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'One China' policy of Philippines isn't acceptable: Wang


Mar 21, 2013
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By Katherine Wei, The China Post
May 15, 2013, 12:33 am TWN

TAIPEI, Taiwan --Taiwan would not accept an apology by Philippine President Benigno Aquino III over the recent killing of a fisherman if it was made to China instead of Taiwan, said Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyn (王金平) yesterday.

Aquino stated in an interview on Monday that the Philippine government would deal with the incident's aftermath according to the “one China” principle, appointing the Manila Economic and Cultural Office as the responsible unit. Aquino's response prompted the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to worry that Aquino may actually apologize to China.

Both the ruling party and the main opposition party have objected strongly to the Philippines' response to the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman and have demanded an apology.

The Legislative Yuan passed a motion supporting the government's four demands of the Philippines, with all parties expressing their support for the measure, said Wang.

Taiwan should take careful measures when negotiating with Manila, and “our attitude remains firm but we do not encourage outrageous protests from the Taiwanese,” Wang added, lest the excitement fuel criticism from other nations.

Legislators from both the DPP and Kuomintang (KMT) allegedly shouted “An eye for an eye,” and “War is inevitable” in yesterday's Legislative Yuan meeting, slogans that Wang warned should be toned down.

“The relationship between Taiwan and the Philippines is diplomatic, and not that of gangsters or desperados,” Wang said.

The Legislature called on the government to effectively protect local fishermen and not relent until Manila issues a positive response.

Wang stated his approval of the legislators' plan in arguing for compensation from the Philippines, but said the possibility of the Philippines apologizing to China instead of Taiwan over the incident is unacceptable.

“Both Taiwan and the Philippines have established a representative office in each other's country,” Wang said.

The DPP held a press conference emphasizing its rejection of Manila's approach to the “one China” principle as well, suggesting that the Ma administration should plan an international press conference immediately to alert the world's media of the Philippines' “pirate actions.”

DPP Legislator Yeh Yi-jin (葉宜津) reiterated the government's four requests: Issue a formal apology, pay compensation, conduct an investigation and punish those found responsible, and hold negotiations into the countries' fisheries as soon as possible.

Yeh added that both the opposition party and the ruling KMT agree that the Philippines should regard the issue in a serious light.
then from china to dewei, i wish all debazi die horrible death at the hands of angloamericans and fino macacas and nipponzi and viets
Its like getting something in your neighbor's backyard without their permission and if I'm that neighbor, I would probably do the same as of the coast guard, which is to do what is necessary to protect my territory... So Taiwan, cry all you want, curse us as you wish but there's no escaping the truth that your fishermen are in our territorial waters, your fishermen tried to ram their vessel to our coast guard, and our countrymen done that to protect themselves when the incident happened.
So Taiwan is adding fuel. They want the Philippines to drop first the 'One China' policy before they accept an apology?
Its like getting something in your neighbor's backyard without their permission and if I'm that neighbor, I would probably do the same as of the coast guard, which is to do what is necessary to protect my territory... So Taiwan, cry all you want, curse us as you wish but there's no escaping the truth that your fishermen are in our territorial waters, your fishermen tried to ram their vessel to our coast guard, and our countrymen done that to protect themselves when the incident happened.

Its irelevant that you keep insisting Fishermen try to ram PN ship.. Your government already apologise and admit their wrongdoing of lying and fabricate story of self defense. They already admit its their wrong doing of reckless and thug behaviour of shooting at unarmed fishing vessel. You can say and post 1000times of your version but it does not change the fact, Pinoy is wrong. :lol:

If no wrong, why apologize? Simple!
hahahaha sir any coast guard ramming is at aggression your argument is the one that's is irrelevant and its spell with other r please check your spelling before posting see no logical argument no right spelling just typical chinese blah blah racist comments online :rofl:
Taiwan sanctions Philippines, rejects Aquino's apology


TAIPEI - Taiwan Wednesday slapped sanctions on the Philippines, including a ban on the hiring of new workers, rejecting an apology by President Benigno Aquino for the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman.

Philippine coastguards shot dead the 65-year-old last week after they said his vessel illegally sailed into Philippine waters, and outrage in Taiwan at the incident grew amid a perceived lack of remorse in Manila.

