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North Korea conducts third nuclear test confirmed

ya, that's why now NKs are killing and eating each other....and don't tempt Arabs to do the same thing....now so what he got the nuke, can he provide food for his people with it....don't tell me he would threaten the world with his nukes for food...no one going to bend down for him.....wait and see the reaction from the rest now....Kim is just screwing his people....and those stupid people worship him like god eventhough they die in hunger

I never said I was in favor of NK having nukes, place these sanctions on India and its citizens will also start eating each other after all other means of nutrition are gone. Please don't try to portray them as disgusting animals, Sanctions themselves are known as crimes against humanity.

I am no one to judge and ask why they worship their leader i don't know their history and neither do you. My point was about human intellect that becomes concentrated when the mind knows there is no other option. I am starting to think you are a 12 year old boy.
I never said I was in favor of NK having nukes, place these sanctions on India and its citizens will also start eating each other after all other means of nutrition are gone. Please don't try to portray them as disgusting animals, Sanctions themselves are known as crimes against humanity.I am no one to judge and ask why they worship their leader i don't know their history and neither do you. My point was about human intellect that becomes concentrated when the mind knows there is no other option. I am starting to think you are a 12 year old boy.

oh we're also put on sanction just like u got....and we over came....and there's always options...didn't nk negotiate with west for food and asked to slow down its nuke program...and the preparation for providing food for NKs were under process but suddenly Kim went on with testing rocket, which made west to go crazy and stopped the food program...FYI it happened just some months ago,.... now I think u r 11
oh we're also put on sanction just like u got....and we over came....and there's always options...didn't nk negotiate with west for food and asked to slow down its nuke program...and the preparation for providing food for NKs were under process but suddenly Kim went on with testing rocket, which made west to go crazy and stopped the food program...FYI it happened just some months ago,.... now I think u r 11

You dumb idiot, you either are really 12 year old or you have a dying motive. In a few hours like Japan, US and other technologically capable countries that can tell if it was a regular quake or Nuke test, NK will itself come out with facts.

I have no interest in finding out what rule of the high heavens NK violated, should it or shouldn't it have Nukes. I have answered a possibility to people curious how NK was able to build a nuke when Libya couldn't which I am still trying to explain to you.

Dumb people on PDF, and the moderators want to improve quality of posts.

An international nuclear test monitoring agency said that it had detected an “unusual seismic event” in North Korea, following weeks of speculation that a nuclear test was imminent in the country. Reuters has reported a UNSC diplomat confirming that the quake was a result of a nuclear test in North Korea.

Kim Min-seok, a South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman, also told reporters that North Korea informed China and the United States of its plans to conduct a nuclear test. It was not clear when Pyongyang told Beijing and Washington.

Live: N-Korea confirms ‘successful underground nuclear test’ | Firstpost
North Korea promises 'all-out action' amid talk of nuclear test

(CNN) -- Amid talk of a possible nuclear bomb test, North Korea vowed Tuesday to carry out a "high-intensity, all-out action."
The promise emerged from a meeting of the ruling Workers' Party and was reported by the state-run news agency KCNA.
"It emphasized the necessity to continue on with launching artificial satellites ... and long-range rockets," the agency reported.
It also said that the party leadership promised to "stage a high-intensity, all-out action, and maximize its preparation ... so that just after an order is issued, we can destroy and sweep America and the South Korean puppet army, and achieve the historic achievement of reunified Korea."

Last month, the U.N. Security Council voted to tighten sanctions on Pyongyang, after the North launched a satellite aboard a long-range rocket in December.
The North Koreans responded by announcing they planned another nuclear test and more long-range rocket launches as part of a new phase of confrontation with the United States.
Since then, U.S. officials have told CNN they believe a nuclear test could come at any time.
"I don't think there's anything special to it, except that it comes in context of renewed trash-talking from Pyongyang. But on whole it's part and parcel of their threats to engage in more provocations," a senior U.S. administration official said about Tuesday's announcement.
North Korea has conducted two previous nuclear tests, in 2006 and 2009, and proclaimed itself a "nuclear state" in 2012.
U.S. analysts believe the 2006 test had a yield of about 1 kiloton -- comparable to the explosive power of about 1,000 tons of TNT -- while the second was roughly 2 kilotons, National Intelligence Director James Clapper told a Senate committee in 2012.
By comparison, the bomb the United States dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 was roughly 15 kilotons.

