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North Korea conducts third nuclear test confirmed

why are both india and pakistan silent about nuclear tests?

why are both india and pakistan silent about nuclear tests?
N. Korea confirms 'successful' 3rd nuclear test - state media

This GeoEye Satellite Image captured January 23, 2013 shows the Punggye-ri nuclear test facility in North Korea. South Korea has detected an "artificial earthquake" in North Korea, Yonhap news agency reported on February 12, 2013, suggesting Pyongyang may have gone ahead with an expected nuclear test. (AFP Photo)

he seismic event detected in North Korea was the result of a third nuclear test, Pyongyang has confirmed. Seoul estimated the yield of the suspected nuclear device at 6 to 7 kilotons.

Pyongyang claimed the nuclear test was carried out in a “safe and perfect manner,” using a “miniaturized nuclear device with greater explosive force.”

South Korean President-elect Park Geun-hye strongly condemned the move. She said her incoming administration would not tolerate a nuclear-armed North Korea “under any circumstances,” and pledged to enact strong deterrence measures against Pyongyang's nuclear program.

UN chief Ban Ki-moon has condemned the nuclear test, calling it “deplorable” and a “grave violation of the relevant Security Council resolutions.” The statement released by Ban’s spokesperson voiced concern over the “negative impact of this deeply destabilizing act on regional stability as well as the global efforts for nuclear non-proliferation.”

South Korea called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council to discuss the developments. It is expected to be held at 9:00 a.m. EST (1400 GMT) on Tuesday.

The United States Geological Survey confirmed an earthquake in North Korea's northeast of between 4.9- and 5.1-magnitude, at a depth of about one kilometer.

The Japanese Meteorological Agency reported that the tremor's epicenter was located in Kilju county, at exactly the same place and depth as the quake caused by North Korea's last known underground nuclear test on May 25, 2009. North Korea’s first nuclear test in 2006 was also carried out at the Punggye-ri test site.


Pyongyang informed the US and China of its plans for a nuclear test on Monday, Yonhap reported. North Korea said it would continue with the test despite pressure from the UN Security Council and its non-UNSC neighbors.

The South Korean military estimated that the yield of the nuclear explosion was between six and seven kilotons.

The evidence gathered – including seismic data, satellite images and data from spy planes detecting radioactive fallout – could allow researchers to deduct the status of North Korea’s secretive nuclear program. So far, the isolated country was believed to be unable to build a nuclear device small enough to fit onto one of its long-range ballistic missiles, making its nuclear capabilities virtually useless for offensive warfare.

Concerns over the claimed miniaturization effort were fueled by North Korea's rocket launch last December. Pyongyang said it put a satellite into orbit for civilian purposes, and for national prestige, but many countries claimed it was a clandestine rocket weapons test. The UN Security Council condemned the launch, which it said was carried out in violation of a UNSC resolution banning the development of ballistic technology by North Korea.


An hour after the test, Japan said that it is considering leveling further sanctions against North Korea.
"I have ordered that we consider every possible way to address this issue, including our own sanctions, while cooperating with other countries," Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters after a meeting of Japan's security council.
The news of the suspicious seismic activity in North Korea came days after South Korea and the US threatened that they may carry out a pre-emptive strike at North Korean facilities to halt its nuclear program.
China, North Korea’s main economic partner and only ally, said Pyongyang would pay a “heavy price” and threatened to scale down aid should it carry out a nuclear test.



-- North Korea appeared to have conducted its third underground nuclear bomb test Tuesday, officials and experts said, as U.S. seismologists reported activity centered near the site of the secretive regime's two previous atomic blasts.

Although North Korea had warned the world of its plans to carry out a new test in a vitriolic statement last month, the move is still likely to rattle the security situation in Northeast Asia as analysts try to determine the power and complexity of the device the North is thought to have detonated.

If confirmed, it would be the first nuclear test under the North's young leader, Kim Jong Un, who appears to be sticking closely to his father's policy of building up the isolated state's military deterrent to keep its foes at bay, shrugging off the resulting international condemnation and sanctions.