In a bid to contain the diplomatic fallout, Aquino sent Amadeo R Perez, chairman of the Manila Economic and Cultural Office which handles relations with Taiwan, to the island on Wednesday to act as his "personal representative" and apologise.

"(The envoy) will convey his and the Filipino people's deep regret and apology to the family of Mr Hung Shih-cheng, as well as to the people of Taiwan over the unfortunate and unintended loss of life," presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said in Manila.

Premier Jiang Yi-huah said Taiwan acknowledged Lacierda's statement but deemed it "unacceptable" that the death was described as unintended.

"Perez did not have sufficient authorisation and this shows the Philippines' lack of sincerity in resolving the incident and therefore our second wave of eight sanctions are initiated immediately," Jiang told reporters.

These include a "red" travel alert urging Taiwanese not to visit the Philippines and the suspension of exchanges between high-level officials, as well as a halt to exchanges on trade and academic affairs.

Jiang urged Taiwanese to support the government in pressuring the Philippine government but said the Filipino people should be treated "calmly".

Taiwan earlier Wednesday had suspended the hiring of Philippine workers and recalled its envoy to Manila in protest at the killing.

It rejected an initial apology made by the Philippines' de facto ambassador early Wednesday as inadequate.

President Ma Ying-jeou insisted Manila offer a formal apology and compensation, apprehend the killer and launch talks on the fishing industry.

"President Ma expressed his strong dissatisfaction over the Philippines' lack of sufficient sincerity and its shifting attitude, and found the Philippines' reckless and perfunctory response unacceptable," spokeswoman Lee Chia-fei told reporters.

Lacierda urged Taiwan not to implement its threatened sanctions and to reverse its decision to ban new Filipino workers while appealing for calm.

There are 87,000 Philippine workers in Taiwan and labour authorities said nearly 2,000 new applications to work are submitted monthly.

Lacierda did not mention compensation, but said Aquino had asked the Manila Economic and Cultural Office to make unspecified "donations" to the dead fisherman's family.

The cultural office represents the Philippines in the absence of diplomatic ties. Manila recognises Beijing rather than Taipei as the government of China.

Taiwan's defence ministry also said it began a two-day drill aimed at defending its fishermen in waters near a Philippine island.

Maritime tensions are already high over rival claims in the South China Sea, adjacent to where last Thursday's shooting took place.

China, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei all have competing claims to parts of the strategic and resource-rich maritime region.

Taiwan also faces overlapping claims involving Japan and China in disputed East China Sea waters.

Analysts said Ma cannot afford to look soft while his approval ratings are low, and his government is apparently also trying to show it can stand tough in maritime disputes.

"Taipei wants to send a signal that it cannot be belittled and that its people should not be harmed," said George Tsai, a political scientist at the Chinese Cultural University in Taipei.

"But it should be careful not to give other parties an impression that it will argue its point to death."

Taiwan sanctions Philippines despite Aquino apology - Channel NewsAsia
Man for the last time we don't care i say god ahead lose one of your important friends and ask your citizens to come home majority of them are criminals here anyway so please boycott us do whatever your not important ma is just going that to boost his popularity with the taiwanese or should i say chinese public i say bye bye troublemakers hello rebirth industries more job more business more boots on our economy (i mean 7k point growth the Philippine economy in fact remittance double so is not even hit by this so please leave) so good bye and don't let the door hit you on your way out! :yahoo:
"During the negotiations, the Philippines tried to trivialize Taiwan’s demands and responded in a flippant and most unequivocal manner" commented a Taiwan official at the negotiating table.

Yeah I know what he means, just like the Pinoys and Tsinoys in this forum, they don't think killing a helpless innocent man is such a big deal. Noy Noy is trying to be cute by using the "One China Policy" to personal ignore Taiwan. A bunch of incompetents, I say, some sh$$ts will come to hit them on the faces.

On a second though Taiwan Navy might be searching for some PI assets near the scene now to auction off so that they can compensate the victim's family. Justice will come.
"During the negotiations, the Philippines tried to trivialize Taiwan’s demands and responded in a flippant and most unequivocal manner" commented a Taiwan official at the negotiating table.

