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North East Asian Union? Exploring the potential of an NEA integration

I have doubt with NEAU, especially with American hegemony still exist in NE Asia. When American out of Korea and Japan and Korea unified, the problem is CAN Japan and Korea do that? Each countries in NE Asia has it own pros and cons, so we can learn each other for reaching our maximal potential, minus political tension which today aggravated by foreign power. No, not being sceptic but hard to see any ground to NEAU. Sorry for my English.

By the way, can you ignore the Viet and back to this interesting discussion, please?

I will happen. Just look at China's GDP. Before 2009, it was below Japan's. Then BOOM, 7 yrs later 4X as large...

And a lot of Chinese nationals r so pessimistic calling for 200 yrs for the NEAU to emerge. LOL!!!!!!

1. It has already been prophesized in a certain Jin Yong work published in 1966. There WILL be a "Romance of the 3 Kingdoms" in MY lifetime!

2. It only takes 15 yrs to implement. 5 for economic ties. 5 for political ties. 5 for cultural ties. By then you have a new generation of adults who won't give a rat's behind what one Asian country did to another 80+ yrs ago. It's easier to change new minds than force the older ones to accept a new reality.

3. The Art of War says to mask your intentions. What we'll see in the next 5-10 yrs is China GDP (and all other facets of this country) plateauing below US's while all the preparatory work is done. Then BOOM before you blink China's economy is 2-3X the size of the US and the new NEAU shocks the world...

4. US is the Wizard of Oz only something to be feared b/c of ignorance/outer appearance. Here is the US's biggest secret: STAR WARS, it's most popular cultural icon, is actually an Americanized version of Jin Yong's Legend/Return of the Condor Heroes, published in 1959-61. And Episodes VII-IX is Americanized version of Heaven Sword (the blue lightsaber) & Dragon Saber (Kylo Ren's red dragon-flare spouting dragon sword). US is no hinderance when it even looks to China for cultural inspiration... (Btw, Kylo is actually US's portrayal of Zhou Zhiruo, Rey is portrayal of Zhang Wuji, and Luke Skywalker is Zhang Sanfeng. Luke redeeming Anakin in Episodes IV-VI is Yang Guo redeeming Yang Kang. The Millennium Falcon is the Giant Gondor. Chewbacca is the copilot and Giant Condor's persona. Emperor Palpatine is Jinlun Guoshi. Count Dooku is Jinlun's 1st student. Darth Maul is Jinlun's 2nd student, Da'erba. The Viceroy is Mongolian Prince Huodu, Jinlun's 3rd student. Qi-Gon Jinn is Guo Jing. The Empire is past Mongolian Empire. Padme is Xiao Long Nu. And Princess Leia is Yellow Robed Maiden, but she's dressed in white b/c you know why...)

What's this? The most ADVANCED country in the world actually had to BORROW from the East for its most iconic cultural figure, Darth Vader. But the STORY and CHARACTERS for STAR WARS came from China's legendary Jin Yong wuxia author:


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To answer your question about how China could sell her products if/when the USA are not the costumers anymore? Well isnt it obvious? try to find new market(s). The world is bigger than the USA. Do you ever think about other continents/regions like Europe, Latin America, Africa, middle east, south asia, central asia and south east asia? I am pretty confident the USA market could be easily replaced by these markets together. Why do you think Xi Jing Ping and his diplomats are having so much trips to regions he deemed necessary for the future of China on the long term? You think he likes to take vacations by going abroad and ignore the domestic affairs? ofcourse not! He made sure China has alternative than the USA whether its politic,economy or others. Cornering/shutting out China has never been a good idea, the chance is this kind of policy is going to back fire. I think AIIB has already been proven that USA by ignoring China's wish for more vote in World Bank, finally ended up like a clown. China always set her sight for long term ultimate gains and will never be satisfied with the shot terms crumbs. Other races never undertood what long terms means. For them a few years is too much to bear, unlike chinese who prepare to bear the discomforts for decades in order to gain the final benefits for future generation. Thats why we honoured and paid our respect to our ancestors for their sacrifice with Chinese New Year.

