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Please define "fair share" as the Armed Forces already get a quarter of the budget, which is about eight times health and education put together (roughly). What seems "fair" to you, my dear Sir?

May the fallen warrior rest in eternal peace.

Sir, defense budget is combine for Army, Navy, Air Force and other organizations like Airport Security Force. The other thing is that in Pakistan the Education and Health is a Provincial matter. Combine the health & education budget of all 5 provinces+federal amount reserved for education & health. Then you wouldn't say that Pakistan's defense budget is 8 times the budget of health & education. I hope you will clarify your figures now.
Sir, defense budget is combine for Army, Navy, Air Force and other organizations like Airport Security Force. The other thing is that in Pakistan the Education and Health is a Provincial matter. Combine the health & education budget of all 5 provinces+federal amount reserved for education & health. Then you wouldn't say that Pakistan's defense budget is 8 times the budget of health & education. I hope you will clarify your figures now.

Let us respect the fallen warriors and not take this thread off topic, please.

We can discuss the budgetary allocations elsewhere, I am sure.
Never mind the COAS. Please read the official document:


I stand by my assertion of 25% defense expenditure.

You know what, i am weak in maths, so why dont you tell us how did you reach the figure of 25% def exp? As a starter, please use the document that you have provided.

P.S. i can only hope that you are sensible enough to differentiate between Army, Armed Forces, Pensions, Defence Services, Defence Administration and the Defence Affairs and Services?
You know what, i am weak in maths, so why dont you tell us how did you reach the figure of 25% def exp? As a starter, please use the document that you have provided.

P.S. i can only hope that you are sensible enough to differentiate between Army, Armed Forces, Pensions, Defence Services, Defence Administration and the Defence Affairs and Services?

I have already done that elsewhere Sir. Please do make the effort to look that up.

I will not take this thread for fallen warriors off topic.
I have already done that elsewhere Sir. Please do make the effort to look that up.
Unfortunately, you are not the most beloved person on PDF, and unlike FB i cant subscribe to your 'valuable' posts either, so why dont you make a little more effort and make it easy for me by directing towards the worthy post of yours?

I will not take this thread for fallen warriors off topic.

You already did that when you took on the post where the mention of def budget was made first. Had you been so worried about the fallen, you would have had held your beak, but you didnt!
What are the directives to PAF pilots for ejection?
Are they reluctant to bail out in case of emergency?

Squadron Leader Bilal Babri Shaheed

Its just Sad ,
and the guys got a kid too
Are they reluctant to bail out in case of emergency?

Alot of variables. It could have been anything which prevented the pilot from ejecting. G-forces, population below, unconsciousness, anything.
Unfortunately, you are not the most beloved person on PDF, and unlike FB i cant subscribe to your 'valuable' posts either, so why dont you make a little more effort and make it easy for me by directing towards the worthy post of yours?

Beloved or not, I do not care. I do, and will, speak out the truth.

Here you go Sir, and we can take up the discussion elsewhere more appropriately:

77% of the budget is taken up as follows:

Debt servicing is 1140 billion, 44%.

Defense budget is 648.2 billion (estimated) as follows, 25%:

Defense Affairs and Services = 545 billion
Military Pensions = 98 billion
PAEC = 40 billion
Defence Division = 3.2 billion
Defence Production Division = 2 billion

Subsidies are 208 billion, 8%.

Everything else gets the remaining 23%.

You already did that when you took on the post where the mention of def budget was made first. Had you been so worried about the fallen, you would have had held your beak, but you didnt!

Yeah, how dare someone take on any comment that supports only your myopic point of view? Your arrogance is clear from your derogatory use of the word "beak" to belittle my views simply because I dare to question the BS. I have the same oral orifice you have, and perhaps a brain too, but you may or may not have that. Please enlighten me. :D

Here are the posts, and I did pay my respects too. You can blame your JrTT for bringing up the budget in the first place.

My Friend as long as a corrupt government is in place Armed Forces will never get their fair share of budget.

RIP May Allah give his family patience and strength.

Please define "fair share" as the Armed Forces already get a quarter of the budget, which is about eight times health and education put together (roughly). What seems "fair" to you, my dear Sir?