It also provided a provocative reminder of a seemingly intractable foreign policy challenge for President Barack Obama ahead of his State of the Union address later Tuesday.

China's role in Korean crisis
North Korea threatens new nuclear test
3rd nuclear test could empower N. Korea
Bizarre North Korea nuclear dream video The area around the reported epicenter of the magnitude 4.9 disturbance in northeastern North Korea has little or no history of earthquakes or natural seismic hazards, according to U.S. Geological Survey maps. The disturbance Tuesday took place at a depth of about 1 kilometer, the USGS said.

Officials suspect a nuclear test

Government officials and security analysts had little doubt about the cause of the quake.

"We believe North Korea conducted its third nuclear test," said Kim Min-seok, a spokesman for the South Korean defense ministry. He added that the magnitude of the "artificial tremor" suggested the size of the blast was in the order of 6 to 7 kilotons, more powerful than the North's two prior nuclear tests.

"If we come to a final conclusion that it is a nuclear test," he said, "then we will consult with the international community and respond strongly."

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said that based on past cases, "We believe there is a possibility that North Korea conducted a nuclear test."

There were no initial reports concerning the activity on the North's state-run Korean Central News Agency on Tuesday.

"It's a nuclear test," said Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. "That magnitude and that location -- it's awfully unlikely it's anything else."

In Washington, a senior administration official said the United States was working to confirm a nuclear test.

The China Earthquake Network Center said on its website that the seismic disturbance in North Korea was a "suspected explosion."

News breaks at a quiet time in Asia

The suspected test took place at a time when several East Asian countries, including China, North Korea's major ally, are observing public holidays for the Lunar New Year, which began Sunday.

It also comes ahead of the birthday on Saturday of Kim Jong Il, the former North Korean leader who died in December 2011 and was succeeded by his son, Kim Jong Un.

North Korea announced last month that it was planning a new nuclear test and more long-range rocket launches, all of which it said were part of a new phase of confrontation with the United States.

It made the threats two days after the United Nations Security Council had approved the broadening of sanctions on the reclusive, Stalinist regime in response to the North's launching of a long-range rocket in December that succeeded in putting a satellite in orbit.

Pyongyang said it carried out the launch for peaceful purposes, but it was widely considered to be a test of ballistic missile technology.

U.S. analysts say North Korea's first bomb test, in October 2006, produced an explosive yield at less than 1 kiloton (1,000 tons) of TNT. A second test in May 2009 is believed to have been about two kilotons, National Intelligence Director James Clapper told a Senate committee in 2012.

By comparison, the bomb the United States dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 was a 15-kiloton device.

In May 2012, North Korea said it had amended its constitution to formally proclaim itself a "nuclear state."
North korea and Israel are the major threats to world because they always want to attack others.

Please add the extremism in Paksitan to the list of major threats to the world!

IMO, Israel is a threat to only those who want to take thier land.
i do not agree.
1. Israel threaten all of her neighboring countries
2. Pakistan only threat to India due to historical issues.

1. And all of Israel's neighbors threaten Israel.
2. The biggest threat of Pakistan should be the terrorists.
North korea will pay for what they are doing...
bro this is not Iraq or Afghanistan, we are talking about "North Korea" a nuclear power with over a million active troops lets be honest in spite of all their short comings one thing that everybody recognizes is that
North Korea is a force to be reckon with

even cnn is saying this

just think about the mid-east with so much wealth they could have become a world power by now but instead they are busy squandering their money in building palaces & cars made of gold
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bro this is not Iraq or Afghanistan, we are talking about "North Korea" a nuclear power with over a million active troops lets be honest in spite of all their short comings one thing that everybody recognizes is that
North Korea is a force to be reckon with

even cnn is saying this

At what cost is the thing we should be thinking about, no?
bro this is not Iraq or Afghanistan, we are talking about "North Korea" a nuclear power with over a million active troops lets be honest in spite of all their short comings one thing that everybody recognizes is that
North Korea is a force to be reckon with

even cnn is saying this

just think about the mid-east with so much wealth they could have become a world power by now but instead they are busy squandering their money in building palaces & cars made of gold

nk go to hell ..........
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