I somehow cant imagine USA would or can shut out chinese products out of the USA intern market, no matter how tough the USA politician or media try to display. How is USA going to feet their Walmart customers among others? Have you ever seen youtube video about the Black friday? It would cripple the USA society if those americans dont get their daily doses of MADE IN CHINA products. Not to mentioned of the retaliation China would shown with regard to USA heavily subsidized agricultural products.

You mentioned about Nippon need to survive10 years after the TPP? and then what? you think Nippon will sit idle and do nothing? Ever thought about clause in the agreement? If USA try to wreak havoc/ abuse Nippon's internal market based on some vague, unfair stipulation, Nippon could always drops the trade agreement and walks away. Nothing special about that. Every contract, provision and regulation always has a clause. Its always written in tiny words in Terms and Conditions. Trade agreement is always based on respect and equal partner. Ask yourself why its almost impossible to find USA or Europe products in Nippon's intern market? Its because Nippon always shield their intern market from outsiders and protect the local markets. In USA, there is hardly made in USA cars anymore, almost all cars are imported from east asia. General Motor even developed their cars in China and sell it in USA! Who leechs who now?

From now on until the realizing of Greater East Asia, there will still be fighting between China-Japan-korea-Vietnam for some kind of territoral disputes. I am realistic and aware of that. Personally i am more interested into the mechanism that enable the establishment of the Greater East Asia for the next generation. This generation is cooked. You cant change the structure of a cooked meal. If this Greater East Asia project is mere a dream, dont you think this concept would already been thrown out of the window by all relevant parties by now? The fact that Nihonjin opened the debate of this topic with source from the Yonsei annals, a South Korean source, means that both Nippon and Korea are open for the possibility of this kind of Union. This idea of Greater East Asia has already been pretty much floating in the last 2 a 3 decades of the 20th century and still survive until today.

When the European Union started as we known today, the ideals were very different than in the'50. It was first called European Coal and Steel Community. It was pure trade between West-europe states. Gradually it changes and added more (East) european countries and took more ambitious goals and tasks despite the many sabotage of USA , done by their inside agent, the UK. The EU is now practically a supranational state with many mechanism (like European court of justice, European board of commission and the Council of Europe) to support this mega institution.

The only way to make the union of Greater East Asia possible is by making the biggest hindrace, USA, gone from Asian theater, whether its possible or not, i really dont know. I let it over to the next generations of relevant countries whether they want to preserve the status quo or move on and create a institution like the EU.
try to find new market(s) ??? As u said"Talk is cheap, action speaks louder".

Dont forget EU is under US's control,too. EU just put a tariff on CN steel, and EU will put more tariff on CN products when US tell her to do that.

Btw: I think an NEAU wont happen in abt 10 year due to TPP. What is your opinion ?? When NEAU happen?? If more than 10 years, then its just a waste to talk abt it now.
try to find new market(s) ??? As u said"Talk is cheap, action speaks louder".

Dont forget EU is under US's control,too. EU just put a tariff on CN steel, and EU will put more tariff on CN products when US tell her to do that.

Btw: I think an NEAU wont happen in abt 10 year due to TPP. What is your opinion ?? When NEAU happen?? If more than 10 years, then its just a waste to talk abt it now.
Okay,u can keep using "spiritual victory" like Ah Q, then TPP gone. CN can keep using money manipulation trick to floor its products into US-EU market and become No 1 economy of the world.

Just keep dreaming, dude :cool:
@Nihonjin1051 I almost forgot to mention in my previous post here that your views on the Japanese foreign policy and Japan-US relations prompted me to alter my perception of Japan's foreign policy in the long run. I do hope that Tokyo, along with China and Korea, will play a constructive role in defusing, not exacerbating the conflicts in the Middle East.

I've got one question to you and @Lure as this is about Turkey. Since I have misgivings about Ankara's foreign policy and its stance towards the Kurds and given the fact that Turkey and Japan maintain cordial relations to each other, do you believe that Japan has some kind of leverage over Turkey? In the view of the facts that Japan is in the process of building both economic and political cooperation with Iran and that a rapprochement towards Russia is not ruled out in spite of anti-Russian sanctions in place, the Kuril Islands dispute and pressure on the side of Washington, this is an interesting question to my mind.

