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Neverforget84.com - Sikhs want own stat.

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Whatever. Khalistan Zindabad.

Punjabis are not the same race as Indians. :woot:

So you say Punjabis are not Indian.....Can you tell me more about Pakistani race and punjabi race
Punjabis are entirely different from the dravidians to the East and South. True story. :coffee:

And therefore they are also different from Baluchs, Pashtuns and urdu speaking mohajirs :lol:
ANd therefore they should separate from Pakistan. :woot:
No If brahmins member don't wan'na like it then its ok but why are you stoping member of other castes to post their opinions on that page? You might be the sensitive guy .

What's caste got to do with Khalistan propaganda ? High on a Friday night , are you ?

And oh, I am a Hindu Brahmin : self-assumption again , right ? All Indians are Hindus - All Hindus are Brahmins !

The Khalistan pipe dream is over and out. Finished. Neutralized. Liquidated.

People in India today ( that include Punjabis as well ) have far higher priorities and better dreams than this ...
And therefore they are also different from Baluchs, Pashtuns and urdu speaking mohajirs :lol:
ANd therefore they should separate from Pakistan. :woot:

Actually they are similar. :wave:


The Punjabi people share common genetics with various neighboring populations. The primary groups are the Pashtuns to the north-west and west, Kashmiris to the north and northeast and Sindhis to the south and southwest.[24]
In terms of ancestry, the majority of Punjabis share many similar genes with other northern Indian populations, but also show a significant relationship with west Eurasian groups. In a 2004 Stanford study conducted with a wide sampling from India, including 112 Punjabis, and selected other countries, displayed the following:
Results show that Indian tribal and caste populations derive largely from the same genetic heritage of Pleistocene southern and western Asians and have received limited gene flow from external regions since the Holocene.[25]
This study also found that roughly 52% of genetic markers in the Pakistan Punjab were of West Asian origin, the highest amongst the sampled group of South Asians.[dubious – discuss][citation needed] Another study also showed that there has been limited gene flow in and out of north India, but the highest amount of genetic inflow from the west showed up in the Punjab region:
Broadly, the average proportion of mtDNAs from West Eurasia among Indian caste populations is 17% (Table 2). In the northern States of India their share is greater, reaching over 30% in Kashmir and Gujarat, nearly 43% in Indian Punjab.[26][27]
Some preliminary conclusions from these varying tests support a largely north Indian genetic base for most Punjabis accompanied by some of the highest degrees of west Asian admixture found in north India and Punjab Pakistan.
Im all for the formation of a separate Punjabi State from Pakistan. I think Pakistani punjabis deserve that.
My wishes for u.
Balochistan is not going anywhere. I'm sipping on a chill juice. All is good here. :D
you were sipping chill juice when east pakistan became Bangladesh
Im all for the formation of a separate Punjabi State from Pakistan. I think Pakistani punjabis deserve that.
My wishes for u.

But you've been proven wrong. Look at my post above yours, post #69.
Actually they are similar. :wave:

But I still think Punjabi province of Pakistan should separate itself from the rest of the Pakistan. My best wishes for our Pakistani Punjabi brothers.

stop feeding pakistanis..they have nothing to loose .......oh sorry..every thing to loose but we dont:lol:
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