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On Rafale and deadly Panther choppers, India gets a huge offer from France

so you know more in here in pak forum
you know more than the millions of dollars that usa is spending demonstrating ski lift jumps to indian navy since last year. usa arw wasting their time and mo

I have not forgotten this
unless your burying your heads In sand you will have noticed nearly all big ticket military purchases,are going to America France and Israel .

the Russians are well out of indian future doctrine.
the Indians have moved away .
this is why a American or French fighter will. equip the navy sooner or later.
Cassta will resolved between the govt
Than RAFALE is more probable than super hornet, because CAASTA is US rule
the Indians have not signed any Russian deal bar the s400 .
oh boy oh boy ask your senior member here on PDF, these members said that deal is already singed and delivery will start in either late 2021 or early 2022
the Indians have not signed any Russian deal bar the s400
and your always overly pessimistic in fact way overboard with this.
you can't do this
it can't happen
it won't happen.

unfortunately it will happen but albeit at typical indian mentality after red tape it's talks more red tape more talks more cabinet meeting then finally signaturesx

My pessimism is supported by the facts. You cannot dispute them. IAF Has missed 4 deadlines for signing for LCA MK1A, yes or no? Give me a simple answer please.
the Indians have not signed any Russian deal bar the s400 .
My pessimism is supported by the facts. You cannot dispute them. IAF Has missed 4 deadlines for signing for LCA MK1A, yes or no? Give me a simple answer please.

I am not aware of deadlines ( i assume deadlines set by IAF)

please share the deadlines im intrigued

You do realise there re delays in all military projects globlly.

You agree we are in a midst of a globally pandemic.

regard;ess Tejas mark1a is coming 100% GURANTEED its a measly $5 billion dollars FFS
The MOD will insist Tejas or continue with MIG21 bison crashes
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I am not aware of deadlines ( i assume deadlines set by IAF)

please share the deadlines im intrigued

You do realise there re delays in all military projects globlly.

You agree we are in a midst of a globally pandemic.

regard;ess Tejas mark1a is coming 100% GURANTEED its a measly $5 billion dollars FFS

Nothing is guranteed, many Indian defence projects have been scrapped due to lack of funds, so LCA could be a victim. You yourself now admit you are "not aware" of deadlines being missed in LCA project and in the same breath confidently claim contract will be signed. You have just admitted you do not know what you are talking about! :yahoo:

The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) had given the initial clearance for the 83 LCA-Mk1A aircraft in November 2016 and the IAF issued the Request For Proposal (RFP) in December 2017. However, negotiations have been stuck due to the steep price quoted by the HAL which, the IAF had said, was more than the price of a Su-30MKI.

Nothing is guranteed, many Indian defence projects have been scrapped due to lack of funds, so LCA could be a victim.

The Indian navy must be going to get some sort of new planes to go on their new 3? 4? 6? billion dollar carrier though, right?
The Indian navy must be going to get some sort of new planes to go on their new 3? 4? 6? billion dollar carrier though, right?

No money for them, also both Raf and SH cannot fit on the lifts of the carriers, additionally both were designed for CATOBAR ops, think Boeing demoed a SH lifting off from a ramp deck on land, but at night, in bad weather with a heavy load? Forget it.....
Rafale costs too much money
Hornrts are cheaper carrier proven commonality for Quad
MIG29 too many service issues........India wony buy more for vikrant

only other option is F35 LIGHTENING

Hornet is happening WE cant spend $3 billion on new carrier and have no fighters there after

the sight of hornrts in india is scary ....... i agree so bury your head in sand now
Rafale costs too much money
Hornrts are cheaper carrier proven commonality for Quad
MIG29 too many service issues........India wony buy more for vikrant

only other option is F35 LIGHTENING

Hornet is happening WE cant spend $3 billion on new carrier and have no fighters there after

the sight of hornrts in india is scary ....... i agree so bury your head in sand now

You talk of heads in sand

" Hornet is happening "

No money for them, also both Raf and SH cannot fit on the lifts of the carriers, additionally both were designed for CATOBAR ops, think Boeing demoed a SH lifting off from a ramp deck on land, but at night, in bad weather with a heavy load? Forget it.....

So not even more MiG-29K? That big new boat is going to be half empty for now? Well big boats last a long time. Like the British carriers someday it will probably have planes of some sort. :) Maybe drones.
So not even more MiG-29K? That big new boat is going to be half empty for now? Well big boats last a long time. Like the British carriers someday it will probably have planes of some sort. :) Maybe drones.

Maybe more MIG-29Ks, you could be right, but service and safety record on this thing is really bad. Lost 4 already and availability hovers around 30%

F-35 would be only viable option but unsure how US would be about selling this to India, it has never been offered in any of the fighter contests for AF or Navy
You talk of heads in sand

" Hornet is happening "



You ........... realise the vikrant will need a new carrier fighter wing.
you seem admant no hornets
the navy cheifs are not happy with mig29k

so you tell me what happens to vikrant carrier fighter wing

we have just spent $3billion building it in india

You ........... realise the vikrant will need a new carrier fighter wing.
you seem admant no hornets
the navy cheifs are not happy with mig29k

so you tell me what happens to vikrant carrier fighter wing

we have just spent $3billion building it in india

It will be MIG-29s, you have no choice (and facing budget issues).

Alternatively I suspect no further orders and you just keep the carriers with 4-6 MIGS each, pretty much what the IN was doing with the Vikrant and Harriers for around 20 years.
Maybe more MIG-29Ks, you could be right, but service and safety record on this thing is really bad. Lost 4 already and availability hovers around 30%

F-35 would be only viable option but unsure how US would be about selling this to India, it has never been offered in any of the fighter contests for AF or Navy

F-35 are way more expensive. If F-35 are in the picture then price is not an issue. Cost the Poles $4.6 billion for 32 and the Poles are in NATO. India is NOT an ally. F-35 would never be an option. Go buy Russian and fall out of the sky.
It will be MIG-29s, you have no choice (and facing budget issues).

Alternatively I suspect no further orders and you just keep the carriers with 4-6 MIGS each, pretty much what the IN was doing with the Vikrant and Harriers for around 20 years.



We just spent $billions on a new carrier inluding adding barak 8 SAM system on board

and approached both France & USA for potential new generation figthter

AND you think we will resort to harriers OR mig29k

At some point we wll all see what the Navy decides on


We just spent $billions on a new carrier inluding adding barak 8 SAM system on board

and approached both France & USA for potential new generation figthter

AND you think we will resort to harriers OR mig29k

At some point we wll all see what the Navy decides on

OK, time for reality check here.

1) Hornet simply not designed for STOBAR ops, despite Boeings publicity stunt. Even on full military power it will sink into the ocean. Now ad a rolling flight deck in bad weather, a heavy war load.

3) All the planes will have to be on deck and not inside the ship as the planes do not fit on the lifts of Indian carriers

4) The size of the planes. 18 meters long and 14 meters wide, around 15% bigger than a MIG-29K, good luck moving them around the flight deck. It will be a miracle launching one plane every 10 minutes.

5) The cost. Swiss are paying $7.5 Billion for 40 SHs. They have plenty of infrastructure for the old generation Hornets, India does not. . Take account inflation, weapons, training, spares. You are looking at a $10 Billion bill at a conservative estimate.

6) No Indian, Israeli, French, Russian missiles will work on the SH, India will have to duplicate an entire range of weapons systems for just 36 planes.

7) The SH will need to be integrated into India's carriers networks and comms links. Unsure if US will allow this.

Oh and by the way, to quote you "LOL LOL".
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