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Now we've democratically elected a totalitarian government- Arunadhati Roy

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@Joe Shearer

Right to Freedom 19. Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech, etc.-
(1) All citizens shall have the right-
(a) to freedom of speech and expression;
(b) to assemble peaceably and without arms;
(c) to form associations or unions;
(d) to move freely throughout the territory of India;
(e) to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India;

The bolded part...

You are actually funny, you shoulkd retire with your bretherns :), I have been seeing you from last 5 yrs, never got into a head on with you ever on many grounds, but you are taking it from granted, your likes can cry with you against Modi, Isharat Jahan and all that....

This is India, and we bend the rules, if required, we will always bend. This is for everybodies consumption, including Pakistanis, We are not fair and never will be.

your likes have lived their lives, its time for a grave..
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DafaQ! Amendments ? As a matter of fact I dont think any amendment is necessary to challenge and try Arundhati Roy for sedition.

I will do what is necessary.You try to be a roman while in Rome.Kapish ?

As is said, read my post.

Are you sure ? You are hitting the wrong chords all along.

Prove it!! I will make you eat your words...
very soon she will be tried for sedition....take it from me
very soon she will be tried for sedition....take it from me

No matter how much the so called pseudo-intellectuals of the society sitting in the safety of their protected and air-conditioned drawing rooms try to shield them....
Yaaa then by your logic SALMAN RUSHDIE should be hailed for uttering muttering only the truth :coffee:

And so is your admiration for ArundhatinRoy ....its verrryyy understandable.

Enemy's enemy is a friend isn't it??

Sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are smart, rather than opening it and removing any doubt.

Ms.Roy was practicing freedom of speech, Rushdie on the other hand was abusing it. Understand the difference? I don't think you did ,or ever will.

If you insulted Pakistan and I retorted by slinging mud at Hindu deities or People who Christians respect, would that be fair? Well, this is how low you have stooped! Thank you for showing your true colours!

@Manticore @nuclearpak @emmi @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz This thread needs some cleaning. Thanks!
No matter how much the so called pseudo-intellectuals of the society sitting in the safety of their protected and air-conditioned drawing rooms try to shield them....
there is plan behind it, we are just waiting for the right moment... it doesnt matter what these fuckers say...India as always will put a garland for the books. these pseudo intellectuals will eventually die without a drop of water...

we dont care:)

Sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are smart, rather than opening it and removing any doubt.

Ms.Roy was practicing freedom of speech, Rushdie on the other hand was abusing it. Understand the difference? I don't think you did ,or ever will.

If you insulted Pakistan and I retorted by slinging mud at Hindu deities or People who Christians respect, would that be fair? Well, this is how low you have stooped! Thank you for showing your true colours!

@Manticore @nuclearpak @emmi @WebMaster @Aeronaut @Jungibaaz This thread needs some cleaning. Thanks!

why are you calling them, keep it alive, give my words as a reference for the true colr of an Indian.. if you are smart then you will do just that.
there is plan behind it, we are just waiting for the right moment... it doesnt matter what these fuckers say...India as always will put a garland for the books. these pseudo intellectuals will eventually die without a drop of water...

we dont care:)

why are you calling them, keep it alive, give my words as a reference for the true colr of an Indian.. if you are smart then you will do just that.
Re-read my post. When you start to insult Islam, then you have crossed "THE" line. IS that so difficult to comprehend?
Yeah yeah.. I have been talking about Arundhati Roy all the time. Stop being a cry baby for a change, will you?

You try to hide behind the rule of law and freedom of expression when it comes to covertly supporting the anti-national elements.

You wrote this, remember? So why don't you stop lying and come clean?

I'm loving this.

@Joe Shearer

Right to Freedom 19. Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech, etc.-
(1) All citizens shall have the right-
(a) to freedom of speech and expression;
(b) to assemble peaceably and without arms;
(c) to form associations or unions;
(d) to move freely throughout the territory of India;
(e) to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India;

The bolded part...

You are actually funny, you shoulkd retire with your bretherns :), I have been seeing you from last 5 yrs, never got into a head on with you ever on many grounds, but you are taking it from granted, your likes can cry with you against Modi, Isharat Jahan and all that....

This is India, and we bend the rules, if required, we will always bend. This is for everybodies consumption, including Pakistanis, We are not fair and never will be.

your likes have lived their lives, its time for a grave..

O Great Scholar,

What about the bolded part? Has Arundhati Roy been seen packing guns?

I hope you do understand, that it penetrates wherever it should that talking about people carrying guns and carrying guns are not one and the same thing.

