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Official confirms China building aircraft carrier


Jun 27, 2008
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Official confirms China building aircraft carrier

BEIJING - A top military official on Monday confirmed for the first time in public that China is building an aircraft carrier.

"I have nothing more to say about Chinese aircraft carriers, since prominent media outlets have already reported on them so much," said Chen Bingde, chief of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) General Staff. "Our American friends all know that China bought an old aircraft carrier, the Varyag, from Ukraine. It's very valuable for us to research these things this way."

China is the last permanent member of the United Nations Security Council to get an aircraft carrier. Before acquiring Varyag, the country had bought three decommissioned aircraft carriers for the purpose of studying them. Two of them, the former Russian carriers Minsk and Kiev, have been turned into theme parks.

Liu Huaqing, former vice-chairman of China's Central Military Commission, who died in January, first conducted studies in 1970 on the feasibility of building a domestic aircraft carrier. Not until decades later, though, did China start to refit the Varyag and consider building a carrier.

"China is a big country and we have quite a large number of ships, but they are only small ships," Chen said. "This is not commensurate with the status of a country like China."

Having 11 aircraft carriers makes the United States "a real world power", he said.

Much of China's military technology is similar to what the US was using from 20 years to 30 years ago, Chen said.

Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, who is on a visit to China, said while "great symbolism" is associated with China's first aircraft carrier, "sometimes matching the actual capability versus the symbolism, there can be a gap there".

Hong Yuan, chief of the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, previously said there will be "a prolonged process" before the Varyag can be even remotely effective.

The 67,500-ton Varyag is considerably smaller than the Japan-based US carrier George Washington, which has a displacement of more than 100,000 tons. But when it goes into service, it will make China one of four countries besides the US, France and Russia to have an operational carrier with a displacement of 50,000 tons or more.

The Varyag was bought from Ukraine for $20 million in 1998. According to reports, it has been undergoing refitting work at a shipyard in the northeastern coastal city of Dalian since 2005.

"This has been a gigantic project and is virtually as complicated as building a brand-new aircraft carrier," an unidentified source with the military industry in Dalian was quoted as saying by the Kanwa Asian Defense magazine.

Just as the news came out that the Varyag will begin initial sea trials probably either late this month, in early August or later in the year, rumors arose saying that another aircraft carrier is being built in Shanghai.

In earlier June, the Hong Kong Commercial Daily quoted Chen as saying - during his flight to the US - that the construction of at least one aircraft carrier is "under way, and not finished yet".

Chen did not disclose on Monday how many aircraft carriers China plans to build.

He did acknowledge, though, that Beijing is developing the Dongfeng-21D, a ballistic missile with a maximum range of 2,700 kilometers and the ability to strike moving targets - including aircraft carriers - at sea.

"The missile is still undergoing experimental testing and will be used as a defensive weapon when it is successfully developed, not an offensive one," Chen said.

"It is a high-tech weapon and we face many difficulties in getting funding, advanced technologies and high-quality personnel, which are all underlying reasons why it is hard to develop this," he added.

The steam-powered Varyag is expected to serve primarily as a training vessel for pilots and deck crews. Speculation over what is going to be stationed on it has become more rampant in recent times. According to online leaks, the vehicles it carries may include the J-15 fighter, the JT-9 naval trainer and the Z-8 helicopter.

It is uncertain when the Varyag will be made operational and where it will be based.
Yeah, we will see two indigenous carriers in the next year, one from Dalian, one from Shanghai. :coffee:
Chinese-made aircraft carrier in Changxing Island started seven to eight years after the deployment
Foreign and U.S. government authorities, according to sources, China has started construction this year, first domestic carrier. China's goal is to build a "powerful navy," to expand the rights of the ocean. Purchased from Ukraine, "Kuznetsov" was medium-sized aircraft carrier (about 60,000 tons displacement) trials during the year are expected. If the aircraft carriers built in China during the year will have two aircraft carriers. This would seem to lead to Japan, Vietnam, Philippines and other neighboring countries of concern and may pose a threat to the United States has absolute dominance of the Asia-Pacific region.

