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New world order , FATF and India

bhai can you told me how mogadeshu is better then islamabad ? for laws banking and economy controls ? :P
Yes you have a point.

Maybe the reason is that Mogadishu or some other banana countries may not be able to do much in terms of routing the money since they are too small. Even if they do, the quantum is so small that it has not much of a bearing.

While Pakistan can and to a quantum that has attracted the penalty. After all OBL and many more such specimens were found in Pakistan. They uplifted the Pakistan’s stature in negative sense.
dear srinavas just count how many countries pakistani forces are doing peacekeeping duties where govs already collapsed ?. none of them in gray list . do you think congo/ Sierra Leone /afghanistan /liberia /burundi /somalia / Côte d'Ivoire /sudan have better economy management then pakistan ?where there is no even functional gov ? :lol:this FATF shit is just political BS nothing more . india france USA are master of this plan .

Hum to khud hi pareshan hai tum logo se.
So why blame India? What is your iron friend China doing there in FATF?
China is very selfish country, it is using pakistsn for own benefits .
Hum to khud hi pareshan hai tum logo se.

China is very selfish country, it is using pakistsn for own benefits .
acha to hum konsa khush hai tumhary sath border laga ker ? beta hamara border antarctic se hota to acha tha india se na hota
Yes you have a point.

Maybe the reason is that Mogadishu or some other banana countries may not be able to do much in terms of routing the money since they are too small. Even if they do, the quantum is so small that it has not much of a bearing.

While Pakistan can and to a quantum that has attracted the penalty. After all OBL and many more such specimens were found in Pakistan. They uplifted the Pakistan’s stature in negative sense.
this is how LAW works ? so if pakistna want to get out of list it should be same as libya somalia afghanistan congo sir ? this is how international LAW works ? well in this case pakistan should not follow FATF as its blackmailing not law . me a pakistani i can see how hard it is now to even deposit money in our banks transfer or even take it out of pakistan . they ask 1 million questions before doing any of this .
You should clean up your own house

I will give you this -
It is high time Europeans stopped admitting poorly educated third world immigrants

everything you said about the terrorists being found in Pakistan is correct. I also agree with you that uneducated, smelly and hair immigrants come to west and forcefully make love to white people and smell of curries steal jobs and homes of the white folks. but this was not the subject here but for the sake of argument I will say that,

Rumsfield and Dick Chaney alone beat all the terrorists (you listed) in terms of their warmongering and murdering the innocent civilians and bringing terror to the world with insatiable thirst for blood of third world population as well as American soliders.

these are not the words of the people of the third world that suffered their illegal wars but these are the words from people of the west including the army veterans

and then its ISIS, that has been brought into Afghanistan by CIA after its usefulness was exhausted in middle east. want to know who says that? former president of Afghanistan an American ally who still appears on American news channels. if thats not enough the Afghans and American military in Afghanistan blame CIA in facilitating poppy trade in Afghanistan.

There is special place in Hell for Rumsfiled, is a comment by a former US Marine.

since you already denied that Iraqis are complaining about American invasion based on false pretext so I don't know if it will help to link videos and stories to support what I wrote above.
me a pakistani i can see how hard it is now to even deposit money in our banks transfer or even take it out of pakistan . they ask 1 million questions before doing any of this .
Janaab, this is because of increased scrutiny. Had Pakistan followed better standards and practices laid down by FATF it wouldn’t have come to this. Once Pakistan implements non-money laundering policies in letter and spirit, I am sure things would ease off.
You can say small pain for bigger gains in the longer run.

well in this case pakistan should not follow FATF as its blackmailing not law .

Once Pkiatsn was grey listed and came under increased security it is bound to cause some pain. Once it has got into grey list, getting out is unlikely to be easy. It has no one but itself to blame for this fiasco.
If showing two fingers to FATF was that easy then Pakistan would have done it already. Economic strength in these times of a connected world can’t be achieved by showing two fingers.

There is only one solution - Work hard and implement the anti-money laundering policies in letter and spirit.
Janaab, this is because of increased scrutiny. Had Pakistan followed better standards and practices laid down by FATF it wouldn’t have come to this. Once Pakistan implements non-money laundering policies in letter and spirit, I am sure things would ease off.
You can say small pain for bigger gains in the longer run.

Once Pkiatsn was grey listed and came under increased security it is bound to cause some pain. Once it has got into grey list, getting out is unlikely to be easy. It has no one but itself to blame for this fiasco.
If showing two fingers to FATF was that easy then Pakistan would have done it already. Economic strength in these times of a connected world can’t be achieved by showing two fingers.

There is only one solution - Work hard and implement the anti-money laundering policies in letter and spirit.
your point of view is totally based on india media . pakistan is paying the price of global BS dirty game here nothing else . 0.0000 else .

greatest risk of money laundering are in 2021

  1. Mozambique (8.22 risk score)
  2. Laso (8.21)
  3. Myanmar (7.93)
  4. Afghanistan (7.76)
  5. Liberia (7.35)
  6. Haiti (7.34)
  7. Kenya (7.33)
  8. Vietnam (7.30)
  9. Benin (7.27)
  10. Sierra Leone (7.20)
If Pakistan economy is 1000 Billion than we can put uk in grey list bcz of money laundering n protect terroist there(Altaf kanjar) it’s simple political forum
dear srinavas just count how many countries pakistani forces are doing peacekeeping duties where govs already collapsed ?. none of them in gray list . do you think congo/ Sierra Leone /afghanistan /liberia /burundi /somalia / Côte d'Ivoire /sudan have better economy management then pakistan ?where there is no even functional gov ? :lol:this FATF shit is just political BS nothing more . india france USA are master of this plan .

Politics is the main motivation, as per NATO they might be putting pressure to achieve their objectives in Afghanistan. Pakistan as a country always supported Jihadis for its own strategic objectives.
dear srinavas just count how many countries pakistani forces are doing peacekeeping duties where govs already collapsed ?. none of them in gray list . do you think congo/ Sierra Leone /afghanistan /liberia /burundi /somalia / Côte d'Ivoire /sudan have better economy management then pakistan ?where there is no even functional gov ? :lol:this FATF shit is just political BS nothing more . india france USA are master of this plan .

FATF is a grouping of world's largest economies. It is not a grouping for insignificant nobodies

In what way has the FATF gray list impacted the Pakistani economy ?

35 of the 39 FATF members think Pakistan has issues. It is not just USA or India.
Pakistan education system is producing useless idiots for the most part.
The comments on this thread are proof of that, sadly!
This policy of the past
What policy?
FATF is a grouping of world's largest economies.
Which translate to world's largest interest groups. This is not some impartial court. Keep that in mind. It is also true that China and Russia have not sufficiently gone out of their way to cover Pakistan simply because it goes against their interests.
The real cause behind this is two fold. The success of Islamists in rendering political causes as Islam versus the kaffir and India's success in consolidating that by saying "my enemy is your enemy". There was a time when we had -

  • Palestinian freedom movement
  • Chechyan freedom movement
  • Uighur freedom movement
  • Kashmir freedom movement
  • etc

today they all have been conflated as Islamic jihad against West, America, Russia, India, China. The result is New World Order. Only the staunchly Kurds have managed to retain their movement as a nationialist and actually enjoys some sympathy in the West. But the Kurds have assidiously avoided linking with any Islamist or global jihadi or any anti Western group.
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