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Only 24% of Britishers think Islam is compatible with British life.

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We can thank the lunatics who put up Shariah zones for this one.
And then the media, for exaggerating as to how common a problem this is.
Most muslims are trying hard just to have a good life, some muslims do these sharia things, not majority I think.
I would blame for these.
1. welfare state
2. racism
3. faith based schools

I blame none of this just lack of knowledge understanding and misinterpretation of the religious scripture WHICH is also due to lack of knowledge and understanding!

Yes, A MAJORITY DO NOT do this sharia havoc whatnot!

We can thank the lunatics who put up Shariah zones for this one.
And then the media, for exaggerating as to how common a problem this is.
What Shariah zones?

I also agree the media exaggerates! Just catch one of those anti Islamic people and they will talk about gibberish linking every word they heard on the news from Jihad to shariah without making any sense!

and the most famous video on this nonsense
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I have been in UK for three years and can say for sure that Muslims are the least integrated of all communities. They are conservative, arrogant, think themselves to be above the law and have false high opinion about themselves and their religion.
I have been in UK for three years and can say for sure that Muslims are the least integrated of all communities. They are conservative, arrogant, think themselves to be above the law and have false high opinion about themselves and their religion.

Which part of UK and how many did you come across before making your conclusion?
Indians the followers of a regional religion criticising the fastest spreading religion of the world-
The radicalism or extremism indian hindus find in islam is not effecting the no. Of people converting to it globally-
The more you criticise the more its spreading- good work in the cause of Islam-

Being a 'regional religion' means we get to worship Indian gods, we get to call this an Indian religion, have sacred places in our land, get to read our own epics and celebrate our own heroes,, no need for glorification of outside invaders because they apparently 'liberated' us, no need for lining up in visa counters to visit our holy places etc etc..the benefits of that are aplenty. And still we have managed to chug along with a decent 1 billion odd adherents. :)
Which part of UK and how many did you come across before making your conclusion?

I am from London. and has observed enough to come to this conclusion. Even if I am wrong 76% of British cannot be wrong.
I am from London. and has observed enough to come to this conclusion. Even if I am wrong 76% of British cannot be wrong.

76% of Brits never said anything like you did....PLUS like I said in my earlier post its subjective based on whom you handed the survey to...If they handed most of their surveys to people like I have met, then its 76% what if the surveys went to people like you met?!

I will bookmark this reference for future use when ever some indian will say that punishment of apostasy in islam is death- if that was true then there are lot of people to kill--

Looks like the dislike for Islam is greater than the threat of life. You are scoring an own goal by refrencing this.
What Shariah zones?

I also agree the media exaggerates! Just catch one of those anti Islamic people and they will talk about gibberish linking every word they heard on the news from Jihad to shariah without making any sense!

I agree with you that media has exaggerated and people have a right to be paranoid after 7/7.
But there are some lunatics among us who are setting up what they call Shariah zones.

Luton has seen it's fair share of trouble thanks to the EDL and that Saif-ul-Islam lunatic.
Here in London (I live in West London), but there are some neighbourhoods in East London in Walthamstow for example that have seen these lunatics calling for a Shariah zone.

These people fuelling the propaganda against us.

I have been in UK for three years and can say for sure that Muslims are the least integrated of all communities. They are conservative, arrogant,

Muslims here are the most conservative of out of all the communities.
The media by reporting incidents of extremism has worsened this.
Tolerant and progressive Muslim communities are becoming alienated because of media hype about the lunatic communities.

think themselves to be above the law and have false high opinion about themselves and their religion.

Either you've spotted isolated cases or you are exaggerating.
I agree with you that media has exaggerated and people have a right to be paranoid after 7/7.
But there are some lunatics among us who are setting up what they call Shariah zones.

Luton has seen it's fair share of trouble thanks to the EDL and that Saif-ul-Islam lunatic.
Here in London (I live in West London), but there are some neighbourhoods in East London in Walthamstow for example that have seen these lunatics calling for a Shariah zone.

These people fuelling the propaganda against us.

I lived in East and North London.....I admit there are crazy people, I said it in my previous post there are crazy people in every religion and from every background! :what:
I want to know how many british muslims think the british way of life is compatible with Islam.

Then we will get the whole picture and identify the guilty party :)

Nailed it.

Kindly explain more. I have little knowledge in this regard.

Nothing to explain. Its a conspiracy theory. That Anjem chaudhry is a MI5 agent intentionally bringing hate against Islam in UK with his utterances.

Truth is that guy is too brainwashed (born again) or he is really naive and is mouthing off words too soon. Rather he should have waited for the population to reach a critical mass before starting with this whole Sharia4UK thingy. That is what the closet Islamists want. This guy by demanding sharia even before Muslim population has reached any substantiative amount of the population is damaging their chances, according to them.
But to all honesty I have yet to meet 1 of these lunatics and would give them a piece of my mind!
76% of Brits never said anything like you did....PLUS like I said in my earlier post its subjective based on whom you handed the survey to...If they handed most of their surveys to people like I have met, then its 76% what if the surveys went to people like you met?!


This is what is haunting the British Muslims. Living in the denial. Muslim constitute only 3% of UK population, but the effect they have on British society is enormous, unfortunately mostly negative.

Attacking the survey won't help. The underling point is there is a problem with Muslim communities world wide and how they perceive other religion. Accommodation of other's point view is the key. I would go further and say that the most radical of all British Muslims are Pakistani and African Muslims.

I lived in East and North London.....I admit there are crazy people, I said it in my previous post there are crazy people in every religion and from every background! :what:

No where near what Muslim communities have.
British Pakistanis should follow the example of Norwegian Pakistanis and try to contribute constructively to the society.

Yes Swedish and Norwegian Pakistanis are really nice!!
But to all honesty I have yet to meet 1 of these lunatics and would give them a piece of my mind!

Its not about you, its about british public opinion about muslims, which I would say is rather low at the moment. White british are very pc, they wont confide unless they are certain that you wont feel hurt or they wont be considered racist.
You are taking it personally dear.
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