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Nicolas Sarkozy Defeated

^Dunno, but he wants an immediate French withdrawal from Afghanistan and less involvement with NATO. How does that factor in to Pakistani interests?

Any country withdrawing from Afghanistan is in our interests.
Hey guy use your little brain :
i said about Melenchon not Hollande, and yes it means to be much pro china to say this about Tibet in France where most people are sensitive to this subject and think China acts bad in Tibet
Hollande is not anti China or never expressed it as he never said to be pro china
the people who say "i am pro or anti".. they are stupid people: this guy is very smart: one top student of the best school of France (ena) and considered very early a talented politic personallity (from adviser to Mitterand to the chief of parti, to the 75% people of this department(territory) who voted for him)

The western folks were getting brainwashed about the subject on Tibet, most of them never knew Tibet's geographic position on the map.

Next time come to visit Tibet instead of just insisting the imaginary Tibetan genocide in their little brain, i mean why they are always praying the bad thing to happen to the Tibetans? :coffee:
What's Hollande's view on Pakistan? Has he expressed anything regarding French relations with Pakistan?
Indeed Hollande didn't have experience in international affairs. For now he only expressed about:
1/ troops will leave Afghanistan immediately
2/ using diplomacy
socialists are not as pro NATO than Sarkozy : they are more concerned for an independance of France, but i am not expert about this subject
Finally the clown stepped down.

When Chirac was in power, France was the most friendly European country to China. This clown likes to play God and poke into everyone's internal affairs. I still remember that after 2008's Tibet riot, he said something like: "If France doesn't take the matter over, who will?", LMAO, he still lived in colonial ages. Since then Sino-France relationship took a free fall. What else? Poking Turkey, meddling Lybia and the country is still in mess. Economically Euro Zone was in a mess.

It is good for both France and the world that he lost. Now will keep an eye on the new guy.
The western folks were getting brainwashed about the subject on Tibet, most of them never knew Tibet's geographic position on the map.

Next time come to visit Tibet instead of just insisting the imaginary Tibetan genocide in their little brain, i mean why they are always praying the bad thing to happen to the Tibetans? :coffee:

That wont change Tiger. they want Xizang to separate from China. They will twist the facts at whatever costs. idiotic indians have already had a piece and they want to join the party and have more!


so whether its Sarkozy or Hollande their policy on Xizang will not change. None of the foreign regime change will affect their policy on Xizang.



France next first lady: Valerie Trierweiler
France is a very hard country to do business in already any body knows what this guys policies are ?

do you know of a european socialist Government that was pro business? Expect more taxation to pay for social programs and less money available to businesses for investment and expansion.
That wont change Tiger. they want Xizang to separate from China. They will twist the facts at whatever costs. idiotic indians have already had a piece and they want to join the party and have more!


so whether its Sarkozy or Hollande their policy on Xizang will not change. None of the foreign regime change will affect their policy on Xizang.



France next first lady: Valerie Trierweiler

Well, the western elites do have the malicious intention, while the ordinary folks are just plain ignorant, that's why i won't bother to waste my breath anymore. :coffee:
Well France - India relations is bipartisan

But Sarkozy was a liability for France because he was catering too much to the loony fringe in France. The biggest blow was the conservative Centrist leader Francois Bayrou who was basically leaning right and a possible PM candidate under Sarkozy left him and backed Hollande using this issue among others to make his case

Don't fret over a new French president : Shashi Tharoor News - India Today
do you know of a european socialist Government that was pro business? Expect more taxation to pay for social programs and less money available to businesses for investment and expansion.
If i read comments in USA newspapers i can see how US people are totally ignorant about Europe
It is not to insult but it seems that just because there is the word "socialist" they believe they are communist
but it is far from communism

in Europe , partis of different countries in the parliament can be from a same "group": they sign an appartenance to this group of ideas. For exemple PS, parti socialiste, is in the same group than the "social democracy" or "labour parti" in UK
In history in France: the first communist experience was in Paris in 1871 where Paris people were the only ones to resist the German invasion and wanted to be leaded by themselves not by "bourgeois". they were bloody exterminated.
Then it was only communism but in the beg of XX century there were differences between them... for exemple who in France would blame Jaures, considered as an hero, to be an extremist?
in 1920 they decide to divide: communist who believe in revolution and socialist who believe in reform
socialist are elected in France in the same period the Nazi take the power in Germany: first paid hollidays ...
then it is general De Gaulle himself, being conservative, who is giving to france many social reforms that could have been done by socialists... someone said De Gaulle was communist???
in 1981 socialists needed the communists to come to power and they made a strong social/communist program.. until a year later they found out it was impossible and disaster so they stop it . they were making a social liberal policy.
Then socialist always been social liberal.

What are strong difference with Sarkozy:
1/ priorité for education
2/ for the richest people, more taxe: not more tax on companies but for rich people
3/ france should come back to production and Europe should invest in production , but more important the main idea: Europe should care about growth not about austerity programs
My self i didn't believe totally in their program (i prefer the US tax system) but they are not "communist" for sure

Investment business?
Well this is sadly nothing to do with any parti for this problem:
1/ france is still "old fashionned": working too much with "relations" and it is hard for a new one to get contracts
2/ banks are the main reason of problems here: they don't invest in companies like in USA:
they don't want to take any risk ! they land money if you already have this money !
3/ cost of work is expensive but productivity is very good: still they start to look at the german model to improve it

ah by the way PS wants to do many policies of USA: monetization (problem of central bank), policy for growth not for austerity
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