Yeah I know what he means, just like the Pinoys and Tsinoys in this forum, they don't think killing a helpless innocent man is such a big deal. Noy Noy is trying to be cute by using the "One China Policy" to personal ignore Taiwan. A bunch of incompetents, I say, some sh$$ts will come to hit them on the faces.

On a second though Taiwan Navy might be searching for some PI assets near the scene now to auction off so that they can compensate the victim's family. Justice will come.

Next time when Pinoys are doing drugs business in my city, maybe I should suggest that we should just give them a bullet instead of wasting our time and space to feed them. But we are mostly peaceful, smart and nice people, we don't follow the Pinoys way.
Ya sure and the largest supplier of drugs are china those poor people are just Currier hired by your countrymen to deliver the goods you have to catch your own countrymen to kill drugs in Asia again chinese racist sick minds at work and that's good now that two troublemakers wants to cut ties with us we will no longer have scams, drugs, smuggling of both inside and out and no more foreign tax evasion by mainlanders and taiwanese troublemakers and no more chinese trash products and new life to our local industries yes please get out oh maybe your giving us other best tourist destination award after your so called boycott what a bunch of hypocrites hahahaha losers :rofl:
Next time when Pinoys are doing drugs business in my city, maybe I should suggest that we should just give them a bullet instead of wasting our time and space to feed them. But we are mostly peaceful, smart and nice people, we don't follow the Pinoys way.

I don't think the Tibetans nor the Uyghurs share your sentiment. To them you are their violent eternal oppressors.
I don't think the Tibetans nor the Uyghurs share your sentiment. To them you are their violent eternal oppressors.

I do not even need to mention American Indian, african, irac ... , look at the mirror first before jumping out to blame others.
I don't think the Tibetans nor the Uyghurs share your sentiment. To them you are their violent eternal oppressors.

What if I tell you to every Chinese the CCP is an oppressor.
Besides Tibetans and Uyghurs are even treated better than the "main ethnic" Hans in China.
By Katherine Wei, The China Post
May 15, 2013, 12:33 am TWN

TAIPEI, Taiwan --Taiwan would not accept an apology by Philippine President Benigno Aquino III over the recent killing of a fisherman if it was made to China instead of Taiwan, said Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyn (王金平) yesterday.

Aquino stated in an interview on Monday that the Philippine government would deal with the incident's aftermath according to the “one China” principle, appointing the Manila Economic and Cultural Office as the responsible unit. Aquino's response prompted the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to worry that Aquino may actually apologize to China.

Both the ruling party and the main opposition party have objected strongly to the Philippines' response to the shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman and have demanded an apology.

The Legislative Yuan passed a motion supporting the government's four demands of the Philippines, with all parties expressing their support for the measure, said Wang.

Taiwan should take careful measures when negotiating with Manila, and “our attitude remains firm but we do not encourage outrageous protests from the Taiwanese,” Wang added, lest the excitement fuel criticism from other nations.

Legislators from both the DPP and Kuomintang (KMT) allegedly shouted “An eye for an eye,” and “War is inevitable” in yesterday's Legislative Yuan meeting, slogans that Wang warned should be toned down.

“The relationship between Taiwan and the Philippines is diplomatic, and not that of gangsters or desperados,” Wang said.

The Legislature called on the government to effectively protect local fishermen and not relent until Manila issues a positive response.

Wang stated his approval of the legislators' plan in arguing for compensation from the Philippines, but said the possibility of the Philippines apologizing to China instead of Taiwan over the incident is unacceptable.

“Both Taiwan and the Philippines have established a representative office in each other's country,” Wang said.

The DPP held a press conference emphasizing its rejection of Manila's approach to the “one China” principle as well, suggesting that the Ma administration should plan an international press conference immediately to alert the world's media of the Philippines' “pirate actions.”

DPP Legislator Yeh Yi-jin (葉宜津) reiterated the government's four requests: Issue a formal apology, pay compensation, conduct an investigation and punish those found responsible, and hold negotiations into the countries' fisheries as soon as possible.

Yeh added that both the opposition party and the ruling KMT agree that the Philippines should regard the issue in a serious light.
They should be thankful to us for recognizing them and putting the risk of our one-china-policy. They act as if they are a country.
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