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One liners :)

"A Wise Relation Is Like A Deep Root Have Full Of Vigor & Vitality Even Tuffer Unlike A Relation With Age" :D
''The world will keep pushing you until you push back''- Unknown
My personal favourite:
''Everyone wants to be a boxer but no one wants to be punched in the face''-My Coach
:smokin:The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The tale concerns a shepherd boy who repeatedly tricks nearby villagers into thinking a wolf is attacking his flock. When one actually does appear and the boy again calls for help, the villagers do not come thinking that it is another false alarm and the sheep are eaten by the wolf.[2]
The moral stated at the end of the Greek version is, "this shows how liars are rewarded: even if they tell the truth, no one believes them". It echoes a statement attributed to Aristotle by Diogenes Laërtius in his The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, where the sage was asked what those who tell lies gain by it and he answered "that when they speak truth they are not believed".[3] William Caxton similarly closes his version with the remark that "men bileve not lyghtly hym whiche is knowen for a lyer".
:P good for you

:what: any relation with my post ?

You wrote a funny line about liverpool, I think it is a joke from Liverpool people so I quoted this line. Mehhhh

There are lot of jokes coming out of Liverpool region online.
You wrote a funny line about liverpool, I think it is a joke from Liverpool people so I quoted this line. Mehhhh

There are lot of jokes coming out of Liverpool region online.

:D i was trying pun-ography . like " i used to be a banker, but then I lost interest"
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