In early June, the PLA Chief of General Staff Chen Bingde told Hong Kong media said the aircraft carrier under construction, this is the first time that military officials regarding the construction of aircraft carriers. However, the construction of the carrier actually means "Kuznetsov" was, or aircraft carriers, he did not specify.

According to diplomatic sources, military authorities said, "'Kuznetsov' was not really made​​," and concluded that "the rest is being built aircraft carrier." U.S. government authorities have also made ​​that the carrier is referred to Chen Bingde. U.S. Department of Defense released the 2010 edition of "China-related military and security developments," the annual report, also believes that China will have in 10 years the number of aircraft carriers.

Familiar with trends in the Chinese navy's military sources, the aircraft carriers are located in Shanghai's Changxing Island shipyard, it is estimated with the "Kuznetsov" was the same size of medium-sized aircraft carrier. Aircraft carrier-based aircraft are equipped with self-developed F -15 fighter, and the "Kuznetsov" was taking off and landing using the same way. Although based on the "Kuznetsov" was the prototype, but the Chinese aircraft manufacturing technology has made ​​great political publicity.

In addition, this year China increased vigilance around the Changxing Island shipyard, is said to be the start of construction because the domestic carrier's sake.

Experts point out that the deployment from the start of construction to the carrier, even if the United States also need to spend more than five years time. Chinese-made aircraft carrier is expected to actually put into use in the seven to eight years. Responsible for protecting the carrier's latest anti-aircraft missile destroyers are built them.

???????????????? 7?8????_????_???
some say they are making sky jumps and some say they are making catapults. which does the chinese prefer?
some say they are making sky jumps and some say they are making catapults. which does the chinese prefer?

China this year will have two aircraft carriers. Dalian is the more slip off. Shanghai should be electric catapult.
Where do you guys source your 2 2012 indigineous carriers from...? Photoshop? CD? Mashup?

I'll be darned if I see more than 3 carriers by the end of this decade...
Where do you guys source your 2 2012 indigineous carriers from...? Photoshop? CD? Mashup?

I'll be darned if I see more than 3 carriers by the end of this decade...

surprising me as well.
i'm excited about the news if it's true.
i'm thinking how U.S and china get along if there are 5-6 china's carriers in west pacific ocean.
Its not us..its neighbors. Japan will be worried but many chinese officials are trying to improve relations. The only country I see bitching is vietnam or maybe phillipines
do they confirm this news almost everyday....coz i saw this confirmation 2 days back then yesterday and now today.....lol
Where do you guys source your 2 2012 indigineous carriers from...? Photoshop? CD? Mashup?

I'll be darned if I see more than 3 carriers by the end of this decade...

you do realize that by the end of this decade, Chinese economy would be comparable with US economy in absolute $? in PPP, it will be way bigger than the US economy. when the US can afford to have 11 carriers, is there any single reason for us not be able to operate 3?

the plan is to have 6 in mid term.

we don't build this for fun.
Its not us..its neighbors. Japan will be worried but many chinese officials are trying to improve relations. The only country I see bitching is vietnam or maybe phillipines

they can save some money and import some candy from US.

---------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:04 PM ----------

surprising me as well.
i'm excited about the news if it's true.
i'm thinking how U.S and china get along if there are 5-6 china's carriers in west pacific ocean.

they will borrow more money and build more carriers.
6 nuclear supercarriers will be enough for china.

im pretty sure the US will cut the number of carriers it has from the current 11.
their economy cannot maintain those babies for much longer.
Where do you guys source your 2 2012 indigineous carriers from...? Photoshop? CD? Mashup?

I'll be darned if I see more than 3 carriers by the end of this decade...

Then get ready to be darned. Because as far as I know, photoshop is about to become the focus of US defense analysts.
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