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Only 24% of Britishers think Islam is compatible with British life.

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@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=18011" target="_blank">Developereo</a></u> I personally think Muslim nations should now focus on their own Media agencies with more reach. They have billions of dollars worth of oil and other natural resources. Instead of just investing in weapons, they should also invest in Media.

I never understood why they don't ?

Because then we get these type of uncles (Uncle Let me esplain you) coming into the media based on being the oldest and most knowledgable one

Another preacher that stays at home jobless preaching love to the masses that support him financially so he doesnt have to workl.

The reason he is not being arrested could well have to do with a chance that the authorities are using him to get to Muslims with a more "hands on" approach to the concept of spreading sharia.
Example, he frequents some forums in the UK, i read that they are invite only, yet the reporter found out what was mr. Choudhry's nickname.
It would be logical to assume that the forum attracts lot's of would be jihadi's that all leave a trace to their own computer, which can then be scanned, checked for further connections to see where they lead etc...

Long shot for all we know he could be training or brainwashing some! :blink:
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This is what is haunting the British Muslims. Living in the denial. Muslim constitute only 3% of UK population, but the effect they have on British society is enormous, unfortunately mostly negative.

Attacking the survey won't help. The underling point is there is a problem with Muslim communities world wide and how they perceive other religion. Accommodation of other's point view is the key. I would go further and say that the most radical of all British Muslims are Pakistani and African Muslims.

Well, like you said 3% (I havent checked that but lets take it as 3%)

Now British people are not as naive as some villagers in sub continent if preached or they see some stupid acts they do not at once jump up and down in excitement like some morons who seriously have problem with Islam they do just the basic research! AND NO just because your street has some radical uncle does not mean that all of the 3% of MUSLIM community is like that and is NEGATIVE!

No where near what Muslim communities have.

Well, that is YOUR personal opinion

Its not about you, its about british public opinion about muslims, which I would say is rather low at the moment. White british are very pc, they wont confide unless they are certain that you wont feel hurt or they wont be considered racist.
You are taking it personally dear.

Seriously? Which senior citizens have you seen? It is not about me...Its just I move around alot and get to meet alot of different societies with different people I am yet to see one who says ANYTHING bad about ISLAM AS A WHOLE...Yes some may warn me that so and so society is....but no one goes and attacks Islam as a whole or even PAKISTANI muslims! Heck HALF of every other White person cant differentiate a Pakistani from an Indian!

I am not taking it personally! I am just showing you the diversity which you people refuse to see! Just because you saw 1 area you ASSUME everyother area is the same?!
I have many Muslim friends and first of all all of them genuine Muslims scared of God before doing anything bad. But there is a minority that is damaging the name of Islam and community.

Adil Rashid: Paedophile claimed his Muslim upbringing meant 'he didn't know it was illegal to have sex with a girl of 13' | Mail Online

Now let's have a look at this idiot! He's a rapist and pedophile. But he says 'He didn't know having sex with 13 year old is illegal and because he went to an Islamic school he was taught that "women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground." He walked out of the court without any sentence because of his upbringing and religion.

Now I'm sure that Islam doesn't condone this kind of behaviour but this idiot hiding behind the religion is giving a bad name to the religion.

Mercy for the drunk Muslim girl gang who attacked woman - Telegraph

Asian sex gang: young girls betrayed by our fear of racism - Telegraph

People like this give bad name to religion and community.

That's why you see less and less Indians identifying themselves as 'British Asian' even the Muslim ones.
Adil Rashid: Paedophile claimed his Muslim upbringing meant 'he didn't know it was illegal to have sex with a girl of 13' | Mail Online

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...-compatible-british-life-6.html#ixzz2JAzErtD4

THAT is isolated case where a guy doing something bad is hiding behind ISLAM

Having sex with anyone out of marriage is 1 of the 1st few things thought in Islam!

I have many Muslim friends and first of all all of them genuine Muslims scared of God before doing anything bad. But there is a minority that is damaging the name of Islam and community.

Adil Rashid: Paedophile claimed his Muslim upbringing meant 'he didn't know it was illegal to have sex with a girl of 13' | Mail Online

Now let's have a look at this idiot! He's a rapist and pedophile. But he says 'He didn't know having sex with 13 year old is illegal and because he went to an Islamic school he was taught that "women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground." He walked out of the court without any sentence because of his upbringing and religion.

Now I'm sure that Islam doesn't condone this kind of behaviour but this idiot hiding behind the religion is giving a bad name to the religion.

Mercy for the drunk Muslim girl gang who attacked woman - Telegraph

Asian sex gang: young girls betrayed by our fear of racism - Telegraph

People like this give bad name to religion and community.

That's why you see less and less Indians identifying themselves as 'British Asian' even the Muslim ones.

Hmmm....Well, like I said before there are idiots in every community and religion!
Adil Rashid: Paedophile claimed his Muslim upbringing meant 'he didn't know it was illegal to have sex with a girl of 13' | Mail Online

THAT is isolated case where a guy doing something bad is hiding behind ISLAM

Having sex with anyone out of marriage is 1 of the 1st few things thought in Islam!

Exactly what I'm trying to say, Plus he even said that 'Because he went to a madrassa he was taught that "Women are no more worthy than a lollipop that been dropped on the ground."' to escape the sentence. Just because he wants to escape the sentence he is maligning the religion.