Japan understands the multipluripotency of inter-regional dialogue through multifaceted rapproachment processes that includes (and is not limited to) local government exchanges, academic level exchanges, cultural studies exechanges, inter-ministerial level exchanges, as well as direct security level dialogue. This is true in fact for Japan , as a case study basis, and how the country operates to better understand the ground realities in Syria, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran and the rest of the Gulf States. Due to cultural diversity in these countries and the limited cultural similarities Japan has with these nation states and region, Japan utilizes Israel, Turkey, and specifically Jordan as a conduit upon which Tokyo can have a religious-sensitivity understanding of human rights groups, educational groups as well as an understanding of the political climate in the SLSITIGSI (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Gulf States, Israel). Specifically this can refer to any political changes involving the different political parties in each individual country, new security exigencies i.e rebellion, insurgencies, border destabilization, human trafficking, population diversion et al.

Now in regards to your question about this unique inter/intra regional collaborative framework between Japan and Turkey, then yes, i would say that there is some kind of influence Japan has with Turkey. In fact for a particular example of how Japan and Turkey bridge cultural millieu is through agencies such as the 日本トルコ文化交流会 (Nihon Toruko Bunka Kouryuukai), which means "Japan Turkey Cultural Dialog Society". This organization is tasked with a unique and special purpose:

"Promote cultural exchange and dialog to strengthen bridges between Turkish and Japanese societies. Promote understanding and respect of both cultures through common and different values. Cultivate friendship through cooperation. Identify and propose solutions to common social problems. Organize activities in cases of disaster and crisis in both countries."
Organizations such as these are the kinds of conduit upon which our government agencies can have an over-arching influence in not only political lines, but through the grassroots level , which seems to be quite effective in dispensing and disseminating points through this part of the world. Incidentally we have to understand that countries in the Near East such as SLSITIGSI tend to value information spread through word of mouth, a trait of mostly Muslim dominated societies , which places special emphasis on person to person information sharing. Where there is special emphasis on grassroots level -effected change than on the trickle-down paradigm that more Confucian-based societies (such as Japan, China, Korea) are used to. Ultimately the theme of communication and understanding the different methods and efficacies of communication techniques as it applies to nation-state foreign policies (in context to the application of Japan, Korea and China) in the region.

In fact if you study how Japan operates, you will notice that both China and Korea also utilize the same methodology , by focusing on intergovernmental as well as inter-agencies to facilitate understanding and effecting grassroots-level dissemination. Specifically in regards to China, China (The People's Republic) actually utilizes the CPAFFC as the conduit to conduct thorough change. This stands for :The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC).

CPAFFC a national people’s organization engaged in people-to-people diplomacy of the People’s Republic of China. The aims of the Association are to enhance people’s friendship, further international cooperation, safeguard world peace and promote common development. On behalf of the Chinese people, it makes friends and deepens friendship in the international community and various countries around the world, lays and expands the social basis of friendly relations between China and other countries, and works for the cause of human progress and solidarity. It implements China’s independent foreign policy of peace, observing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, while carrying out all-directional, multi-level and broad-area people-to-people friendship work to serve the great cause of China’s peaceful development and reunification and contribute to the building of a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.
In regards to the issue of the Kurds , particularly their quest for an independent Kurdistan ---- this is an area that Japan (as well as Korea and China) will work with Turkey and the rest of the international community. This is, of course, a sensitive issue because Kurdish communities actually are base of operations where Japan, China, and Korea to disseminate relief aid, medical aid, as well as security aid in battling not only ISIS, but also in securing the vital Kurdish-controlled oil fields and gas depots in Northern Iraq, parts of Syria. I believe that Japan understands very well the unique relationship Kurds have with Turkey and also the longing in Kurdish communities to establish an independent and free Kurdistan, which actually if you analyze the regional map of the MIddle East actually encompasses large parts of present day Turkey, Iran Syria and Iraq:


