.

Again, i would recall the educated bigots.. who mislead the simple people, on NRO issue as it was some sort of divinely thing.
While, the constitutional exercise of authority, by a legitimate President is interpreted as treason... :hitwall:

you wouldnt belived me, my brief journey with him from dubai to karachi as his safty crew made me ask him this question?
he replied he thought we still better educated thn south africans if they can do fine with reconcilliation why cant we?
& his idea of NRO was from reconcilliation thing from SA!
he said he was wrong & smilled back to me?
his acceptence of his wrong idea made him, a super human to me , who was ready to accept his mistakes?
And bigots, call him dictator.....


the sad reality of pakistan is dictators were far more democratic then the politicians

you simply cant rule democratically without freedom of speech, freedom of expression, local governing system, rigging the elections

i mean what justifies the legitimacy of the present government

its none because neither they are willing to solve the nations problems, nor they came with legitimate votes

election was rigged so the legitimate government couldnt be formed

sorry guys but i believe more in dictatorship has ever given us then so called democracy

there should be re election in the whole country immediately to establish the legitimate government
the sad reality of pakistan is dictators were far more democratic then the politicians

you simply cant rule democratically without freedom of speech, freedom of expression, local governing system, rigging the elections

i mean what justifies the legitimacy of the present government

its none because neither they are willing to solve the nations problems, nor they came with legitimate votes

election was rigged so the legitimate government couldnt be formed

sorry guys but i believe more in dictatorship has ever given us then so called democracy

there should be re election in the whole country immediately to establish the legitimate government

no more elections, no more selections?
its comming its comming!
its called the revolution, with a rotation in chain of command!
in that post, after your disstrust on that nude, shamefull, hopeless, unjustifyied, system which you call democracy?
you still want that to be implemented on you, in some other form?lol
these dam media ECL jokes are nothing to change the mind of drakknight living in chak shezad?
instead it all make him further strong!
long live musharaf, long live pakarmy, long live pakistan, long live pakistanis!
no more elections, no more selections?
its comming its comming!
its called the revolution, with a rotation in chain of command!
in that post, after your disstrust on that nude, shamefull, hopeless, unjustifyied, system which you call democracy?
you still want that to be implemented on you, in some other form?lol
these dam media ECL jokes are nothing to change the mind of drakknight living in chak shezad?
instead it all make him further strong!
long live musharaf, long live pakarmy, long live pakistan, long live pakistanis!

system is not flawed, those who run it are flawed

your dear musharraf himself made democracy stronger

even though it needs to be adapted to the feudal pakistanis it will take some strive and struggle

but there is no alternative

i supported qadi for the same reason, to get democracy implemented but those corrupt feudals conspired with each other
system is not flawed, those who run it are flawed

your dear musharraf himself made democracy stronger

even though it needs to be adapted to the feudal pakistanis it will take some strive and struggle

but there is no alternative

i supported qadi for the same reason, to get democracy implemented but those corrupt feudals conspired with each other

dear friend!
its not mine its ours musharaf!
yes he tried but he gets failed why?
he also forgot that the massive population in this country lives in the rural areas, which are still hugly uneducated?
thus whatever you try, those croupt fudel will keep buying thier goddam votes?
& even if we try your suggested path for this country, the result will be the same, yes same feudls with thier 4 genration in command!
for the progress & devlopment of the country, its important that it should be closed down for any political activities , execpt local bodies level?
till some social, educational, judicial balancing targets reached, so that a person sitting at any lari adda, in any rural part of pakistan can understand the real meaning of democracy?
till that not happening, its all insane activities nothing more or less?
yes check the history of , PDF i was the biggest, anti-musharaf voice when he went for his uniform!
history has proven he was, wrong!
but he is a true pakistani leader , who not only introduced the new pakistan, by shoughting PAKISTAN FRIST,but also proving it by his actions hundred times. & he proven allways that what he said, is what he meant?
PAKISTAN FRIST, my dear join us, nt because we need you, but because you need us, & above all pakistan need us, alltogather!
he is in pakistan not just because for his party to win , another of fake elections, he is here because if anyhow another musharaf rises, this mushraf would be there to save him against hidden traitors!
rise & rise again!
untill lambs become lion!
every last knight is the drakknight!
lets rise togather for our nation, our country!
you wouldnt belived me, my brief journey with him from dubai to karachi as his safty crew made me ask him this question?
he replied he thought we still better educated thn south africans if they can do fine with reconcilliation why cant we?
& his idea of NRO was from reconcilliation thing from SA!
he said he was wrong & smilled back to me?
his acceptence of his wrong idea made him, a super human to me , who was ready to accept his mistakes?

