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On Rafale and deadly Panther choppers, India gets a huge offer from France

The cost. Swiss are paying $7.5 Billion for 40 SHs. They have plenty of infrastructure for the old generation Hornets, India does not. . Take account inflation, weapons, training, spares. You are looking at a $10 Billion bill at a conservative estimate.

could you post a link to that information pls. Not a link on how much is allocated but on the actual purchase. Thanks.
Deal not finalised but gives indication of SH cost

Right, no deal yet. Gives no indication of the Super Hornet cost. Probably to keep the F-35 is in the running Switzerland allocated LOTS of money.
Kuwait paid $1.5 billion for 28 super hornets in 2018. But again even the US-Kuwait relationship is not the same as the US-India relationship.
I suspect Rafales maybe too expensive for another order.

At a guess I think they will go for SU-30 upgrade and second hand MIG-29s.

LCA will be dropped quietly than they will talk about AMCA for next 10 years before they roll out a prototype.

This is an ideal time for PAF to rapidly modernise and ensure that AZM out performs any platform IAF may have.
Mig 29 & su30 are useless so they will order something which is going to be rafale unless someone esle patys more kick backs then expect typhoon or gripen

Tejas they have immense local pressure so expect a token order those 83 aircraft will be build slowly over 20 years
Right, no deal yet. Gives no indication of the Super Hornet cost. Probably to keep the F-35 is in the running Switzerland allocated LOTS of money.
Kuwait paid $1.5 billion for 28 super hornets in 2018. But again even the US-Kuwait relationship is not the same as the US-India relationship.

No, but it gives a more accurate cost of the total deal than any other source, it's the maximum cost of a deal. Also you forget Kuwait (Like Switzerland), has Hornet infrastructure it can use on the SH. India does not (2nd time I have mentioned this), so India's total cost of any deal (weapons, spares training etc) will be much higher then the Swiss or Kuwaiti costs. Let me know if you can grasp that concept than debate me
No, but it gives a more accurate cost of the total deal than any other source, it's the maximum cost of a deal. Also you forget Kuwait (Like Switzerland), has Hornet infrastructure it can use on the SH. India does not (2nd time I have mentioned this), so India's total cost of any deal (weapons, spares training etc) will be much higher then the Swiss or Kuwaiti costs. Let me know if you can grasp that concept than debate me

I am not saying buy the Super Hornet. I think it is better that India doesn't buy the Super Hornet. India should buy Russian. India wins when it fights with Russian equipment. What, I am saying is that the Super Hornet is less expensive than the F-35. That's all. Only had this convo because you mentioned that you wanted the F-35. That didn't make sense to me since you were saying India was pleading poverty.
If India cannot afford the Super Hornet then India cannot afford the F-35.
I am not saying buy the Super Hornet. I think it is better that India doesn't buy the Super Hornet. India should buy Russian. India wins when it fights with Russian equipment. What, I am saying is that the Super Hornet is less expensive than the F-35. That's all. Only had this convo because you mentioned that you wanted the F-35. That didn't make sense to me since you were saying India was pleading poverty.
If India cannot afford the Super Hornet then India cannot afford the F-35.

I never said I wanted the F-35, I said this is probably the best option for India in terms of a plane that can fly off the carriers. It's cost makes it out of reach.

India lost a MIG-21, MI-17 (and by some reports a SU-30) , so "India wins when it fights with Russian equipment" is a strange statement
I never said I wanted the F-35, I said this is probably the best option for India in terms of a plane that can fly off the carriers. It's cost makes it out of reach.

India lost a MIG-21, MI-17 (and by some reports a SU-30) , so "India wins when it fights with Russian equipment" is a strange statement

I misunderstood your past statement then. sorry.

Look back at each of India's wars and whose arms India was using. You decide if you agree. I am talking about WAR not the peace.
oh okay, made in india rafales right next to the made in india f16s riiiiight?! :lol:

it is so easy to make indians chase a "truck ki laal batti"!!! the truck driver is mister macron this time!!! :enjoy:
I never said I wanted the F-35, I said this is probably the best option for India in terms of a plane that can fly off the carriers. It's cost makes it out of reach.

