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Nicolas Sarkozy Defeated


dude you know that your president is standing 2-3 steps up the stairs??




A dwarf is always a dwarf.Everybody knows Sarkozy got Short Man syndrome aka Napoleon complex

Napoleon complex is an informal term describing an alleged type of inferiority complex which is said to affect some people, especially men, who are short in stature.

Just because he said that Tibet is part of China, how does this mean he is pro-China?

Even the GOP verbally admits that Tibet is part of China everytime, does this mean they are also pro-China according to your funny little logic? :coffee:
Hey guy use your little brain :
i said about Melenchon not Hollande, and yes it means to be much pro china to say this about Tibet in France where most people are sensitive to this subject and think China acts bad in Tibet
Hollande is not anti China or never expressed it as he never said to be pro china
the people who say "i am pro or anti".. they are stupid people: this guy is very smart: one top student of the best school of France (ena) and considered very early a talented politic personallity (from adviser to Mitterand to the chief of parti, to the 75% people of this department(territory) who voted for him)
Good ridance, Hope to see Franco-Turko Relationship to improve rapidly with this New President.

nah, don't expect that.

these socialists also said something in the lines of what mr. midget said

but they will not make the "genocide" law the same as midget man wanted.

other than that, i am happy i'll never ever see that ugly ****** first lady of France again. how ugly that women is, nothing but fake and botox all over her face.
If you think this woman is beautiful:


I got no word....
the pictures were taken after she was giving birth and she had some medical treatment then
by the way she was a model so she is not as ugly as you say
What's Hollande's view on Pakistan? Has he expressed anything regarding French relations with Pakistan?
^Dunno, but he wants an immediate French withdrawal from Afghanistan and less involvement with NATO. How does that factor in to Pakistani interests?

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