I can only cry for the losers, which is knowledge less, Pakistani awam.
dear friend!
its not mine its ours musharaf!
yes he tried but he gets failed why?
he also forgot that the massive population in this country lives in the rural areas, which are still hugly uneducated?
thus whatever you try, those croupt fudel will keep buying thier goddam votes?
& even if we try your suggested path for this country, the result will be the same, yes same feudls with thier 4 genration in command!
for the progress & devlopment of the country, its important that it should be closed down for any political activities , execpt local bodies level?
till some social, educational, judicial balancing targets reached, so that a person sitting at any lari adda, in any rural part of pakistan can understand the real meaning of democracy?
till that not happening, its all insane activities nothing more or less?
yes check the history of , PDF i was the biggest, anti-musharaf voice when he went for his uniform!
history has proven he was, wrong!
but he is a true pakistani leader , who not only introduced the new pakistan, by shoughting PAKISTAN FRIST,but also ehowing by his deeds he meant what, he said!
PAKISTAN FRIST, my dear join us, nt because we need you, but because you need us, & above all pakistan need us, alltogather!
its not because he, will be waiting for his party to win , another of fake elections, its becausr if another musharaf rises, this mushraf would be there to save him against, traitors!
rise & rise again!
untill lambs become lion!
every last knight is the drakknight!
lets rise togather for our nation, our country!

dear friend you mentioned quite a big post i mention few points

1) democracy is survived by good governance and thus i agree for democracy government needs to solve public issues and show good transparent zero corruption and good governance

2) but in pakistan the system is not stable because of martial laws, and thats why musharraf unlike every other dictator chose to include the politcians in the main stream but one thing he failed was to avoid corrupt government officials and he didnt correct the beaurocracy

3) its not a matter of how corrupt musharraf was, he wasnt but under him the government was corrupt still it performed better because of mushy's danda

4) you see that these politicians have abused their powers, the respected post into nothing but politics itself is not a taboo thing, it showed be followed but it needs to be corrected

5) dictators come and mess up with the system and believe me its this action alone which sends the country towards more instability not only economically but the mind set of the people doesnt accept the instability thus more anarchy

6) so the solution is not dictatorship or military rule or martial law, its hidden in the emergence of good governance and an intelligent leader

7) no country becomes string by changing its system, china had one system for ages it evolved gradually, russia had the same

8) the solution lies in correcting the flaws in the people in the system, like holding fair and free elections which is acceptable to every pakistan, presently the government is not acceptable to many pakistanis because of election, how do you know that rural area people werent intelligent to bring the right people, when there was so much rigging?

9) the media thanks to mushy is already freed to an extant that a common pakistani is very politically aware about good and bad politicians

10) army is also part of the same feudal set up and thats the reason for three dictators, we never had improvement in beaurocracy?

11) i dunno but soon people will demand independent beaurocracy and judicial system as soon as kaana leaves and lets hope for the best

12) pakistanis will ever say like dictatorship suppressed the civilian government so instead of army getting bad repute from the nation its in their favour if they stay away

13) these same people will get what they want simple as that, they wont complain next time that since dictators suppressed their leaders the military is responsible for every thing

14) various agencies under military are also badly reputed now a days, so correcting military along with democratic system and judicial system is also needed

15) not even the dictator has done the land reforms because as much as democracy, army and establishment is also the direct result of feudalism, infact its more relevant to military then say democracy

16) any thing which doesnt solve our feudalism issue wont be a long lasting solution for our problems
dear friend you mentioned quite a big post i mention few points

1) democracy is survived by good governance and thus i agree for democracy government needs to solve public issues and show good transparent zero corruption and good governance

2) but in pakistan the system is not stable because of martial laws, and thats why musharraf unlike every other dictator chose to include the politcians in the main stream but one thing he failed was to avoid corrupt government officials and he didnt correct the beaurocracy

3) its not a matter of how corrupt musharraf was, he wasnt but under him the government was corrupt still it performed better because of mushy's danda