May the fallen warrior rest in eternal peace.
It was due to Pak air force is using now old aircrafts replacement of these aircrafts is going on by jf 17 inshallah in this accident will not repeat.
Defense budget is 648.2 billion (estimated) as follows, 25%:
Here’s why:
Defense Affairs and Services = 545 billion
That’s the actual defence budget, which makes 20.8% of the total National Budget.
Analyzing this figure critically reveals that Defense Affairs and Services head includes two sub-heads namely Defence Services (543 billion) and Defence Administration (1.5 billion). Now if we make use of our brain a little more, we can probably understand that anything which is prefixed or suffixed with word ‘Defence’ doesn’t automatically becomes Defence Budget. I could have clarified this more, but for the sake of clarity, I won’t worry about a 1.5 billion when we are discussing a figure of 550 billion and thus would let you include it in the defence budget.

Now, the point to be noted is that this 545 billion includes EVERYTHING from the defence services (actual armed forces) to the Minsitry of Defence which comprises mostly of civilians and not uniforms, and the maintenance, running expenses, foreign procurement concerning the military, schools, housing and even organizations like the Airport Security Force which infact are civil armed forces like the FC and Rangers.

Another point to be noted is that one of the LARGEST schooling system in Pakistan i.e. APSACS is also run and maintained from within the “Defence” budget which provide education to the kins of 0.6 million Pakistanis. Also, from within the same “defence” budget and elaborate system of housing and civic facilities (cantonments) is also maintained for the Pakistanis with a difference that these poor guys wear a khaki colored uniform.

Same goes for heath services in CMHs vis-a-vis Civil hospitals.

Now, if realistically considered and if one uses your own formula of including everything attached with the word ‘defence’ inside the defence budget, these three heads (schooling, health and housing) are infact assisting Pakistan as regards to education and provision of social services and similar to its counterparts which are serviced by the Education, Health or Housing Budget, an issue about which you seem quite ‘concerned’ all the time.

In short, whereas the money used for these schools, houses or hospitals is debited to the Defence Head, the services provided are for Pakistanis which otherwise are the responsibility of the Federal Government and the politicians if they were not part of the Defence Services i.e. in the overall scheme of affairs, it is a Pakistani at the end of the day who benefits with education, medical facilities and residences.

Hence, your ‘worry’ about Pakistanis having fewer budgets for education and health should get soothed to an extent, if not completely settled.

Bottom line: Though the defence budget allows people like to moan, but still a hefty portion of it is expended over the same services, for lack of which you people use to object the defence expenditures.

Kinda facepalmed, no?

Still, I wont worry much about the above facts, as what I am going to say ahead is the real meat.

Military Pensions = 98 billion
Military Pensions cannot be included inside the Defence Budget as it becomes State’s responsibility to sustain retirees as they no more are servicing the armed forces.

I think you missed that the same documents also mentions “Civil” Pensions SEPARATELY:

[/url] Capture by Khakiate, on Flickr[/IMG]

Why do you think it is like that?

Now I wonder, where would you put these 31 billion earmarked 'separately' for civilians i.e. in the favor or against the people of Pakistan?

Lastly, the following should push some sense into you:

[/url] Pensions by Khakiate, on Flickr[/IMG]

Xeric's Primer: Information Brief by Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR)

PAEC = 40 billion

Since when Pak Atomic Commission became part of Defence (budget)?

I mean, tomorrow you may also include WAPDA’s budget into the defence budget so that you can justify your figure of 25%?

PAEC is a Public Sector organization providing civic facilities to Pakistanis.

Here’s what PAEC actually is:

The Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, is an administrative governmental and autonomous science and technology governmental department of Pakistan, responsible for development of nuclear energy and development of nuclear power sector in Pakistan.
The primary purpose of PAEC is to control the peaceful development of Nuclear technology as well as development of reactor technology in the country. Over the years, the PAEC has built an extensive infrastructure for contributing to the economic uplift of the country. And, it has established nuclear medicine research centres mainly focusing on cancer by using the technology of Nuclear medicines. (maybe according to VCheng, research in the field of medicine and techonlgy is detrimental to the health of Pakistan).