You do understand, don't you? I'm not too sure.

there is plan behind it, we are just waiting for the right moment... it doesnt matter what these fuckers say...India as always will put a garland for the books. these pseudo intellectuals will eventually die without a drop of water...

we dont care:)

why are you calling them, keep it alive, give my words as a reference for the true colr of an Indian.. if you are smart then you will do just that.

This fellow is singularly stupid. Take my word for it. Don't waste time on him, or on this thread. I'm doing it because I like keeping these creeps in uproar.
All I have to say to this stuff that you have written is that you would do well to get an English translator. Consider the following:
  1. Your freedom ends where its starts and begins for the other.What does this mean? Either there are constitutional rights or there are not. Which is it? Could you answer?
  2. Constitutional rights are not due previledges to be abused, Do you know the difference between a right and a privilege?
  3. I am sure she can express her rights in her room, but not on national media giving interview to a pakistani news paper. Before you make comical statements like this, would you like to consult a lawyer? Ask the lawyer whether the right to free speech applies to the privacy of one's room or extends to all situations?
  4. Hence the outrage and if you call that absurd, then I advise please never make such "absurd" remarks. You have just managed to say,"If you find me absurd, please don't be absurd". Are you even aware of what you are writing?
  5. please be informed that you are not doing this nation a FAVOR, than doing your job so as I do.I am neither doing the nation a FAVOR, nor am I doing my job. It is neither my job nor yours to sit in judgement on another Indian citizen. Who appointed you Judge?
  6. If you dont want to be judged on the basis of your expression on a forum like this, I advise you to stay at home. Really? Who will do the judging? You? Do you not see how stupid this statement is? You will sit in judgement on an Indian citizens actions on a Pakistani forum?
I realised that you had no coherent train of thought but were just venting your feelings, but this is beyond absurd.

By the way, i am far more richer than you in many ways that I can look down on you and smile :lol:
You wrote this, remember? So why don't you stop lying and come clean?

I'm loving this.
I mean Arundhati Roy by anti-national elements.Is it not that you are trying to protect her all along?What is your problem? I will tell you what it is.Your ego is your problem.And by the looks of it, it has been your THE problem for your entire life. The thread is an open book for anybody to draw their inferences.
What happened to my other questions ? You want to dodge them too ?
You wrote this, remember? So why don't you stop lying and come clean?

I'm loving this.

O Great Scholar,

What about the bolded part? Has Arundhati Roy been seen packing guns?

I hope you do understand, that it penetrates wherever it should that talking about people carrying guns and carrying guns are not one and the same thing.

BTW just for record, packing guns is not important, supporting guns????,,,, yiu will be dedcemted

You do understand, don't you? I'm not too sure.

This fellow is singularly stupid. Take my word for it. Don't waste time on him, or on this thread. I'm doing it because I like keeping these creeps in uproar.
and fairly so we will touch the limit someday, and I will have the biggest laugh...i goit to know today that knowledge is good, but in your case you never applied it :lol:
I mean Arundhati Roy by anti-national elements.Is it not that you are trying to protect her all along?What is your problem? I will tell you what it is.Your ego is your problem.And by the looks of it, it has been your THE problem for your entire life. The thread is an open book for anybody to draw their inferences.
What happened to my other questions ? You want to dodge them too ?

No, I am not trying to protect her. Read my posts. On this thread, since you probably have ADHD.

My only point with regard to her is that she has the right to speak her mind, that her right to free speech is protected by the constitution, and that people should understand that before they get their bowels in an uproar.

Yes, I have a big ego. A huge, inflated ego. And you know what? I have reason for it. I am an achiever, and continue to be. So what are you going to do about it, besides whine? :-)

As for your other questions, I will get to them when I get to them. I have been pulling your pants down just for the heck of it. Not because it engages me intellectually. The other threads on which I am busy concurrently are far more interesting, but making a monkey out of you, showing you up to be what you are, is far more amusing. Or was.
No, I am not trying to protect her. Read my posts. On this thread, since you probably have ADHD.

My only point with regard to her is that she has the right to speak her mind, that her right to free speech is protected by the constitution, and that people should understand that before they get their bowels in an uproar.

Yes, I have a big ego. A huge, inflated ego. And you know what? I have reason for it. I am an achiever, and continue to be. So what are you going to do about it, besides whine? :-)

As for your other questions, I will get to them when I get to them. I have been pulling your pants down just for the heck of it. Not because it engages me intellectually. The other threads on which I am busy concurrently are far more interesting, but making a monkey out of you, showing you up to be what you are, is far more amusing. Or was.

i visited the page last night and was shocked to see that other than abuses no Indian member has anything substantial to refute her arguments or point of view. :) Just saw your name so thought to come back and read there may must be something constructive this time
If Muslims were a majority then Akbaruddin Owaisi would have been the PM.
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