So in the geopolitical and geosocial , geocultural paradigm of nation state operational dialectics, we have to understand that a radical creation of Kurdistan will disrupt regional balance and is actually antithetical to the national objectives of not only Turkey, but also Syria, Iraq and Iran. So considering that, we must understand that Japan will maintain a non-interventionalist role in this region by fomenting and directly supporting the genesis of a Kurdistan because that would in part jeapordize Japan's thorough and webbed relationships with the SLSITIGSI. Cooperation will remain of humanitarian role, as well as economic role, which has always been the backbone of Japan's progressive, developmentalist foreign policies around the globe. I believe that China and Korea will maintain this similar agenda, given the geopolitical realities on the ground.

Ultimately, this is a unique and amazing puzzle we (NEA) must understand and work with.


( By the way @Arryn , i sincerely apologize for my late reply to you and other members active in this thread -- i had been preoccupied with work and meetings. Thank you for your understanding, my dear friend.)


I learn a lots in this forum. Before I joined, I hated the Japanese government and afraid of the remilitarized Japan, but I now realize this normalization is indeed a push for Japan to be more independent. Not to mention, I had never thought about the union among the Chinese, Japanese and Korean, this really opens my eye and makes me reconsider our future path with them. I believe that if more people share the same view, which we East Asian can build an union as successful as other unions in the world, then East Asia will be more peaceful and forgiving. I know this will not be a easy task, but this is our final task before the fully revival of our East Asian nations.

This is ultimately the most basic , crucial aspect of any relationship , my friend. Dialogue. Continuous and productive dialogue is what builds and revitalizes any relationship. Japan , as a country that is bound to China to the hip , figuratively and historically speaking, needs to further develop stronger and bolder dialogue with China, as well as Korea. Despite Washington oppositions. Ultimately in any power equation, the weakest link will be eroded. An important take home point for you and others --- that even despite political differences between Beijing and Tokyo (in the current), still, both nations and peoples strive to have a better understanding of each other. There is a romantic symbolism of China in the minds of every Japanese (even the most diehard patriot) , the lure and the ideation of China. She is , to our psyche, is the origin, the beginner of our civilization. And ultimately it must be our duty to join with that...source, again.

We must remember and put to context our nation interaction on the millenial level. Japan and China are not "neocolonial" states that were created upon the ashes of the collapsed european imperial system. Japan and China are not inventions that were created after the 'White man's burden'. Japan and China have had relations for nearly 3 whole millenia. That is -- we are ANCIENT. And we must understand the unique nation specific model upon which we operate.

To these neocolonial states --- 50, 60 years may seem a long time (as it is how long they existed as a nation), but to Japan and China , 50 or 60 years is but a blink of an eye. Only a turn of a page in a chapter of ancient , continuous civilizations such as ours.

I can assure you he is not the only japanese i know who advocate for greater East Asian union. 2 years ago we had exchange student from the university of Osaka. She did research about the European Union. When she found out i was chinese, she talked to me about the possiblity of the Union of East Asian states, like the European Union. I would feel uncomfortable to talk this kind of topic with non east asian, but with her i could discuss the pros and cons of such union. Not to mention i had a japanese classmate who was wondering why there was no such thing as Union of the East Nation like the European Union.

What i wanted to say is that the concept of East Asian Union is not new. It lives among some east asian (scholars). The difference is that the discussion is not always public.

I'm glad that you were able to discuss with your friend from Osaka U. Yes, in fact, for many Japanese academics who do study abroad, a great many of those are fans of East Asian Integration, in fact. Many Japanese scholars who study abroad usually tend to do study abroad in China afterwards to get a better understanding of the political science in China. Tho if i am to draw from my experience in my sabbaticals in Hong Kong U, and Tsinghua U --- the Chinese academics that i had a pleasure to call my friend and co-learners -- tend to share similar thoughts on politics with me. In fact I would even credit some of my own views (that i now hold) to some of the things I learned actually in Tsinghua University. By the way --- Tsinghua University --- an amazing place to study in if you ever get the chance.