North Korea promises 'all-out action' amid talk of nuclear test - CNN.com


Little Un's getting rather restless.....i hope peace prevails...
You dumb idiot, you either are really 12 year old or you have a dying motive. In a few hours like Japan, US and other technologically capable countries that can tell if it was a regular quake or Nuke test, NK will itself come out with facts.I have no interest in finding out what rule of the high heavens NK violated, should it or shouldn't it have Nukes. I have answered a possibility to people curious how NK was able to build a nuke when Libya couldn't which I am still trying to explain to you.Dumb people on PDF, and the moderators want to improve quality of posts.

you dumb a$$ did I anywhere mention that yesterday or today they made a nuke test.... I was only telling its NKs who put themselves in this situation....NKs are becoming cannibals...no body wants the NKs die in hunger but the word have no other option than sanctions....and still Kim wants to be aggressive and don't care about his people...then how would the west care about them....once again I didn't say that nk tested the nuke and it's hard fir west to find out or anything....first get ur bloody head in one or go see a doctor
you dumb a$$ did I anywhere mention that yesterday or today they made a nuke test.... I was only telling its NKs who put themselves in this situation....NKs are becoming cannibals...no body wants the NKs die in hunger but the word have no other option than sanctions....and still Kim wants to be aggressive and don't care about his people...then how would the west care about them....once again I didn't say that nk tested the nuke and it's hard fir west to find out or anything....first get ur bloody head in one or go see a doctor

And for the (I cant recall how many times I have mentioned) I am not interested in finding out what situations the people are living in, who put sanctions on who, why, how, who is kim's favorite actor or what are his habits. You havnt understood the entire point of this discussion, defend or oppose NKs all you want. They are a no factor to me. Tell this sob story to someone who cares.

First rule of a reasonable argument, understand what you are opposing or trying to at least. I dont think anyone, esp not I asked for your wisdom and reasons of these tragic sanctions. Second rule, dont make a fool of your self. Clearly you failed both.
North Korea confirmed on Tuesday it has successfully conducted a third nuclear test, saying it used a miniaturized device that had a greater explosive force than previous tests, nuclear test that was carried out at a high level in a safe and perfect manner using a miniaturized and lighter nuclear device with greater explosive force than previously.

satellite launch+nuke=
NK is brewing the formula of their own doom.....uncle sam is looking for the right amount of excuse to attack NK

A South Korean man watches a TV news
showing a file footage of North Korea's nuclear
test at the Seoul train station in Seoul, South
Korea, on Tuesday. Photo: AP

A magnitude 5.1 “artificial earthquake” was
reported near a nuclear test site in North Korea
on Tuesday morning, with South Korean Defence
Ministry officials telling local media that the
seismic activity was the result of a third nuclear
test conducted by the reclusive state. The “man-made earthquake” was also reported
to have been felt in parts of northeastern China
near the border with North Korea, close to the
region where the country tested nuclear devices
in 2006 and 2009 in moves that flouted
international sanctions and heightened regional tensions. A third nuclear test was expected by Chinese and
Western officials sometime this week, with
Saturday – the birthday of former leader Kim
Jong-il – earlier seen as a likely date. Warnings ignored The reported test has been confirmed by North
Korean State media. On Monday, Kim Jong-un,
who took over as the new leader in December
2011 following the death of his father, had
signalled that the North – officially the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) – would continue with conducting long-range rocket
tests despite recent warnings from the United
Nations Security Council (UNSC) and even China,
the North’s only ally. The ruling Workers’ Party of Korea adopted a
resolution on Monday that “stressed the need to
continue launching satellites of
Kwangmyongsong series and powerful long-
range rockets,” the State-run Korea Central News
Agency (KCNA) reported. Seismic activity was detected at 11.57am local
time (8.27 am IST) on Tuesday morning, the
South Korean Yonhap News Agency said. South
Korean President Lee Myung-bak had “convened
an emergency meeting of the National Security
Council”, with both Defence Ministry and Foreign Ministry officials believing a nuclear test had
been conducted, the report added. Yonhap also reported that the North had notified
the United States and China a day earlier. Chinese
officials could not be immediately reached for
comment on Tuesday morning, with some
government departments remaining closed on
account of the Lunar New Year. N.Korea nuclear test - Initial statement by
Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary( Prime Minister's
Office of Japan FB page) South Korea’s reaction South Korea has requested the UNSC to hold an
emergency meeting on Tuesday evening, an
official told Yonhap. A Defence Ministry official
said the nuclear device had, according to initial
estimates, yielded 6-7 kilotons, suggesting
Tuesday’s test had exceeded the yields reported in tests in 2006 and 2009. The move is set to heighten regional tensions.
The previous nuclear test, in 2009, brought
international condemnation and tightened
sanctions from the UNSC. In recent weeks, Chinese officials have said they
had cautioned the North against going ahead
with the test. While Beijing has continued to
support the regime as it fears instability on its
northeastern borders, Chinese analysts and State
media have recently called on the country to take a tougher approach in dealing with the North. The Communist Party-run Global Times said in an
editorial last week, “if North Korea insists on a
third nuclear test despite attempts to dissuade it,
it must pay a heavy price”. “The assistance it will
be able to receive from China should be reduced,”
the newspaper said. “The Chinese government should make this clear
beforehand to shatter any illusions Pyongyang
may have.” However, China, which is the North’s
only ally and biggest source of financial and food
aid, views the country as a crucial strategic
buffer against the U.S. and its allies in the region, and has shown no signs of rethinking its close
strategic ties following the previousnuclear tests
in 2006 and 2009.

North korea and Israel are the major threats to world because they always want to attack others.
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