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North Waziristan: 3 killed in Mir Ali drone attack


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
Dunya News: Pakistan:-North Waziristan: 3 killed in Mir Ali drone attack...

MIRANSHAH (Dunya News) - A US drone strike on late Saturday killed at least 3 people in Mir Ali area of North Waziristan.

Unmanned aircraft targeted a compound in the Mir Ali, killing at least three people.

It was the third US drone attack inside Pakistan since Nawaz Sharif was sworn in as prime minister in June, calling for an end to such strikes and complaining that they violated the country s sovereignty.
ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Saturday categorically said that drone attacks must stop as these were violating country’s sovereignty and international laws.
“Drone attacks must stop. We have protested many a time. This is simply unacceptable,” he commented in a meeting with German Foreign Minister Dr Guido Westerwelle who called on him along with a six-member delegation at the Prime Minister’s House on Saturday.
The comments came after the US Charge d’ Affaires (CdA), Deputy Ambassador Richard Hoagland was summoned by the Foreign Office to lodge a “strong protest” against the drone strike in North Waziristan which killed seven people on Friday.

US response:

Generals investigating how their strategic assets taken out by American drones oops said too much!!!!!!!!!!
Generals investigating how their strategic assets taken out by American drones oops said too much!!!!!!!!!!

generals also investigating how strategic assets were taken out on alamdar road quetta?

conspiracy vs conspiracy

strategic assets of the generals?

=Leader;4524606]drinking is haram bro :lol:

It is indeed? lets see who is been drinking and who is wide awake shell we

Pakistan Taliban's terrorist make it to Syria? How they do that.

Taliban's terrorist and bomb maker escape from jails continuously ? Really.

Terrorist in custody locked up in so called jails run operations out of their cells? hmmmmmm

I can go on and on but you know what also is Harram in Islam.

If you zulum being done jump in in stop it from happening. If u cant stop it from happening at least condemn it. If u cant condemn it show you disagree with it from your actions.

you feel free to look the other way with your finger in your ears ''see no evil hear no evil'' please dont tell me to do the same i have a conscious.


anyway, after this, there is no point to blame USA for drone attacks, this is explicit admission from former DG ISI.[/QUOTE]
=darkinsky;4524632]generals also investigating how strategic assets were taken out on alamdar road quetta?

Are you celebrating terrorist attacks on hazzaras? are you calling victims of terrorist attack strategic asset? instead of being ashamed of this heinous act you are trying to through it in my face to justify the actions of terrorist.

wow how low can one get that mr darkinsky you are showing the victims of terrorism and telling me they were asking for it.

conspiracy vs conspiracy

killing shias is a conspiracy have you lost all sense of humanity .

strategic assets of the generals?

Oh i see terrorism victims in Karachi should be every ones problem but hazaras should be only shias problem eh darkinsky?
It is indeed? lets see who is been drinking and who is wide awake shell we

Pakistan Taliban's terrorist make it to Syria? How they do that.

Taliban's terrorist and bomb maker escape from jails continuously ? Really.

Terrorist in custody locked up in so called jails run operations out of their cells? hmmmmmm

or perhaps its other entities or the individuals from the other departments playing their role, a favor for a favor perhaps, read into the Commission's report and you will find Maryam saying that while enroute to Peshawar, there was a man sitting beside Osama in Police uniform, how did the wife & son of OBL entered Iran, how they came back. There are many people at the lower ranks in other forces FC, Rangers, Police, FIA, ANF who will do anything for money or under threat. how did the two terrorist escaped from Police custody two days ago in karachi?
So try to look at the wider picture
=balixd;4524904]or perhaps its other entities or the individuals from the other departments playing their role, a favor for a favor perhaps, read into the Commission's report and you will find Maryam saying that while en route to Peshawar, there was a man sitting beside Osama in Police uniform,

Same report that agencies are investigating how it got leaked? This isn't some thing that started yesterday that i can give them benefits of the doubt.

how did the wife & son of OBL entered Iran,how they came back

yes how i wanna know and i am sure others do too. But since you and i are tax payers our part of duty ends after we right our share of tax chq to minister of revenue. You know whose job it is to find that out?

There are many people at the lower ranks in other forces FC, Rangers, Police, FIA, ANF who will do anything for money or under threat.

since there arent any consequences for their actions they will continue to do that,again whose jobs is that to find that out?

how did the two terrorist escaped from Police custody two days ago in Karachi?

whose jobs it is to find that out?

So try to look at the wider picture

i have and every where i go, i come back to the same question .whose job it is to find this out.

You know what Iranian Indian and even Arabians do to terrorist ===========They dont keep them in jails they simply hang or chop their heads off.
looks like i took words out of your mouth even when you were incapable of doing so!

Before a man speaks it is always safe to assume that he is a fool. After he speaks, it is seldom necessary to assume it
Ramazan package!

What does Imran Khan have to say about it?

drinking is haram bro :lol:


anyway, after this, there is no point to blame USA for drone attacks, this is explicit admission from former DG ISI.

He is ex-DG ISI and yes what he said is true... and no secret.

Yousaf Reza Gilani is leaked long time ago and now PML_N's anwar baig have officially acknowledged it.

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