Scholastic relationship tends to transcend political differences. This is what we have to understand --- politic is usually semi-static for a particular time period, but will ultimately change according to new research and breakthroughs in cooperation. Academics in China , as in Japan, remain level headed and discourse on realistic and future events through publications, which in turn influence policy makers in government. So there is actually a relationship, albeit indirect, in how academics influence politic.....

All these countries share the unique confucius system, ancient history and tradition that still survive until today. This unique traits are what make East Asia special. Each of us grow up with these traits and proud of it,concious or unconciously. To tell non east asian about this features is useless. They cant nor would they understand it. Now imagine these 3 countries formed an Union of East Asia. Nothing would be impossible. Sky would be the limit, hmm by second consideration, i would say, universe would be the limit. I, personally would call this Union of East Asia as The Greater East Asia.

I agree with you my friend. If we also try to peel the layers of the Onion (referring to America here), we tend to see that in all the existential wars America was involved in (and led to her either utter humiliation or loss) , we notice that it has been East Asia.
  1. America was attacked by the Japanese Empire, and forced to fight (to the death, per se) against the Japanese Armed Forces. In fact the US Marines became a force due to the necessity to battle Japan's island defenders throughout the pacific -- the war between Japan and America was deeply racial and the US propaganda machine deeply showed the visceral hate towards Japan, which it had perceived as a tiny island country to dare attack America and put up such a stiff fight despite overwhelming odds.
  2. America's experience in the Korean War (which it had been forced to fight against the Chinese PLA) saw their troops being pushed back from Pyongyang to the 38th Parallel against the Chinese Human Wave Tenacity in that war (a larger version, albeit similar, to Japanese Banzai Charges that was common in the 2nd World War the Pacific). Again the theme of fanaticism.
  3. In Viet Nam, another East Asian entity state, was able to resist US bombardment, and forced a 500,000+ strong US Army presence in Viet Nam to abandon by 1974.

Compared to other nation states that America fought , it did not experience existential threat or such a thorough threat to its power projection as compared to East Asia. America fought Japan, Korea, China individually and at each time, had been stretched to their limit (domestic support at home collapsed, and their mobilization process was also called to question and required the logistical line to be protected). Now, can you imagine when Japan + Korea + China are together? Trust me, not even the full might of the US or any other supranational organizational entity can really challenge such a union. A unified Northeast Asia (Greater China, Japan, Unified Korea, +/- Viet Nam, Mongolia) would literally be the center of the world. Now imagine the Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road , the role of AIIB, ADB, SCO, --- it seems that it will be an East Asian dominated global order , not west.

I don't like immigrants from Africa or the West, it's not my biased opinion, I just don't like them. But if it's Koreans, Japanese or Vietnamese, I'm OK.

I agree with you in principle, and that just reflects the relative homogeneity of our societies. I don't want to sound racist or unpolitically correct, but I would not want Japan , Korea nor China suffer the kinds of demographic collapse that Europe is experiencing now. No, that cannot, that MUST never happen in China, Korea and Japan.

Japan and Korea unified, the problem is CAN Japan and Korea do that?

It seems that you probably are limited in your understanding in the ancient history and ancient political dialectics between East Asian civilizations. I can understand because you are an Indonesian and your access to deep Korean and Japanese histories is limited to what is western-sanctioned agenda history. But any Japanese and Korean college historian can agree that the framework to build upon was the relationship through the 新羅 ‎ model. In fact during the 7th century , the most dominant power in Korea at the time was the Kingdom of Shilla , which the Yamato civilization in Japan referred to as 'Shiragi'. Anyways, during this time there was immense , close relationship between Tang Dynasty China, Shilla-dominated Korea and Yamato Japan. Immense , productive relationship. In fact this would continue for almost another millennia.

Anyways, the idea of deep cooperation framework based on that Tang-Shilla-Yamato relationship is the goal. United, yet autonomous.

Take this as a historical lesson for you for the day. There is much more to Japan, China and Korea besides the "Imjin War" and "Sino Japan Wars". We are referring to a time frame of deep cooperation that is over 3,000 years. Kindly ponder on that ... reality. And the total breadth of our millennial relationship.
Okay,u can keep using "spiritual victory" like Ah Q, then TPP gone. CN can keep using money manipulation trick to floor its products into US-EU market and become No 1 economy of the world.