So, things like this does make people wonder is Islam is compatible with British way of life or not.
Firstly, ask the British what form of Islam are they referring to? Secondly, remind them that another people thought a religious ethnic group was 'incompatible' with their civilisation and these guys fought a war against that regime: the Nazis. So prejudice has never brought anyone good.
Exactly what I'm trying to say, Plus he even said that 'Because he went to a madrassa he was taught that "Women are no more worthy than a lollipop that been dropped on the ground."' to escape the sentence. Just because he wants to escape the sentence he is maligning the religion.

So, things like this does make people wonder is Islam is compatible with British way of life or not.

Yes but WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS things like this do not sum up to 1% of the Muslims why do they become BREAKING NEWS or as a generalization??
Well, like you said 3% (I havent checked that but lets take it as 3%)

Now British people are not as naive as some villagers in sub continent if preached or they see some stupid acts they do not at once jump up and down in excitement like some morons who seriously have problem with Islam they do just the basic research! AND NO just because your street has some radical uncle does not mean that all of the 3% of MUSLIM community is like that and is NEGATIVE!

Well, that is YOUR personal opinion

Seriously? Which senior citizens have you seen? It is not about me...Its just I move around alot and get to meet alot of different societies with different people I am yet to see one who says ANYTHING bad about ISLAM AS A WHOLE...Yes some may warn me that so and so society is....but no one goes and attacks Islam as a whole or even PAKISTANI muslims! Heck HALF of every other White person cant differentiate a Pakistani from an Indian!

I am not taking it personally! I am just showing you the diversity which you people refuse to see! Just because you saw 1 area you ASSUME everyother area is the same?!

As I said before living in the denial. You say British people are not as naive as some villagers in sub continent, but would not believe when a survey says that 76% of the Britishers say that Islam is incompatible with British life. A typical Muslim who cannot talk logic and believes that world revolve around himself, and the same thinking that has stopped most Islamic countries from evolving beyond stone ages.
As I said before living in the denial. You say British people are not as naive as some villagers in sub continent, but would not believe when a survey says that 76% of the Britishers say that Islam is incompatible with British life. A typical Muslim who cannot talk logic and believes that world revolve around himself, and the same thinking that has stopped most Islamic countries from evolving beyond stone ages.

Personal bashing is not going to lead you anywhere....Especially when you have no idea whom you are talking with and what the examples meant! Thank you!
Being a 'regional religion' means we get to worship Indian gods, we get to call this an Indian religion, have sacred places in our land, get to read our own epics and celebrate our own heroes,, no need for glorification of outside invaders because they apparently 'liberated' us, no need for lining up in visa counters to visit our holy places etc etc..the benefits of that are aplenty. And still we have managed to chug along with a decent 1 billion odd adherents. :)

Indian gods. Indian religion.

Looks like this made in India religion comes right from the Tata industries. Do they offer I year service warranty for the gods if they malfunction? :D
Personal bashing is not going to lead you anywhere....Especially when you have no idea whom you are talking with and what the examples meant! Thank you!

There is nothing personal bashing, and is a fact. Sometimes facts hurt
I would like to stick to my question about diversity!

HOW on earth is that overlooked?

From wiki we get:

from the United Kingdom Census 2011 suggesting that by 2011 the total Muslim population had reached 2.7 million, 4.8% of the total population

So just by looking at 1 neighborhood, 1 borough one draws conclusions?
Yes but WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS things like this do not sum up to 1% of the Muslims why do they become BREAKING NEWS or as a generalization??

Having grown up in an Asian community, I know that. These people are not even a half percent of Muslim population. But to an outsider will see this news as 'Ohh! He did this because he went to a madrassa where he was taught this kind of stuff. or Why don't Christians or Jews rape someone and then say their religion taught them this.'

Whereas in reality he is just a douchebag who is making full us of UK's lenient laws and who is using his religion to escape the sentence. I know this, you know this but not everyone knows this.
So just by looking at 1 neighborhood, 1 borough one draws conclusions?
So just because lets say 20 out of 1 neighbourhood behave in a certain way, is it OK to say the whole population or even the whole of Muslims are like that?

Having grown up in an Asian community, I know that. These people are not even a half percent of Muslim population. But to an outsider will see this news as 'Ohh! He did this because he went to a madrassa where he was taught this kind of stuff.

Well, that is why the media is blamed!
Why don't Christians or Jews rape someone and then say their religion taught them this.'

I am not sure but werent a few priests, pastors, bishops and even a pope who are supposed to be the MOST KNOWLEDGABLE in Christianity did a little something something? Can I say all priests, pastors, bishops and popes are like that?

Whereas in reality he is just a douchebag who is making full us of UK's lenient laws and who is using his religion to escape the sentence. I know this, you know this but not everyone knows this.

That is why I wished the media would clarify what it shows! Isnt that what media was started for? Where journalists used to risk their lives to let out the truth? Where newspaper editors were tortured because they printed the TRUTH?!

Well, now you see why media is blamed?

AND 80% blame also goes to those who did not come up and clarify this act and expected people to do their homework then to blindly believe their media!
Indian gods. Indian religion.

Looks like this made in India religion comes right from the Tata industries. Do they offer I year service warranty for the gods if they malfunction? :D

Yep Indian gods, Indian religion..not made in Centrepoint. Anyway apart from the cheap (& failed) attempt at humour I knew you got what I meant. :)
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