4) you see that these politicians have abused their powers, the respected post into nothing but politics itself is not a taboo thing, it showed be followed but it needs to be corrected

5) dictators come and mess up with the system and believe me its this action alone which sends the country towards more instability not only economically but the mind set of the people doesnt accept the instability thus more anarchy

6) so the solution is not dictatorship or military rule or martial law, its hidden in the emergence of good governance and an intelligent leader

7) no country becomes string by changing its system, china had one system for ages it evolved gradually, russia had the same

8) the solution lies in correcting the flaws in the people in the system, like holding fair and free elections which is acceptable to every pakistan, presently the government is not acceptable to many pakistanis because of election, how do you know that rural area people werent intelligent to bring the right people, when there was so much rigging?

9) the media thanks to mushy is already freed to an extant that a common pakistani is very politically aware about good and bad politicians

10) army is also part of the same feudal set up and thats the reason for three dictators, we never had improvement in beaurocracy?

11) i dunno but soon people will demand independent beaurocracy and judicial system as soon as kaana leaves and lets hope for the best

12) pakistanis will ever say like dictatorship suppressed the civilian government so instead of army getting bad repute from the nation its in their favour if they stay away

13) these same people will get what they want simple as that, they wont complain next time that since dictators suppressed their leaders the military is responsible for every thing

14) various agencies under military are also badly reputed now a days, so correcting military along with democratic system and judicial system is also needed

basic coreection, the biggest of the crunnt political parties, got thier birth under marhallaws?
marshall laws were there, because civillian govt failed!
read the history friend!
& now i need a break, its a morning here !
i hve to take this bat-o-bile back into garrage!
sir, batman senior is here, plz enjoy his ride!
mission terminated, friend saved!
basic coreection, the biggest of the crunnt political parties, got thier birth under marhallaws?
marshall laws were there, because civillian govt failed!
read the history friend!
& now i need a break, its a morning here !
i hve to take this bat-o-bile back into garrage!
sir, batman senior is here, plz enjoy his ride!
mission terminated, friend saved!

those who were born by military dictators are not angels are they? and military itself is not an angel, if it was, it had corrected beaurocracy, feudalism, introduced land reforms to save pakistan for ever

musharraf carried the same garbage because of his own interests, he failed to clean up the political mess, beaurocratic mess and most of all didnt do any thing to eliminate feudalism which indian democracy did it in the very beginning

sir, its not about democracy or military rule, but its about the correct leadership which sadly we never had

if the next martial law administrator vows to clean this mess that is of beaurocracy, politics and feudalism then my friend today i will stand with you shoulderto shoulder welcoming such a guy who will ofer us redemption from this lanat?
those who were born by military dictators are not angels are they? and military itself is not an angel, if it was, it had corrected beaurocracy, feudalism, introduced land reforms to save pakistan for ever

musharraf carried the same garbage because of his own interests, he failed to clean up the political mess, beaurocratic mess and most of all didnt do any thing to eliminate feudalism which indian democracy did it in the very beginning

sir, its not about democracy or military rule, but its about the correct leadership which sadly we never had

if the next martial law administrator vows to clean this mess that is of beaurocracy, politics and feudalism then my friend today i will stand with you shoulder to shoulder welcoming such a guy who will ofer us redemption from this lanat?
if militry wasnt was the angel, you may be living in something called talbanistan, under some mullha , who could order anything from you home at any, time on the name of great sacrificies. it couldbe anything!
now with that said & done, we hve to reach at a point where we can find peace, progress, equality in the country?
for that is there any example out there, that a urdu speaker like musharaf made thn followed by other 30 dam genrls?
its only pakarmy , you can find it happening?
sure this time will be very different, its will be a massive justice, after that everything would be alright!
be ready! to rise & strike hard at the right momment!
if militry wasnt was the angel, you may be living in something called talbanistan, under some mullha , who could order anything from you home at any, time on the name of great sacrificies. it couldbe anything!
now with that said & done, we hve to reach at a point where we can find peace, progress, equality in the country?
for that is there any example out there, that a urdu speaker like musharaf made thn followed by other 30 dam genrls?
its only pakarmy , you can find it happening?
sure this time will be very different, its will be a massive justice, after that everything would be alright!
be ready! to rise & strike hard at the right momment!

talibanisation was itself gifted by general zia and nobody else

you still didnt answered my question any how

good luck
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