Just keep dreaming, dude :cool:
So called "spiritual victory" in your mouth has made us No 2 economy of the world.

You tell me who is dreaming .
So called "spiritual victory" in your mouth has made us No 2 economy of the world.

You tell me who is dreaming .
Many "No 2" die in US hands. No 2 Nazi, No 2 Soviet, No 2 Japan...all gone.. :cool:
NO 1 is used to be defeated . No one can keep its position forever .
We Chinese rose and we fell . And now we are rising again .
You Viets can not understand it on a large scale because you Viets never stood on the top.

Kyle, you really get it. Nations who have created and ruled empires have a much more long term perspective. Once you've been through one decline and risen again, it tends to create a new sense of perspective in a nation.

We've created several empires since the times of the Saka's and the Yuezhi...
Kyle, you really get it. Nations who have created and ruled empires have a much more long term perspective. Once you've been through one decline and risen again, it tends to create a new sense of perspective in a nation.

We've created several empires since the times of the Saka's and the Yuezhi...
I can not agree more .
Many "No 2" die in US hands. No 2 Nazi, No 2 Soviet, No 2 Japan...all gone.. :cool:


1, Germany is the largest economy in the European Union
2, Russia still is a preeminent power in Eastern Europe, and Eurasia
3, Japan is the 3rd largest economy in the world

You act and talk as if change in political philosophies espoused by government means civilization extinguishment.

You need to broaden your understanding instead of the uber simplistic and imbecilic.


ps. please get me some pho dac biet and i will like you again. ;)
NO 1 is used to be defeated . No one can keep its position forever .
We Chinese rose and we fell . And now we are rising again .
You Viets can not understand it on a large scale because you Viets never stood on the top
You Viets can not understand it on a large scale ??Oh, at least we predicted correctly the fall of RMB and explain it on DPF in Jan, 2015 when no Cnese could realize that.

And how can Cnese continue to raise when TPP will make your RMB fall to half in 2024 ??Ah , the only thing will raise in CN is the number of Jobless pple :laugh:
Japan is the [hidden] trump card both China and Japan r playing. When the time is ripe, Japan will reveal herself as the third leg of the tripod... such a trio union will shock the world... And, I predict in future adaptations of the above work, the trio of protagonists in the drama will be comprised of an actor from each country.

You will understand that deep Japanese psyche actually reviles the West. Japan adopts some concepts from the West, but we always apply it according to the Japanese context, and it never truly transforms Japanese society that the West thinks it is. Modern history shows that Japan , even after she industrialized, was always treated as 2nd citizen by Western peers. Politically speaking i refer to one major landmark decision that illustrates this western aversion of the threat of the 'Yellow Oriental' that they referred to Japan.

Read about the Washington Naval Treaty and their decision of a 5:5:3 with Japan being the 3. While it was indeed limiting her expansion ambitions, it was more so a matter of national face. The Japanese Navy, increasingly controlled by the militaristic Fleet Faction, felt deeply offended that Japan was not viewed as being equals with other world powers such as United States and Britain. The treaty limited Japan to 315,000 in total tonnage of naval strength when the US and Britain were each given a limit of 525,000. The reasons were that the US had to protect two extended coastlines, and Britain had colonial responsibilities world-wide. Japan refused such reasoning, and refused to be treated as a second-rate power.

Washington Naval Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anyways, despite this 'restriction', Japan did not abide by this stupid treaty. Which was actually a tool to minimize and restrict Japan , but not the Western powers.

In fact, Japan presented this refusal to abide by the Treaty:
You Viets can not understand it on a large scale ??Oh, at least we predicted correctly the fall of RMB and explain it on DPF in Jan, 2015 when no Cnese could realize that.

And how can Cnese continue to raise when TPP will make your RMB fall to half in 2024 ??Ah , the only thing will raise in CN is the number of Jobless pple :laugh:
I know. I know.
CN , JP , EU will decline and Viet will be No2 or even No1 .
Now you should shut up and start to work for this goal.

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