India lost a MIG-21, MI-17 (and by some reports a SU-30) , so "India wins when it fights with Russian equipment" is a strange statement
history dictates that india has had the worse performance with with french mystiers and british hunters and vampires. the piss poor indian performance matches with russian equipment as well. the problem isn't the aircrafts or the nations they were manufactured in...the problem is sitting inside those aircrafts!!!
OK, time for reality check here.

1) Hornet simply not designed for STOBAR ops, despite Boeings publicity stunt. Even on full military power it will sink into the ocean. Now ad a rolling flight deck in bad weather, a heavy war load.

3) All the planes will have to be on deck and not inside the ship as the planes do not fit on the lifts of Indian carriers

4) The size of the planes. 18 meters long and 14 meters wide, around 15% bigger than a MIG-29K, good luck moving them around the flight deck. It will be a miracle launching one plane every 10 minutes.

5) The cost. Swiss are paying $7.5 Billion for 40 SHs. They have plenty of infrastructure for the old generation Hornets, India does not. . Take account inflation, weapons, training, spares. You are looking at a $10 Billion bill at a conservative estimate.

6) No Indian, Israeli, French, Russian missiles will work on the SH, India will have to duplicate an entire range of weapons systems for just 36 planes.

7) The SH will need to be integrated into India's carriers networks and comms links. Unsure if US will allow this.

Oh and by the way, to quote you "LOL LOL".

who said integrating Russian French Israel weapons on hornets,
they come armed with usa weapons
the carrier is already integrated to carry Russian and weapons using indian comms

by the way we currently have over dozen major surface fighting ships carrying indo Russian Brahmos cruise missles and ciws and radars,and sams from Israel.
Delhi class and Kolkata class destroyers and shivaullk class and Talwar class frigates
now they operate just fine thank you.
ditto for vikramditya,.

and the link to the systems yes indian networking. we know a thing or two about networking computers,and communication systems.

don't believe me check out our space programme and our annual it services,export levels . I think a bout 100 billion dollars, in revenue to India.

so let's see
we also have record,forex 580 billion dollars
the reason the deal is delayed untom

covid has had impact on all.countries even China.
this does not stop long term.modernisation
tejas will be signed aero India 2021 at 5 billion dollars spread over 5 years
Rafale second batch will.happen just like mki was staggered purchase
50 in 1999
149 in 2004
40 in 2009
42 in 2014

Rafale will be staggered
next order in 2022 f4 version
about the time first 36 delivered

as for not affording
580 billion in forex,our financial.woes pale in insignificance compared to 90 percent of the world
Ah maverick you sneaky devil, I did not know you were such a big supporter of joshi and communism. I look forward to the communistic take over of India as you say rightly in the mirror image of the great hermit kingdom of North Korea and the glorious dear leader.

modi is already there

I misunderstood your past statement then. sorry.

Look back at each of India's wars and whose arms India was using. You decide if you agree. I am talking about WAR not the peace.

Feb 27th, the last time India used Russian weapons, not 50 years ago, but 2 years ago was not peace, and India was found wanting. In the air it lost several aircraft, it's Russian Kilo was forced to surface by PN.

Use of French (Mirage 2000) and Israeli weapons (Spyder SAM, Spice 2000) was also not a great advert for these products. Time to stop looking at the weapons and loo at the user......
who said integrating Russian French Israel weapons on hornets,
they come armed with usa weapons
the carrier is already integrated to carry Russian and weapons using indian comms

by the way we currently have over dozen major surface fighting ships carrying indo Russian Brahmos cruise missles and ciws and radars,and sams from Israel.
Delhi class and Kolkata class destroyers and shivaullk class and Talwar class frigates
now they operate just fine thank you.
ditto for vikramditya,.

and the link to the systems yes indian networking. we know a thing or two about networking computers,and communication systems.

don't believe me check out our space programme and our annual it services,export levels . I think a bout 100 billion dollars, in revenue to India.

so let's see

Pretty much incoherent rant with no point being made here, so just assume this is your way of giving up the debate.
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