Here is the FUNCTION of PAEC:

-Programmes to develop nuclear power and fuel-cycle facilities.

-Promotion of use of radiation and radio-isotopes in agriculture, medicine and industry.

-Research, development and training of manpower to support the programmes of nuclear power and radio-isotope applications.

I wonder how does production of electricity and medical research fall under defence?

BTW, budget for PAEC is debited to PSDP head and not to defence according to the same document you have used to justify your figures. Wake up, dude!

Defence Division = 3.2 billion
Allocation for Defence Divisions falls under PSDP NOT the facking Defence Budget!!!

Looks like our worthy VCheng has no idea what PSDP actually is?

Here, allow me to educate you:

Public Sector investment encompasses development expenditure undertaken by the Federal Government through Federal PSDP, Provincial Governments through Annual Development Programs (ADPs) and other organizations of federal and provincial governments to support resource mobilization for various development projects/ programs in different sectors of the economy. The Public Sector Corporations/Companies like Water & Power Development Authority (WAPDA), Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Oil & Gas Development Company Ltd (OGDCL), Karachi Port Trust (KPT), Port Qasim Authority (PQA), Pak-Steels, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), Pakistan State Oil (PSO) and others also mobilize their own resources from domestic and external resources to supplement the government’s efforts for development.
PSDP helps achieve the objectives and targets set by the government, to bring about a structural change towards sustainable and higher growth, achieving the MDGs and reducing poverty with measurable economic development. PSDP also helps achieve the government’s socio-economic objectives envisaged for development of the common people.

Public Sector Development Programmes Main Page

BTW, here’s what the Defence Division for which Rs 3.2 billions have been earmarked would do with the money:

[/url] DD1 by Khakiate, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url] DD2 by Khakiate, on Flickr[/IMG]
[/url] DD3 by Khakiate, on Flickr[/IMG]


Now if construction of Cyclone early waring system, Seismic Network, Gawadar International Airport or Meteorological systems is detrimental to Pakistan then i can only pray for you Cheng, nothing else. You must understand what the Defence "Division" actually is and what its 'real' purpose is. Just because a particular project is managed by the Defence Division and in turn money allotted to it is prefixed by the word "defence", it doesnt mean that it is part of defence budget!!

Otherwise, it was quite clear from the budget document you yourself have provided that the budget for Defence Division is debited to PSDP and NOT the defence budget, but whom am i kidding with?

Defence Production Division = 2 billion
Allocation for Defence Divisions falls under PSDP NOT the Defence Budget. Ref your own budget document.

Here's what Def Production Division, which is being allotted Rs 2 billion from the PSDP head and which you have 'added' to the defence budget at your own, is doing with the money:

[/url] DP by Khakiate, on Flickr[/IMG]


So, here's where we stand:

1) The actual defence budget for fiscal year 2012-13 is Rs 545 billion which makes 20.8% of the National budget, or it makes 16.4% of the National budget if we take into account the total outlay of budget 2012-13, which is Rs 3,203 billion.

2) Pensions are not part of Defence Budget.

3) Budget for Defence Division and Defence Production Division are debited to PSDP and not the defence head as these division manages PSDP projects which doesnot fall in the domain of defence - a mere function of common sense.

4) How the eff can Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission which produces electricity and do medical research fall under the defence budget when the same budget document which you have used to 'justify' your claim mentions the allocation to PAEC under the head of PSDP? Keera, perhaps?

5) The Rs 545 billion includes maintenance and running of social services like schooling, medical and housing which in turn assist the actual Education, Health and Housing Budget i.e. a portion of defence budget is actually spent on these items and thus adds up to the over expenditure over education, health and housing, which otherwise is the responsibility of any government i.e. what if there was no military, these 0.6 million humans (Pakistanis) were to be employed and fed by the government then too.

6) Lastly, just as some e-warrior who uses the moniker of superman on PDF doesnt mean that he actually is a superman, similarly just because the word 'defence' is attached to some budget head doesnt automatically means that it to included inside the defence budget.

7) My maths isnt that bad, after all

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