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One liners :)

No one is safe in Pakistan...not even Osama Bin Laden....... Everyone is safe in Hindustan... Even Ajmal Kasab....
( RIJU 78 )
Member on PDF.......
"In dress and out of dress Pervaiz Musharraf is the person who defend Pakistan in critical situation".
“You’ll have to commit to the life of a hunter. No friends, no family. And you don’t pick the targets, I do" - Henry Sturgess (Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter)
Professor: How many Palestinians have been raped by IDF forces?

Israeli: None.

Professor: Right! You IDF soldiers don’t rape Palestinians because Israelis are so racist and disgusted by them that you won’t touch them!

There's a remarkable thing about life. No matter how bad it gets it can always get worse.
''No beast is more savage than man when possessed with power answerable to his rage.''- Plutarch.

That quote is by Salvor Hardin (a character in Isaac Asimov's Foundation stories).

Salvor Hardin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Other epigrams given to him by Asimov:
  • "An atom-blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways."
  • "It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety."
  • "Nothing has to be true, but everything has to sound like it was."
  • "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right."
  • "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent"
We live in the same world, but we do not have the same world; the men who know more have the bigger worlds, and the men who know less have the smaller ones.

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