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Now we've democratically elected a totalitarian government- Arunadhati Roy

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Well lets leave it. No one gives a fck about what that witch has to say. She has already lost the election and got the bitchslap by the voters. Now she is only ranting.
Second, please be informed that you are not doing this nation a FAVOR, than doing your job so as I do. That doesnt demand any concession whatsoever. If you dont want to be judged on the basis of your expression on a forum like this, I advise you to stay at home. Nothing is personal here.

Leave alone doing his job, him and his likes have done such a poor job that the Naxal problem has grown 10 folds and after 67 years of these idiots being in the establishment, India remains one of the poorest countries on this planet with insurgencies everywhere. It was India's misfortune to have dolts like him handling important issues.
well well well

a thread about a frustated and moralli corrupt women has genrated 18 pages almost 260 remarks indeed "bare sare waille hain yahan"

well well well

a thread about a frustated and moralli corrupt women has genrated 18 pages almost 260 remarks indeed "bare sare waille hain yahan"


Morally corrupt?? how? do you have any proof?
that was true. You guys have nothing substantial to counter the writer except abusive language.

that proves you guys lack logic

thick hei...alooo ka bhrata mein koi logic nahin hota...but you know everyone likes i
:) the minority Internet Indian Hindus have made majority Indian Hindus hostages . This also prove that educated illiterates are in fact the biggest threat to sanity and society than uneducated illiterates .

would u pls elaborate?
that was true. You guys have nothing substantial to counter the writer except abusive language.

that proves you guys lack logic
the only logical people on earth are pakis.....and all otheres ..specially indian are idiots...and use abusive language ...,:cry::cry:....
god give us some logic....:lol::lol:
I would like her to be sent to Iran and given a 100 lashes while they play that Pharrell williams Happy song doing it :-)
In a discussion with Internet Hindus? It isn't possible. I have been stringing along two jokers because it's a dull Sunday afternoon, but there is nothing of substance. All they can do is abuse her, usually sexually. Only a handful have anything to say about her opinions, and they obviously don't care to do that in this thoroughly debased thread, among these thoroughly debased people.

Incidentally, @Dash has made the post of the century, and I have decided that it needs the widest circulation. It says, neatly, succinctly, in one place, what I have said about the Sangh Parivar for many years now. How beautifully his mail reads.

no problem, which only has been exploited in secondary litereture, seen as crucial to the legitimation of some unknown league as a powerful political force, created in those critical years of answers during its creation, you know what i mean?

I've just written a rather incoherent ramble to janon on private mail, and shall repeat it to you other two, with profound apologies for the bad quality of the piece. It just doesn't bring out the man. Perhaps I will prepare a better account when I have more time.
Count me in too for the mail plz :D
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